After arriving at the Eaton industrial area, you can see soldiers wearing the uniforms of the Imperial Capital Army everywhere.

They passed by Xu Mu back and forth in a hurry.

The equipment worn on the body is also better than that of the Ghent Guard.

It's just that everyone has a worried look on their faces.

Although, hundreds of years ago, his ancestors joined forces to fight against the apostle Bakar.

But that is the history of the past, and now another new apostle has landed here, and they are a group of people who face history directly.

What's more, for a creature with terrifying power like an apostle.

Even if it just landed in the energy industrial zone of the heaven, it has almost suppressed the heaven to the point of paralysis.

Not to mention that once angry, the title of Flame Apostle may burn the entire heaven.

Low morale is also normal.

Holding the highest passport in the heavens, Xu Mu was led by soldiers to the operation headquarters of the Imperial Capital Army.

The old man with a white beard, a straight face with Chinese characters, and a military uniform covered with medals of honor came out to greet Xu Mu in person.

"Hi, I'm Jackett, and I'm currently appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Anton Annihilation War. I have heard the name of the warrior. I am very grateful that you can go here to help us!" Introduced.

Earlier, he had heard some news about Xu Mu from the imperial capital through the radio.

He respected this young man who was able to resist Callett's attack with his own strength, and who was able to contribute to the success of the night attack.

After Xu Mu boasted briefly, he went straight to the point.

"Colonel Jackett, what is the current deployment of Antoun?"

Mentioning this, the faint smile on Jackett's face disappeared, his brows were tightly frowned, and his eyes were serious: "Judging from the speed of Antuen's power devouring, the attack is imminent, but..."

He hesitated for a moment, and then confirmed that the soldiers guarding the door could not hear the conversation.

Then he lowered his voice and said to Xu Mu: "The odds of winning are very slim."

While speaking, he casually unfolded a blue technological light screen.

Soon, Antun's structural simulation map appeared in front of Xu Mu.

"This is the mechanical simulation diagram that Melvin drew for us before. By sending drones for reconnaissance, we have completed the composition of this combat plan. We have always believed that the only way to break this giant is to attack it from its body." Start from the inside."

"Unfortunately, given our current state of energy shortage, we can only transport a combat team of up to 20 people at a time to the interior of Antuen for the demolition of various areas."

This is one of the reasons why Jackett thinks the odds are slim.

Facing such a huge monster, even the ultimate giant is an island just behind it.

There are only 20 people in the area, and I am afraid that they may not be able to surround a tooth of An Tuen with their arms open. No one is as big as Antoon with one tooth.

It is undoubtedly a dream to break through Antuen based on this alone.

"But Warrior, I can give you a detailed explanation of Antuen's attack plan, and see if you have a better countermeasure." Jack Tet paused, and stretched out his finger to click on the light screen several times in the air.

Soon, Antuen's simulated composition began to become blurred, and a dotted composition like a 3D model appeared on the screen, simulating Antuen into a virtual modeling.

"The attack on Antuen is divided into six steps. First of all, our combat opportunity will send you here..." Jack pointed to the screen: "After entering through Antuen's nose, you will arrive at [Black Fog] Source] area. Of course, this is just a naming of our battle plan, because there is a large amount of poisonous black mist that is discharged through Antuen's respiratory tract."

"The action must be fast. After being swallowed by the black mist, it will paralyze your nerves and cut off your consciousness in a very short period of time."

"After entering the source of the black mist, you will meet a more difficult elite operator, the Devourer."

"Unfortunately, in the current simulated combat, we have not found a way to break through it. And it is only the weakest link in the six steps to attack Antuen. After that, you still need to..."

Jack explained to Xu Mu in detail, "Once the attack begins, the route that needs to be taken"

These things belong to the top military secrets in Jackett's eyes.

But in Xu Mu's eyes, it was a customs clearance process that he was too familiar with.

In simple terms, six steps are.

Break through the defense line of the source of the black mist: Defeat the Devourer → Defeat Nebel.

Entering the [Trembling Earth] area, it was actually Anton's leg.

After defeating the two green-named elite monsters guarding here, you can deploy extra-large blasting explosives with celestial characteristics on Antuen's leg joints.

After clearing the tremor four times, blow off Antoon's leg and make him unable to move.

Then take this opportunity to enter the [Optimus Pillar] area, which is Anton's nerve center.

After defeating the lord guarding here, cut off the Optimus Pillar.

It means that Antoin is completely incapacitated and completely paralyzed! And the defense power is also reduced to a minimum!

After so many series of foreshadowing steps, human beings finally have a slight chance to shake the apostles.

So far, the first phase of the tough battle has come to an end.

Then Jacket will send a fleet to bring out the adventurers in it, and then go to the final passage to Antuen's heart - the [Black Volcano] area!

That is to say, go directly into the crater on Antuen's back that is constantly surging and overflowing with magma!

Start the second phase of the attack strategy.

Compared with the first stage, the second stage is simpler in terms of process.

Two teams are required to work together.

A team stayed in Antuen's body and dismantled the energy supply device of the heart.

Only after this layer of device is broken, the volcano behind Antuen will stop ejecting magma, become peaceful, and allow traffic.

Otherwise, there is no way for adventurers to enter directly from the crater where magma flows continuously.

After the energy blocking battle is completed, the next thing is much simpler.

The crater is wide open.

Go up the mountain and suppress the bandits!

Get through the [Black Volcano] area, and then you can come to the final destination, the [Anton's Heart] area. After smashing the huge bright red beating heart in one fell swoop, you can completely end this. The apostle who cannot be defeated.

"Generally speaking, the second phase of the attack is to press the energy, go up the volcano, and break the heart." Xu Mu summed it up simply.

Although Xu Mu already knew about this thing, but Ren Jiekete explained so much to himself beside him, he had to give some response to make him feel that he understood.

Sure enough, after Xu Mu finished speaking, Jacket looked in awe.

"As expected of a warrior who can unilaterally annihilate Kalet, his comprehension ability is really extraordinary! My subordinates, it took me a lot of effort to make them understand the battle plan."

After a pause, Jackett said again: "However, although the process of attacking difficulties in the second stage seems relatively simple, it is the most difficult."

"Our special forces have sneaked in once before and brought out a valuable message."

"There is another life in Antun's body, the Tartan race!"

Immediately afterwards, Jackett gave Xu Muke a detailed introduction to the companion race of Tartan.

However, the information that Xu Mu learned by himself was much more comprehensive and detailed than what Jackett said.

To put it simply, the race of Tartan and the Odin tribe to which Antun belonged once lived together on the same planet.

The low-level Tartan tribe regards the giants of the Odin tribe as gods.

And some high-level Tartans discovered Antun's secret. On the surface, they pretended to worship Antun like other low-level Tartans, but in fact, through long parasitism and assimilation by Antun's energy, Became a symbiont connected with Antun's life, and controlled Antun's thoughts in reverse. "Teja" seems to be Anton's brain-like existence.

In other words, the current Tartan and Antuen are no longer in a simple companionship.

It can even be regarded as a community of destiny.

Antuen absorbs huge energies and provides them with a part of their power.

And they are small and precise, and they plan their future development in an orderly manner in Antuen's body (where to swallow energy)

This group of fellows who got part of the power of the apostles broke through the sky with such strength.

Just a group of fighting elites up to level 85 in the heavens, not to mention entering the black volcano area, even those low-level Tartans in the entrance area of ​​the first stage [source of black mist] can't beat them, and even lost a lot The elite are among them.

That's why Jackett commissioned Melvin to develop a simulation device for Anton's attack.

I intend to know myself and the enemy, and only after I have thoroughly figured out the method of attacking the fortifications can I dare to order to officially start the attack.

"So, the current Antuni... No, what is the highest record of the current simulation device?" Xu Mu asked.

He has little interest in single Antoine.

But I am very interested in the rewards given by this simulated attack.

"To be honest..." Jackett said with some embarrassment: "At present, my subordinates have not even cleared the [Source of Black Mist] area on the simulation difficulty."

"Is that so..." Xu Mu pondered for a moment, and slowly put forward his long-standing idea: "Can I also try Antuen's simulated attack?"

"Of course!" Jackett was shocked when he heard this!

To be honest, we have a route to attack, but we don't have all the relevant information about the strategy. These super powerful Tartans who have absorbed part of the power of the apostles, if they can't figure out their offensive, they won't be able to win at all.

Therefore, Jackett was worried that Xu Mu would not come, and he was not afraid of him messing around at all.

After some proficient operation simulation battles, Jackett set the difficulty to the lowest level of 01.

"Warrior, you can try to overcome the difficulty from level 01 first."

"Of course, every time you conquer the progress will be recorded, which is equivalent to providing us with a lot of valuable combat experience, so every time you break through a certain progress, I will give you a generous reward on behalf of the heavens!"

"These materials are precious materials obtained from Antuen's body by our imperial army during frequent battles with Antuen during this period. It contains a huge amount of energy. If it is forged into equipment, it may be able to treat a warrior like you It's like a tiger with wings."

While speaking, a reward panel pop-up window also popped out in front of Xu Mu.

Browse the rewards a little bit.

All the equipment of the gluttony series can be exchanged, and the starting point is the epic equipment of level 85.

In addition to this, there is a series of enchanted cards.

The upgrade blueprint for the glutton.

Of course, the most precious one is Antuen's weapon series - the ancient dust series!

As the top-level equipment in the current dungeon, the weapons of the Desolate Ancient Dust series focus on being unpretentious and powerful.

The most noble technical attack area can be increased by 35%!

And the attached special entry, after being filled with magic energy, can release the weapon skill of [Seventh Apostle: Anton the Flame Devourer].

Lasts for 20 seconds, and during this period, an additional 20% technical attack is increased.

You know, Xu Mu's current total of all the holy relic sets on the whole body, the blessing of technical attack does not exceed 20%

And this weapon alone can increase the peak skill attack by 55%.

You can see its strength.

"Okay, let me in." Xu Mu said lightly.

"Good warrior, pay attention to safety. If you feel any discomfort, immediately cut off the simulation process and return to the real world." Jackett told him one last time, and then grabbed a large amount of dark red cloth from the military bag beside him. Oddly shaped stones full of thorns and particles.

Xu Mu glanced over and immediately recognized the stone.

Isn't this the Mosha stone that was produced in large quantities in the holy land of moving bricks before?

In the original game, it is also used as a ticket to open Antuen's attack.

Unexpectedly, in today's dungeon world, it is still used as a charging prop to start Anton's simulation.

I saw Jacket throwing a magic brake stone into the energy delivery port of a precision instrument on the side, and directed Xu Mu to stand in a circle of light.

Immediately, he pulled down the lever violently.

"Warrior, I wish you good luck, I will observe your heroic fighting posture from the outside world at any time!"


As soon as Jackett's words fell, Xu Mu felt that his thoughts were pulled away into another dimension.

All in front of the eyes are white lights flickering.

A few seconds later, a notification sounded.

【Your current location is: Source of Black Mist】

【You are trying to attack Antuen - simulation form】

[Please note that the level of monsters in this area is as high as 100, and has a very strong apostle breath bonus, and all attributes have been greatly improved! 】

[Please note that any damage you receive in the current environment is equivalent to other regional mechanisms of the dungeon, and you will not be resurrected after death, please fight carefully! 】

"It seems that although I have entered another layer of virtual world in Jackett's eyes, to me as a player, this place is still a dungeon, it's just a different map, and all the punishment mechanisms that should be will be preserved.”

"Be cautious about attacking."

Xu Mu stood there for a moment, carefully recalling Antuen's strategy.

Only then did he hold the level 75 sacred sword in his hand, and locked his eyes on a group of monsters that looked like black mist condensed in front of him.

The attack has officially begun!

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