At this moment, he is extremely glad that the tanker truck is now filled with gasoline instead of diesel.

Previously, he went out to collect fuel, and in addition to a lot of gasoline, there was a lot of diesel, so he replaced the gasoline in the bus and some motor vehicles with diesel, and then filled the tanker truck with gasoline.

The reason for this is that gasoline is more widely used on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is to prevent the current situation from happening.

Diesel has a low ignition point and cannot be ignited by flame alone, but gasoline is different, as long as there is a little spark, it can turn into a sea of fire!

The movement of the corpses became bigger and bigger, and the two large vehicles could not stop it, and they began to be pushed more and more gradually, and the gaps in the iron door became more and more, and the bolts fixed on both sides began to loosen and crack.

The soldiers had already withdrawn from the bus, and Shen Bai turned on a lighter and threw it on the ground soaked with gasoline.


The moment the lighter touched the ground, the fiery red flames immediately rose!

Gasoline flowed out through the crack in the door, causing the flames to burn to the zombies outside!

Shen Bai took two steps back, and the bus and fuel tanker truck would be buried in the sea of fire with the corpses, as for how many zombies Shen Bai could burn in this fire, it was not clear.

Retreating to the base warehouse, Shen Bai stood on the second floor, and through the window he vaguely saw the zombies struggling in the flames below.

After the transformation of the base, not only did there be an underground base, but even the warehouse was simply renovated.

The interior of the warehouse has been enlarged a bit, the first floor of the entire building is completely covered with various types of machinery of unknown significance, and the second floor has a command room about 100 square meters in size.

Even the gate of the warehouse is no longer the original big iron gate, but an alloy gate, even if it is a T2 zombie, it will be in vain.

Not only the gate, but also the surrounding walls have been reinforced a lot, although Shen Bai doesn't know what kind of material it is, but it is absolutely solid.

At this moment, Zhao Nina was very nervous sitting in the command room, looking at the electronic screens around her that she couldn't understand at all.

Seeing Shen Bai coming in, she hurriedly stood up and stepped forward, "How is it?"

"It's fine. Shen Bai shook his head, "Don't worry, although there are many zombies, they can't be attacked." "

That's right. Ida Wang also said on the side: "The door of the warehouse is made of super strong alloy, and it is fifty centimeters thick! Even the armor-piercing shells of a tank cannot penetrate it in one shot, and with the flesh and blood of zombies, you will not want to enter it for ten years." "

They can't get in, but we can't get out either...... Zhao Nina said with a frown.

"It's even more of a concern. Shen Bai smiled and brought out the set of rhetoric that he had already thought of.

"Before the corpse attack, we have contacted our comrades from the other troops, they are coming this way, and they will soon be able to give us fire support, even if they don't arrive on time, you don't forget that we have a car and fuel, and we can drive out of here without any problems when the time comes.

"Other comrades?" Zhao Nina looked at Shen Bai in surprise, this is the end of the world, there is no signal on the mobile phone all year round, he can still contact other people?

"Okay, it's getting late, there's a rest room next door, you can go there and rest first. Sending

Zhao Nina to the next lounge, Shen Bai felt a little regretful in his heart.

Zhao Nina is still wearing that beige dress, and the fluttering skirt looks really charming, but unfortunately he can't enjoy it for the time being.

It was originally such a romantic atmosphere today, but it was disturbed by a group of zombies, which is really annoying!

The fire outside can last for more than ten minutes, and when the fire is extinguished and the corpses rush into the base, it will be time for him to go crazy!

Thinking of this, Shen Bai used up the remaining more than sixty summoning cards in one go.

At this moment, spatial fluctuations appeared in several corners of the entire warehouse at the same time, and a group of soldiers wearing black combat uniforms appeared one after another.

Then it moved into various combat positions under the command of Ida Wang.


On the other side, the flames soared into the sky, almost reflecting the distant horizon in red.

Boss Jiang, who was sitting in a car from afar and watching this scene at the base, was a little unhappy.

"I didn't expect them to store gasoline, and my tanker truck was filled with diesel.

"Will this fire burn all the corpses?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"Probably not, although this fire is very large, it has no tendency to further expand, obviously their gasoline reserves have been used on it, and the number of corpses is far more than this!" Boss Jiang said firmly: "Moreover, since just now, the gunshots have not sounded again, and it seems that their ammunition is almost running out." Before he

could finish speaking, a thunderclap suddenly sounded in the sky.


Boss Jiang, who heard the thunder, smiled very happily.

"It seems that the heavens are beautiful, and it is going to rain. "

Nanxi City is located in the south, and it is very common to have rain in the summer.

However, after the outbreak of the virus, there was no rain for many days, and this rain was the first rain after the end of the world, and it happened at such a time!

Shen Bai looked at the rain that was falling soon with some speechlessness.

"It's a coincidence. The

rain was not heavy, but it was enough to contain the burning flames, and the flames burning on many zombies were quickly extinguished by the rain, and at the same time, the outer gate was finally overwhelmed and was directly pushed down by the corpses.

In the blink of an eye, the base has become a paradise infested with zombies.

But at this moment, all the people in the base have been evacuated to the base warehouse, with the only exception being the four decoys in another warehouse.

Although they were the victims of Boss Jiang's conspiracy, it was impossible for Shen Bai to bring them into the base warehouse as well, he just ordered the soldiers to lock the door of the warehouse, and whether they could avoid the corpses or not depended on their own creation.

Obviously, they weren't very lucky.

As soon as the hordes of corpses burst into the base, dozens of them burst into the locked warehouse doors.

There were too many wounds on those four people, the smell of blood was very strong, and the senses of the zombies at night were more sensitive, and they immediately judged the location of the prey.

Although the door of the warehouse is very strong, it definitely can't withstand the impact of so many zombies for a long time.

Soon, the deadbolt of the warehouse door was broken, and the zombies swarmed in, and several terrible screams rang out, and soon it became silent.

The zombies rushed into the base, but Shen Bai and the others who were hiding in the base warehouse were very safe, just like Ida Wang said, the high-strength alloy gate used in the base warehouse to resist tank shelling was something that the zombies could not destroy at all, and even the zombies could not find Shen Bai and the others hiding inside.

As the minutes ticked by, the entire base seemed to fall silent.

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