Originally, as a wall-facing person, it was not a big deal for the human light to lead mankind out of the three-body dilemma and enjoy a better life.

Like the dead Wall-Facing One and Wall-Facing Number Two.

Frederick Taylor, as well as Manuel Rediaz.

Their original identity is not simple.

One is a former defense minister, and the other is a sitting leader.

It's not strange to own a private estate, or a resort island.

But now, things are a little different.

Of the wall-facers, these two died.

Leave aside Bill Hines in hibernation,

For the rest, only Qi Ji and Luo Ji are still awake.

And the angel pointed it out directly

Qi Qi is a fabrication of the existence of Ultraman Tiga to deceive the world.

In this case, the contradiction is imminent.

Luo Ji's privileged situation, like a fairy-like living state, aroused public indignation.

All the spearheads were pointed at Qi Ji.

People protested.

"Luo Ji, human moth!"

"Qi traces, deceive the world and steal fame!"

One, do not do anything, just enjoy.

The other is to give human beings false illusions and gain fame and fortune.

It's all the scum of humanity!

The incitement of the angels is not over yet.

She further pointed out that Qi Ji and the upper echelons don't take the people seriously at all!

They just want to obfuscate the past.

Four hundred years before the arrival of the Trimaran Fleet.

As long as they can get through it comfortably, nothing else matters.

"Diga, it is the embodiment of the demon in Qi Qi's heart!"

"His image is strange and cold!"

"The body structure is also full of irrationalities!"

"Ultraman Tiga, it's just the desire of Qi Qi's heart."

"It means that he wants to be a giant."

"Then, step on the heads of the people!"

"Otherwise, the picture he gave is not only on the blue star, but should be in the universe."

"It's as if he can only imagine the so-called Ultraman Tiga fighting on the ground!"

"It's full of humility and comical from a human perspective!"

"Once his true intentions are revealed, it will be discovered that he is not a guardian at all."

"Rather, a marauder!"

"He has squeezed the trust of the people!"

"But no real peace was given to the people!"


The voice of the angel is like the sound of heaven.

What followed was the pursuit of its followers.

It's like waking up.

Then, there is the verbal and written criticism of the alignment tracks.

Voices of slander and denigration pervade the real world and the online world.

"Mr. Qi Ji, your approval rating is plummeting."

"From 90% approval a few days ago, it's here..."

The PDC staff looked at the numbers displayed on the tablet but were a little uneasy and didn't dare to speak.

On the side, Ms. Say also looked solemn.

"It's okay, just say it."


In front of the PDC executives who are in a state of nervousness and anxiety, Qi Ji still maintains his former calmness.

Be at ease.

"It's just a name," he said. "

"Let the people, under the blindness of demagoguery, echo the voice!"

"Some people complain simply because they can't get used to it, such as the resources and living environment that Luo Ji can enjoy."

"There are still many people who blindly believe in this 'angel' and worship him just by his face."

"This kind of data doesn't say much."

The PDC senior management regained a little composure.

But it still came to the report: "The slander is not only for those who face the wall, but also for many people who denounce PDC." "

"Because of the PDC, the previous support for Mr. Qi Ji, who faces the wall."

A secretary came to deliver the news.


Ms. Say looked at the screen, her brow furrowed.

The same is true for other national and regional leaders on the sidelines.

The headlines on popular news sites are...

"The people protested against the PDC and demanded the cancellation of the wall facing plan".

"Let the deceivers all go, get off the stage!" 》

Humanity should choose its own future, at least not believe in the lie that the stone statue can be resurrected! 》


At this moment, in addition to the upper echelons of the PDC.

Among the rest of the people, the vast majority of them did not believe in Qi traces, but only in angels.

Whatever one may say, the very existence of angels is comforting.

The holy light and the various scenes on display, even if it is really an "illusion", make people feel satisfied with the future!

In addition, there are some sectarian forces that take the opportunity to secretly make trouble!

For a long time.

From the Renaissance onwards.

After Nicolaus Copernicus's "heliocentrism" was proposed

The unfounded yet far-reaching old knowledge of the Catholic Church is refuted.

Despite his own efforts, Copernicus was still a devout Catholic.

However, with the development of scientific civilization, the various idealistic theories of religion have gradually become marginalized because they have been proved to be inconsistent with the facts.

But human beings, after all, have a fluke mentality.

I always hope that there will be gods to help in the dark.

The so-called "temporary cramming" is exactly that.

Although the power of the church has gradually weakened in modern times, it is only relative.

When all of humanity is faced with a difficult situation,

The power of religion and belief will rise.


After the Qi trace supported by the PDC was once again judged as a deception and name stealer, the public's reputation for it plummeted.

A lot of big hands are behind the scenes!

For the benefit of their respective individuals.

With the help of the prestige of the people.

ETO organization.

Copernicus: "Look at it now, this trace won't be around for a few days!" "

Qin Shi Huang: "This move of the Lord is really wonderful!" Not only will the wall-facing people succeed in breaking the wall! Let him lose the trust of the people! Moreover, he is not the only one, Luo Ji, and even the wall plan, PDC all! "

Jules Verne: "This is the people, and the people only want to believe what they vote for, even if it is not necessarily the right choice!" "

King Zhou Wen: "The supreme will of the Lord is no different from the gods!" In the face of the greatness of the Lord, Qi Qi's god-making plan was doomed to failure! "

"Not to mention that this Ultraman Tiga is not a god, just a pathetic clown!"

Albert Einstein: "Will the stone statue become a giant of light?" That's a terrible idea! "

"An existence so powerful according to Qi Ji's description shouldn't have been a stone statue in the first place."

"Don't say it, after wasting so much time, you still haven't been able to truly become a giant!"


Qi Qi is like a public enemy of humanity.

Compared to the giants of light, humanity seems to have a more suitable savior.

A more reliable comforter of the soul.

More correct choice!

Qi Ji was directly convicted by humans.


He can do one thing at this time.

That's what really revives the Giant of Light.

This is the only way to illustrate....

He did not deceive the world.

Ultraman Tiga is real.

Qi Ji looked at these performances of the people, sighed softly, and shook his head.

"People, it's still too naïve!"

"I think I've seen the truth."

He looked at Say with a determined gaze, and then smiled

"Even so, Ms. Say, there is no need to worry."

"Because, soon, the truth will be revealed!"


p.s. The author just finished moving bricks! Go home and explode in the middle of the change! Ask for all the data to support it!

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to rush up immediately(Event Period: August 10 to August 20)

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