In the next few days, Zhang Yuelu came to the trap to kill the emperor crocodile, and found that the emperor crocodiles were no longer fooled at all, Zhang Yuelu exhausted all kinds of methods, and these emperor crocodiles were too lazy to look at him.

In fact, what Zhang Yuelu didn't know was that because he had killed a lot of emperor crocodiles, the emperor crocodiles in the river no longer had to grab food, the food was enough, and when the emperor crocodile was full once, it didn't need to eat again for many days.

Zhang Yuelu didn't dare to jump into the river to fight the emperor crocodile, otherwise the emperor crocodile would let him be a dragon again in minutes.

Since he couldn't hunt the emperor crocodile for the time being, Zhang Yuelu decided to compete with other carnivorous dinosaurs while exercising, and put other things aside first.

In this way, Zhang Yuelu began to train day and night again, but Zhang Yuelu could no longer control his body from growing, in just three months, Zhang Yuelu's length has reached 10 meters, and the hind legs are even thicker and scary, and even the sickle-shaped toe claws on the hind legs are also sharp and scary.

The bite force has increased a lot, and the front paws are more full of power, and even the tail makes Zhang Yuelu train like a hammer.

But is this the limit? Zhang Yuelu didn't feel it, it felt as if he could grow again.

Zhang Yuelu was a little curious, could it be because he had mutated from practicing qigong?

In fact, this is not the case, even if it is a real paleontologist, it is impossible to make an accurate conclusion about the creature dinosaurs, otherwise they would not define some dinosaurs that can only grow to 13-15 meters, and then dig out that this species is still 22 meters huge.

Just like humans, the height of ordinary people is only 1.71.8 meters, but there are still a few people who can reach a height of more than 2 meters.

However, what made Zhang Yuelu even more unhappy was that he couldn't find any good opponents in the forest recently, and since the last time he fought with the carnivorous bull dragon, he has never met any opponents.

This is not because Zhang Yuelu has become more powerful, but that real large carnivorous dinosaurs will not play with a carnivorous dinosaur of the same size as themselves as a last resort, and they are generally willing to hunt relatively safe herbivorous dinosaurs.

This also led to the fact that whenever Zhang Yuelu met an opponent who felt good, the other party turned around and left, even if Zhang Yuelu made a provocative cry, the other party ignored it at all.

So every time Zhang Yuelu goes hunting in the forest, he will just bite a carnivorous dinosaur to death casually and bring it back, otherwise Zhang Yuelu, as the leader, will feel that he will be very faceless to go back empty-handed.

The sun rises and sets, and for Zhang Yuelu, who lives in the world of dinosaurs, time seems to have little meaning.

In the blink of an eye, even the children of the little six and seven have grown to about 2 meters, and the other 6 little ones have also found a partner, and there are more female velociraptors who want to be with Zhang Yuelu, but Zhang Yuelu really can't pass the level in his heart.

After all, in his heart, he still thinks of himself as a human being.

In this way, more than a year has passed, and there has never been a crocodile attacking a velociraptor in the waterhole in the cave, which also made Zhang Yuelu gradually forget about the emperor crocodile.

Zhang Yuelu, who had been training all day long and had been spinning around in the forest, felt that he was about to go crazy, and considered whether he needed to find something exciting to do.

Like the last time he hunted a beef bull dragon, Zhang Yuelu really wanted to experience that feeling of life and death again.

It's a pity that the last time I met the Tyrannosaurus Rex I didn't do it myself, otherwise the size of the Tyrannosaurus Rex would definitely allow me to find this feeling.

Since he couldn't find an opponent now, Zhang Yuelu imagined the Tyrannosaurus Rex as an imaginary enemy, and walked out of the cave to start the simulation.

One moment to pounce, another moment to swing the bone knife to slash, either turn around to dodge, or assault, limbs and even tail and teeth, every part of the body, Zhang Yuelu used all the strength of his body to pounce forward, every time he unreservedly sped up, like crazy began to toss himself.

At first, there were still a lot of velociraptors watching, but gradually there were fewer and fewer velociraptors watching, because they couldn't figure out what their leader was doing.

In this way, Zhang Yuelu trained for more than half a month.

However, Zhang Yuelu recently discovered that Xiao San and Xiao Qi began to drive out those adult velociraptors without necklaces, and they have been controlling the number of the group to more than 200 adult velociraptors and more than 200 juvenile velociraptors.

In fact, Zhang Yuelu understood that Xiao San and Xiao Qi wanted to let those adult velociraptors who were driven away go out to establish their own clan, or find new ones to join, their clan could not have too many velociraptors, otherwise they would not be able to survive in this forest for a long time.

Zhang Yuelu didn't think there was anything wrong, as long as it wasn't one of the eight small ones that was taken away, it didn't matter if the others were gone.

Since the crazy training, Zhang Yuelu felt that the cells in his body seemed to be very active, and even Zhang Yuelu was curious, he could actually feel the cells

in his body, is this the benefit of qigong? When practicing qigong in the hot springs, Zhang Yuelu sometimes felt that the bones in his body made a thunderclap-like sound, but when he saw the other velociraptors in the cave not looking at him at all, Zhang Yuelu felt as if this had not happened at all.

However, Zhang Yuelu did feel that his strength and speed must have increased a lot, and he didn't need to feel his body size at all, and he knew at a glance at the hot springs that he was close to twice the length of other velociraptors.

In Zhang Yuelu's group, except for the eight small ones, there are no other velociraptors who dare to look at Zhang Yuelu, and the sense of oppression of the body size is too strong.

On this day, Zhang Yuelu felt that he had to find an opponent to try, and he couldn't always wander around the camp.

So Zhang Yuelu made a decision to take a look at it from a distance, just like last time, just because he had walked far enough, he encountered a carnivorous bull dragon.

Thinking of this, he jumped up and rushed out of the hot spring.

Ah Er and Xiao Wu immediately ran over to offer Zhang Yuelu big fish and dinosaur meat, thinking that Zhang Yuelu wanted to eat.

Zhang Yuelu looked at Xiao Wu and couldn't help but think of Ah Yi, usually he and Ah Er come together to deliver food.

Zhang Yuelu gently patted Xiao Wu's head, didn't eat the food they brought over, and picked up the bone knife on the side and walked out of the cave.

This time, Zhang Yuelu casually looked for a direction, and began to run forward without looking back.

I kept telling myself in my heart that if I didn't meet a powerful opponent this time, I would never hunt a carnivorous dinosaur casually like before and come back.

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