I Want To Be a Rich Man on Hong Kong Island

Chapter 511 [Sony’s Development Direction]

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Seeing the decadent Bushnell, Serena, Bushnell's wife, suddenly felt the bleakness of life;

It turned out that in order to develop arcade games, Bushnell not only used up all the family savings, but also borrowed a lot of money;

Importantly, he also quit his job at Ampex;

Of course, all these can still be borne by the family, after all, money can be made again if there is no more money;

However, at this time, Bushnell was devastated, staying at home every day in a daze, or playing with a bunch of machine parts;

So who will support this family!

"Bushnell, if you don't find a job like this, my daughters and I will leave you, because we can't bear this hopeless life!"

Bushnell was startled, and looked up at his wife Serena in disbelief;

"No! I still have hope, as long as I study another arcade game, it will definitely make this family better! Serena, do you know? Sony's arcade game consoles have sold 3,000 units, sold out $3.6 million, and I'm just a few months away!"

"That's enough! Bushnell, although I believe you can succeed, my daughter and I will not be able to go hungry until then! You should find a job first, and then use the rest time to pursue your dreams !"

After listening to his wife's words, Bushnell finally came to his senses when he looked at his three-year-old eldest daughter and the younger daughter still in Serena's arms;

The family goes on with the money!

Bushnell nodded and said to his wife, "I'm sorry! I'll find a job soon!"

Serena smiled, and her dissatisfaction with her husband disappeared. Of course, she believed that her husband could succeed, but the cruelty in front of her made her choose to drive her husband out of the house to earn a salary to support her two daughters and herself.

At this time, the two of them suddenly heard someone knocking on the door, tidied up a bit, and knocked on the door!

"It's you guys!" Bushnell opened the door, and when he saw the person coming, his complexion suddenly turned bad!

turn out to be,

The person at the door is the unforgettable face of Bushnell, Seiichi Sato, the head of the American branch of Sony Arcade Division.

"Mr. Bushnell, can we come in and sit down?" Sato Kiyoichi said kindly, completely different from his attitude towards Bushnell at the beginning.

"Come in!" Serena, who was holding the child, said first, and she could see that the people at the door were not malicious.

After sitting down, Sato Seiichi looked at this not-so-rich family, thinking in his heart, this family may be lucky now!

"That's Mr. Bushnell, whether you admit defeat or not, our Sony can be said to have defeated you openly! Of course, I am not here to show off, but to invite you to join us!"

"I won't join your company!" Bushnell responded fiercely and quickly, leaving his wife Serena's next words and actions hanging in the air.

Seiichi Sato felt confident at this time, because the family was really not rich and couldn't refuse Sony;

The important thing is that he has not negotiated the conditions yet, and Bushnell is also angry for a while;

Of course, Sato Seiichi wouldn't be like this if he hadn't been assigned by the superior to complete this task.

"Mr. Bushnell, your wife seems to have a different opinion! By the way, I forgot to tell you that Sony is willing to hire you as a project engineer with a salary of $2,000 per month (the average American is less than $500 per month), this The salary is much higher than that of engineers outside, of course you are worth the salary.”

Bushnell was stunned. His last engineer salary was only 800 US dollars, and now Sony actually offered a sky-high price of 2,000 US dollars!

"What is my specific job?" After a long time, Bushnell finally lowered his proud head.

"First of all, you need to let your partner join us, and then you join a project team; the specific content will be kept secret for the time being, anyway, it is the work of developing arcade machines."

"I promise!"

"Then you should report as soon as possible! Time is money, and arcade video games are only in their infancy, and you need to get into work as soon as possible."

"Well, at most three days, we can join the job!"


San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley.

Wu Guangyao came to Lenovo Group's industrial park to inspect the work.

The entire Lenovo Group Industrial Park covers an area of ​​about 15 acres. Although it is not large, this is not the R\u0026D headquarters of Lenovo Group, but a branch.

"Welcome President to Lenovo Silicon Valley Industrial Park!" Akio Morita was already standing by the car door when Wu Guangyao got off the car.

"Haha, President Shengtian has worked hard!" Wu Guangyao said with satisfaction.

After some humility, Wu Guangyao, Morita Akio, and the executives here came to the meeting room.

In the meeting room, Wu Guangyao once again set the development direction for Sony:

First, the Walkman must hurry up and strive to start full sales in the first half of next year!

Second, the development of arcade machines should be carried out in a timely manner, and the research and development should be carried out towards the principles of excellent picture quality, rich images, bright colors, and rich entertainment.

Third, the console project of video games should be carried out simultaneously with arcade machines.

Fourth, other Sony products should also be paid attention to. For example, original products such as tape recorders, video cameras, and record players must also be developed towards a more advanced state.

Fifth, the entertainment business cannot be relaxed. The film industry and record industry are important components of Sony Entertainment, and they must intensify their development.

What Wu Guangyao said was very general, but everyone listened intently;

Although what Wu Guangyao said is not very professional, everyone knows that many product ideas of Lenovo Group come from this boss;

Therefore, people naturally don't care whether the boss knows technology. As long as the boss's strategy is right, Lenovo Group can achieve great success.

"President, do you mean that arcade games should be played on a color TV?" Akio Morita asked.

Wu Guangyao nodded. Although the current arcade games are only black and white, and only have a few small squares, it only takes a few years to achieve color and graphic effects.

Therefore, Sony must quickly seize the opportunity!

"You're going to turn the "Pong" arcade game into a home motherboard right away, which is considered a small improvement!" Wu Guangyao reminded.

"That's right, if "Pong" is turned into a home board, it means that we have the complete technology of TV games, and the rest is to develop the game's entertainment, color, etc., so that we can dominate the game industry! "Akio Morita said confidently.

Wu Guangyao nodded, thought for a while and said: "Let the team that is suing us to make "Pong" a mainboard. Of course, Japan also needs to conduct simultaneous research. Both sides must compete and cooperate! The company's research and development expenses must be paid enough. , attach importance to this project, and must complete it within one to two years, the sooner it is completed, the higher the bonus will be given!"

"Yes, President!" All the managers said in unison.

Akio Morita added: "The arcade project team is currently developing new games in addition to developing hardware facilities!"

Wu Guangyao reminded: "Hardware is the most important thing. As for the game itself, because the hardware can't keep up with it, there is no need to put too much energy into it; of course, the more we boldly underestimate the IQ of Americans, the more popular the games we develop will be." Welcome, follow the simple and easy-to-operate game development!"

Everyone did not doubt Wu Guangyao's words, because the arcade machine "Pong" is quite simple, but in this era of lack of entertainment, it is very popular to buy!

In fact, the reason why Wu Guangyao said this is also because the current hardware is not up to the mark, so the focus is on overcoming the hardware, and the secondary thing is the game itself;

Moreover, I have the outlines of games such as "Pac-Man", "Little Bee", "Tank War" and "Mario", so the company can invest less in this area.

In the previous life, in 1978, the arcade machine was truly developed. A Japanese company launched "Cosmic Invaders", and the arcade machine entered a new stage.

In this life, Sony has accumulated a large technical reserve in arcades, and I believe that in three or four years, arcades will be able to develop further!

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