A week later.

in a coffee shop.

On a table.

A caramel latte.

A cup of Americano iced coffee.

Qi Qi ordered the cup of caramel.

And Shen Yufei is sugar-free American-style iced coffee.

At this moment, the two are sitting on two sofas at opposite ends of the table, having a private meeting.

"Mr. Qi Ji. "

Shen Yufei raised her head, organized her words, and said.

"The last conversation made me feel like a week had passed, but I still remember it vividly!"

"It touched me a lot. "

"So, I specially invited you out this time, and I hope you can ...... Join us!".

When she spoke, Shen Yufei's expression was still a little excited.

There is some appreciation, expectation.


Qi Qi frowned when he heard this.

He thought that at the last invited meeting, he had politely rejected the "scientific boundary", or rather, the Earth Three-Body Organization, ETO.

But I didn't think ......

Maybe it's still a little more subtle?

As a result, the other party didn't understand it at all

Qi Ji pondered the reason for this.

Probably because he's just talking about conjecture.

And no real evidence is given.

All sorts of things about the Ultra civilization.

They were not shown to see.

He just said that when dealing with a new alien civilization, you should pay attention to discerning his intentions.

Do not believe blindly.

So much so that it may lead to the destruction of your own homeland!

However, in the eyes of Shen Yufei and others, they may not think so at all.

Maybe this suggestion sounds a little too idealistic to them?

Probably quite the opposite.

Only ETO is a down-to-earth practitioner

After all, the Trisomy is the only alien civilization they have ever connected with.

Because of the huge disparity in strength between Blue Star and the Three-Body Problem, they quickly made a choice, or rather, there was no turning back?

Of course, it is not excluded that there are simply anti-human beings and misanthropic beings in the organization.

For example, the leader who was so disappointed by the destruction of the environment by humans, Evans?

So, judging from Shen Yufei's expression now, could they be wrong about what they meant?

Qi Ji thought for a moment and looked up at Shen Yufei.

"Hehe, Mr. Qiji, you may not know enough about us. "

Shen Yufei looked at Qi Ji's expression, sensed something, and continued to persuade.

"You guys?".

Qi Ji's eyes narrowed slightly.

After that, it was restored.

His expression also became leisurely.

"I probably know about it, you 'scientific boundary' organizations, elites from all walks of life, right?"

Qi Ji raised his eyes and looked at Shen Yufei as usual.

"Well, and that's only part of it, but now that you know, you know that our organization still has a lot of influence. "

"In addition, I would be interested in recommending you to be our core member, and the core member ......".

"No need. "

Qi Qi pursed his lips and directly interrupted Shen Yufei's words.

Shen Yufei looked a little stunned.

It seems that he didn't expect Qi Ji to refuse so decisively.

"Well, isn't Mr. Qi really interested?".

"Originally, we planned to recruit Yang Dong or Wang Miao, but now that we look at it, it seems that you are more important to us, so I hope Mr. Qi will think about it again. "

As soon as Shen Yufei's words came out, Qi Qi's expression still did not change.

"By the way, there are some things you should have heard. "

"About ......


"Are you going to talk about the recent spate of suicides by scientists?".

Qi Ji took a sip of coffee.

"That's right. "

"Do you know why?".

"Actually, it has something to do with you, after all, it seems that these scientists who committed suicide participated in your invitation before they died?"

Qi Ji's question made Shen Yufei pause.

She smiled and said, "If you want to ask if we hurt them, it's not easy to answer, and you don't have to be afraid of that." "

"We're not an organization that's just thinking about 'killing scientists.' "

"And as you should have seen, they weren't our hands, they were their own choices. "

"We just put the reality in front of them. "

"And, as they showed, the greatness of the Lord!"

Shen Yufei said in a somewhat arrogant tone.

Presumably a self-proclaimed messenger of the Lord.

"Lord. "

Qi Qi muttered softly.

Then nodded noncommittally.

He understood what Shen Yufei meant.

Just like shattering Yang Dong's belief before.

Their "scientific boundary" organization shows various "miracles" through the wisdom of the three-body man to tell these scientists.

Science, it doesn't work.

Only by throwing yourself into the arms of the three-body problem.

There may be a future to speak of.

From the point of view of the organization of "scientific boundaries", it makes sense.

But in Qi Ji's opinion, this kind of thing is very ridiculous.


"What are you kidding?".

Qi Ji's eyes gradually became solemn.

Even, there is a hint of disdain.

"I probably understand what you're up to behind your back. "

"But I advise you to be honest. "

"Play some tricks and be proud. "

"But there will be a day when it will be punctured!".

"It's really ...... to be a lackey of a second-level civilization to cheer and cheer."

"I want to laugh and feel a little pitiful at the same time!".

Qi Ji said as he spoke, and the corners of his mouth showed a slight hint of sarcasm.

Shen Yufei's face instantly became very ugly when she heard this.

As a well-known scholar and a core member of the Three-Body Organization of the Earth, she has very large resources at her disposal.

It's much stronger than it seems.

Moreover, she is supported by the three-body civilization that is like a god.

She didn't know how Qi Ji dared to speak to the "Lord" behind her in such a tone!


"Do you know what you're talking about?!".

"I think you don't know the greatness of the Lord at all before you dare to speak wildly!"

"If only you could witness the miracles of the Lord!"

"You will know that these words of yours ...... now."

"What's wrong with these words of mine now?".

Qi Ji interrupted Shen Yufei's words again.

"Hehe, no matter what you do. "

"What means to use. "

"I'm going to stick to what I'm saying. "

Shen Yufei was very angry.

It's just outrageous.

But then it seems to have subsided again.

Restored to his demeanor.

It seems that it is not worth it to be angry with Qi Ji.

And Qi Ji, the reason why he will slander the Lord is simply because his vision is too narrow.

It's because I haven't seen the power of the Lord.

"You, in a week's time, go to the Capital Planetarium and go to see the astronomical telescope, and I will let you see ......".

Shen Yufei said coldly.

"Hehe, you mean to say, see the universe shining for me?!".

Qi Xi directly interrupted her, "No, no, no, you're wrong, the shine you plan to let me see is not a shine at all." "

He looked at the [Flash Tiga] on the system interface and smiled slightly: "I will tell you, what is the real light!".

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