【Ding.】 Complete the initial quest and receive system rewards. 】

[Main Quest: Get special rewards by counting the top ten giants of the M78 Nebula to the world].

[Initial Reward: Special Flash (Level 3 Civilization Standard)].

[Description: You can use a huge flash of light to cover the sky, and you will be shocked to see the existence of a low-level civilization with this kind of flash for the first time!].

[Additional Reward: Shining Ring Shield (Level 3 Civilization Standard)].

[Description: Derived from Shining Tiga, a golden light shield that wraps the whole body, an invincible defense skill, and can bounce off all attacks.] After this skill is released, the user's whole body will be glowing with a strong golden light for a certain period of time. 】

Qi Ji looked at the system screen in front of him and was very surprised.

According to the description, the two reward items seem to be the standard of a third-level civilization.

That is to say, after it is opened, the existence of the first-level and second-level civilizations cannot be broken.

It can perfectly resist the presence of the Trisolaran.

Of course, it is currently limited to your own personal use.

As an astronomer specializing in the third type of contact, Qi Ji naturally knows that the current cosmic civilization is divided into seven levels.

First-level civilization: can make full use of the resources of the planet, and can break through the atmosphere, realize the primary star navigation, basically grasp the laws of physics of the universe and the chemical elements in the galaxy, and initially realize the nuclear aggregation ability for the development of energy.

And it can basically cure diseases known to humans.

Blue Star is currently at level 0.7 civilization for the time being.

Because Blue Star's spacecraft can break through the atmosphere and make high use of the planet's resources, but it does not have the ability to master nuclear fusion.

In addition, there is a certain deficiency in the cure of human diseases.

On the whole, it is not yet possible to reach the level of first-class civilization.

Level 2 Civilization: Also known as the "Stellar Civilization", it has mastered the energy of stars and has the ability to explore outer space. Footprint civilizations are found in the star systems to which they belong. For example, the "Dyson sphere" was developed.

Like the three-body civilization, which is a second-level civilization, they still need spaceships to cross the galaxy, and they can only send Zhizi to come close to the speed of light.

The main dilemma of the Trisolarans is that there are three stars outside of their planet.

Under the gravitational attraction of the three stars, the trajectory of the planet is almost difficult to measure, and there are infinite kinds of trajectories, and in some epochs, prolonged proximity to the star causes the surface to be dried up, resulting in a very bad state of life on the planet.

That's why they want to find a new home.

In addition, it's not that the Trisolarans don't have the ability to blow up stars, it's that they don't have the ability to deal with high-energy plasma attacks. It is not excluded that if they know the law of the "dark forest", they are worried that once they destroy a star, they will immediately broadcast their coordinates. Hit by other civilizations.

All in all, they have not been able to solve the three-body problem, and they have not gotten rid of the shackles of the stars.

So their civilization level is 1.5. Compared to the Ultra civilization, which starts at level 3 and can even surpass level 7 at the highest, it is naturally nothing.

Level 3 Civilization: A galactic civilization capable of navigating with curvature (to achieve faster-than-light speed). You can travel freely in a galaxy like the Milky Way. At this distance, it starts at a million light years, so even if you fly at the speed of light, it is still not enough to see.

And the Ultra civilization is 3 million light-years away from Earth.

Ultraman flies at a speed of only a few Machs, but can reach it quickly when it reaches more than a dozen Machs, just because they have mastered wormhole traversal, teleportation, etc.

Ultraman's Land of Light was also faced with the problem that the star had exploded, and with the ability of their third-level civilization, they created an artificial star by themselves.

Moreover, the body of the Trisolarans is still in a physical state, while the Ultraman of the Ultra Civilization is similar to the existence of a pure energy information lifeform.

Therefore, there is a big gap in terms of dealing with the dilemma and life forms.

Level 4 Civilization: Beyond the galaxy, it can accurately locate or communicate with individual galaxies. The concept of "dimensionality reduction strike" was also formed at this stage.

The Singer civilization is level 4.4.

Beria, for example, apparently mastered such abilities. And even more than that.

Not only can he mine energy through multiple dimensions, but he can even transfer weapons to other dimensions and universes, and he is not limited to his original physical body.

So on the whole, the Ultra civilization is to be more on it.

The fifth-level civilization is a higher concept, basically getting rid of the shackles of energy and establishing an interstellar gate.

Because of its ability to generate its own energy, its attitude towards other civilizations is not the barbaric invasion of the Dark Forest, nor does it wage pointless wars.

It will even help some weak low-level civilizations. It is worshipped as a "god" by life on many planets.

So there are quite a few Ultramans, as well as the teachings of the Kingdom of Light, that fit the definition of this stage.

Level 6 Civilization: Got rid of the shackles of space, and can even quickly travel and stay in the evolution of multi-dimensional space, and can adapt to the physical laws of any universe and planet. Some Ultramans, such as the Mystic Four and above, have such performances.

Level 7 Civilization: Able to play with the universe, a god-like existence that creates the world. Able to control the opening and destruction of the universe.

As for the eighth, ninth, and tenth civilizations and above: those civilizations can survive even after the destruction of the universe, etc., are not within the scope of discussion.

At this moment, even if the show is still very limited, Yang Dong has been shocked.

Can it turn into a ray of light?

Sustaining justice in the universe?

Helping weak civilizations fight evil?

What is shown in the virtual projection is exactly what Qi Ji said.

Yang Dong's heart was already amazed at this moment.

"Qi Qi, you actually have a connection with such a civilization?!".

"Yes. "

"As you can see. "

"That's exactly what happened!".

Qi Ji replied calmly.

Yang Dong felt that his heart seemed to be opened in an instant.

Originally, the endless darkness was dispelled in an instant.

It's incredible.

Originally, she didn't think that the physics she worshiped as a god and believed in was wrong.

Later, it was learned that this was the technical intervention of the alien civilization "Trisolaran".

After that, she actually met Qi Ji and told her that she didn't have to worry too much

Because there are other great god civilizations in the universe that are supporting justice?!


The heart is full of twists and turns.

I don't know what to do.

But his eyes were already full of excitement.

Because as Qi Ji said.

The attitude of a civilization towards other civilizations depends on its cognition and stage of development.

For Blue Star, Yang Dong is concerned.

The Trisolaran Man's subtle tactics had already made her feel hopeless.

It's as if the future is completely hopeless.

But if you look at it from another angle.

If there is a powerful immortal-like civilization in the universe, it can stand up and maintain order.

How can this kind of thing be said and not exciting?!


With the more and more understanding of the Ultra civilization.

Yang Dong's heart has already made a 180-degree turn.

Her heart opened up again.

Moreover, there is a lot of admiration for the existence of a civilization like the Ultra civilization.

Become its followers.

"Believe, light?".

"Is this what believes in the light?!".


The universe is huge.

The variables are endless.

Only by keeping a heart of hope forever can we wait for the light to rise again!

"Qi Ji, thank you!".

"I feel like I'm in a much better mood!".

"I think there's still hope for humanity, right?".

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