I saw a small head emerging from the grass, tilting its head and looking at Zhang Yuelu curiously.

Then the little guy actually ran to Zhang Yuelu, and his mouth made a whining sound.

No matter how you hear it, it feels like this little guy is calling her mother, so Zhang Yuelu looked at this little guy curiously.

It was dirty and devastating, and the little creature had a small head, four legs on the ground, a pointed beak like a bird, 17 plate-like bones on its back, and long spines at the tip of its tail. And the front legs are shorter than the hind legs, so no matter how you look at it, you don't think it's very smart.

This kind of dinosaur Zhang Yuelu also knows, it is a stegosaurus, but Zhang Yuelu doesn't understand why this stegosaurus treats himself as a mother, is it lost? Even if you get lost, you can't be so confused, the two of us look obviously different.

In fact, Zhang Yuelu can't blame this little stegosaurus for being too confused, it's really the stegosaurus is the stupidest dinosaur in prehistoric times, and it's stupid because of its particularly small head.

The brain of an adult stegosaurus is slightly larger than the brain of a cat, about twice the brain of a cat, and not as big as a golf ball, which is about 1 tael or more, less than 2 taels.

Then you may be more curious, cats are very smart, stegosaurus brains are twice as big as cats, why are they still stupid?

Can you imagine that a brain of less than 2 taels commands a body that is 9 meters long and weighs 1-2 tons. Think about it, such a big brain, eating, walking is enough for it to control, and it may not be able to command.

Therefore, the stegosaurus is all a little confused, and the stegosaurus in front of him is more than a meter high, no wonder Zhang Yuelu couldn't see it just now.

Looking at such a small stegosaurus, Zhang Yuelu was embarrassed to eat it, so she didn't plan to care about it.

But I didn't expect that Zhang Yuelu took a step, and Xiao Jianlong followed suit.

Zhang Yuelu ran a few steps forward, and the little stegosaurus let out a whining cry from his mouth and followed behind, and he fell down after running a few steps.

Seeing the little stegosaurus like this, Zhang Yuelu was embarrassed to get rid of the little stegosaurus like this, and it was estimated that after he left, it wouldn't be long before the little stegosaurus would become a meal for other carnivorous dinosaurs.

With this little follower, Zhang Yuelu strolled on the grassland, feeling that the grassland was a little strange, obviously there were no dinosaurs in such a large grassland.

Unlike the forest, where there are always insects and birds, there are many scavenging pterosaurs in the grasslands.

After walking a few steps, a few scavenging pterosaurs flew up from the grass, and all kinds of signs made Zhang Yuelu feel a little strange.

The little stegosaurus was not affected by anything, and stopped to eat a few mouthfuls of grass after walking a few steps.

Just when Zhang Yuelu felt that he couldn't see the dinosaurs, a loud cry suddenly came from in the distance.

The sharp and loud birdsong-like cries came from far and near, and I saw five green dinosaurs running towards Zhang Yuelu.

These five dinosaurs don't look big, they are more than three meters long, and they weigh two or three hundred pounds, and their heads are a little like swollen-headed dragons, thick and round, and they also walk upright on their legs.

The scientific name of this dinosaur is Ceratosaurus, which is a herbivorous dinosaur, and its usual personality is very timid, but today I don't know how to run over and surround Zhang Yuelu.

looking at himself surrounded by five apical horns, Zhang Yuelu was a little curious, looking at the teeth of these dinosaurs, it was obviously not a carnivorous dinosaur, it should be a vegetarian dinosaur.

Why are the vegetarian dinosaurs on the grassland so brave?

I saw a crested ceratosaurus slamming its head into Zhang Yuelu like a sharp arrow with just a flick on the ground.

This is the first time that Zhang Yuelu has been actively attacked by a vegetarian dinosaur, but fortunately, the speed of the apical horn is not fast, and this time Zhang Yuelu was easily dodged.

Without waiting for Zhang Yuelu to launch a counterattack, several other apical horned dragons also began to jump up and hit Zhang Yuelu with their heads.

Although Zhang Yuelu had tried his best to dodge, he was still hit by a crested dragon.

Fortunately, although the name of the apical horned dragon has horns, it does not have horns, which only makes Zhang Yuelu feel some pain.

The little stegosaurus was lying in the grass when the apical horned dragon ran over, so frightened that he didn't dare to move.

Zhang Yuelu was really enraged by these vegetarian dinosaurs at this time, and the spider-legged spear was aimed at a apical horned dragon and threw it out, and at the same time, he also pounced on a apical horned dragon.

Under Zhang Yuelu's strange power, the spider-legged spear easily penetrated the body of a crest-horned dragon.

At the same time, the apical horned dragon that was pounced on by Zhang Yuelu was also bitten off by Zhang Yuelu, and the other apical horned dragons that were ready to support were also left with several scars on their bodies by Zhang Yuelu's sharp claws.

Under normal circumstances, the crested ceratops should have run away long ago, but at this time, the crested ceratops not only did not run, but instead stared at the blood-red eyes and prepared to launch the next attack.

The two companions who had just died, as if they hadn't seen it, were still frantically banging their heads against Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu, who was on guard, turned the attack of the apical horned dragon into a joke in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Yuelu's dexterity and agility were not comparable to those of the Cresthorn Dragon, and his powerful hind legs made the Crested Horn Dragon fly back upside down at a faster speed.

At the same time, the sharp hind legs cut the flesh and blood on the three apical horns, and the three apical horns rolled on the ground three times before stopping.

However, in the end, only one of the crests was back on its feet, and the other two were too badly injured to get up.

But even the crested dragon that stood up was shocked to see the wound on its chest.

Zhang Yuelu didn't understand, what was wrong with the vegetarian dinosaur on the grassland, the apical horned dragon in front of him couldn't help but tremble his body when he was already in pain, and he even rushed towards him.

However, this time, the apical horned dragon that rushed over was directly cut in the throat by Zhang Yuelu with his front paws, and then fell to the ground.

Although Zhang Yuelu solved the battle very easily, she was still extremely shocked in her heart.

Such a small vegetarian dinosaur on the grassland is like this, how terrifying are the carnivorous dinosaurs? But Zhang Yuelu is more inclined to something that must have happened on the grassland that he doesn't know, otherwise how could the vegetarian dinosaurs take the initiative to attack the carnivorous dinosaurs? Since he couldn't

figure it out, Zhang Yuelu decided not to, anyway, he wanted to stay on the grassland

for a while, no matter what happened, he would definitely be able to figure it out.

Taking back the spider-legged spear, Zhang Yuelu began to feast on the corpses of the apertial horned dragon, although they were not very large, but they were enough to eat.

The little stegosaurus heard the roar of the dinosaurs around him before he dared to slowly get up from the grass and see his mother eating something.

The little stegosaurus also ran over, bit a piece of the meat of the apexeraloperans and put it in its mouth, spit it out after a few bites, turned around and silently ate the grass.

Zhang Yuelu looked at the appearance of the little stegosaurus and felt that this stupid little follower was quite interesting.

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