I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 39 Start Again

At the banquet, Harold curiously chatted with the dwarves and elves.

The dwarf was very bold: "After drinking this glass of wine, we are brothers."

Then the dwarf brother said: "If you are a brother, let's have another drink!"

Harold: "."

The elves were more restrained and drank fruit wine. Harold chatted with a handsome elf who was sunny and cheerful.

Most of the elves like to live a peaceful and peaceful life, staying in the elf forest and not coming out. These elves are curious about the outside world.

This time they knew that the Elder Elteran was out, so they followed him. In their opinion, life in the Elven Forest was really boring.

I don't know why, but the elves are very friendly to Harold. After chatting, the elves even took Harold to dance a few elf dances. Even Marcus, who is extremely charming, didn't get this kind of treatment.

The grand banquet lasted from the afternoon to midnight, and everyone dispersed to rest and cultivate their spirits for tomorrow's land reclamation journey.

Harold was no longer "busy" in the rare night, but just fell asleep peacefully with Shihoru and Hill in his arms.

Before leaving the next day, Harold said goodbye to Shihoru and Hill: "Wait for me, I will come back to pick you up in a short time, and you will be the lord's wife by then!"

After speaking, Harold kissed Shihoru's stomach and face, and he left two [Lukanir Rangers] and seven [Lukanir Infantry] to serve and protect them.

This time, there are a lot of land reclamation soldiers, and the nobles can no longer act at will like before, and must accept the alliance's arrangement to fight.

The dwarves' own troops form an army by themselves, and the battle plan is determined according to tactics.

The elves can shoot arrows from a distance. There are less than 100 people in total and they are all young elves.

Harold set off with Marcus with only ten knight attendants, and Marcus did his best to bring all the soldiers with him.

Here we must explain the affiliation of this era. Harold is loyal to Marcus, and Harold's knights are loyal to Harold, but Harold's knights are not obliged to be loyal to Marcus.

To put it simply, the vassals of your vassals are not your vassals. Marcus has no right to command Harold's knights, and Marcus will try to avoid commanding his knights through Harold.

Marcus assigns Harold to do any tasks, no matter whether Harold does it by himself or arranges for his subordinates to do it, as long as the result is good, Marcus will not interfere in the process.

Harold was awarded a Warcraft horse and a full-body plate armor made by dwarves. Even Harold was able to fight on the horse with average riding skills.

In the past, if he was wielding a big sword on a horse, with his great strength, maybe the horse would be overwhelmed by the force of the sword.

This Warcraft horse was not given to him, it would be taken back after the battle, and redistributed to the nobles according to their performance, and then the nobles would keep it for themselves or distribute it to the knights depending on the situation.

After all, the price of this Warcraft horse is almost as high as a village!

Harold's war horse uses wind magic, which is not an attack type, but an auxiliary one, which can reduce air resistance and increase movement speed. It is considered the best warcraft war horse. Marcus used his power to specially pick it for Harold.

The centaurs in the east are not completely mindless beasts. After driving off the first wave of invasion by the alliance, they sent scouts to scout and follow them.

Nearly 100,000 people of land reclamation troops were discovered as soon as they crossed the wilderness, and the centaur scouts scattered and fled back to report intelligence.

It's no surprise that the land reclamation coalition forces were originally planning to confront each other head-on, and it doesn't matter if they are not discovered.

However, the location of the decisive battle must be chosen. If the entire cavalry of the centaur fights on too flat terrain, it will be courting death.

The alliance found a place with some uneven terrain but not too rough, and began to build fortifications. According to their deduction, there is a high probability that the wild and arrogant centaurs will take the initiative to attack them.

"Just waiting for them to attack is too passive, let's do something to force them to attack!"

Marcus proposed to massacre the small peripheral tribes to anger the centaur. As the overlord of this land for thousands of years, the centaur would definitely kill them angrily whenever they were bullied like this.

"Let's go, Harold, let those centaurs see how powerful we are!"

Of course, Marcus had to set an example in his proposal, leading Harlot and other knights to form a small cavalry team to attack those small tribe centaurs.

Many other nobles followed suit and started hunting centaurs. The territorial struggle between different races was so cruel.

The Thunder tribe was gathering strength, mobilizing other small and medium-sized tribes in their territory, and was preparing to defeat the coalition forces in one go, but they didn't care about it at first.

As a result, not only the small tribe suffered heavy casualties, but many members of their own tribe who went out to hunt were also killed by the coalition forces. In a hurry, they formed several elite teams to attack the enemy.

Marcus and Harold were stopped by a squad.

There are a total of more than 40 opponents, and the leader is very strong, and can also use extraordinary abilities similar to [War Trampling].

The centaur boss released it as soon as he met Harold and the others. Fortunately, the power and scope of his move were far inferior to the legendary centaur. Harold and the others were all cavalry, so the impact was not too great.

But the ensuing battle was very disgusting, and the centaur was also very cunning. Realizing that Marcus and his party were strong in combat, they did not charge up to fight recklessly, but shot arrows from a distance.

This is really disgusting, except for the few people riding the monster horses, no one else can catch up with the centaur, and they may not be able to beat the centaur if they catch up. No one knows the strength of the leading centaur!

Another reason why the orcs lost to the centaur was found. The number of cavalry and long-range shooters in the orc army was very small, and there was really nothing to be done by the centaur.

Marcus's fireball didn't have a long range, so he had to flee with Harold and others in a panic. Fortunately, their armor was of high quality, while the centaur's bows and arrows were of average quality. Although many people were injured by arrows, no one was killed. .

"It can't go on like this, people can hold on to horses, but they can't hold on!" Baldhead said anxiously.

Marcus also had some headaches. These centaurs shot horses when they saw that their bows and arrows couldn't hit people. Warcraft horses were not afraid of heavy armor, but ordinary war horses couldn't.

In order to adapt to the expedition, the horses that the soldiers rode were all medium-sized horses that were easy to feed and had excellent endurance. This kind of horse had limited strength, and people in heavy armor would have no spare time to put on vests.

The horses of several soldiers were hit by arrows and they couldn't hold on for long. Harold looked at the anxious bald head and the undecided Marcus, gritted his teeth and suggested:

"Fight it, I'll take the lead! My Warcraft horse can easily catch up with the centaur after releasing [Wind Shield], I'll be fine, you take this opportunity to organize soldiers to follow!"

Marcus didn't pay any more attention, nodded and said: "If you can't do it, withdraw, don't be brave!"

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