For the actions of ETO.

Qi Ji is not unaware.

Rather, they don't care.

Wall breakers?

Come on. I'm waiting here.

His popular science continues.

However, the popular science content focuses on the giant of light, Ultraman Tiga, from the Land of Light, as well as the ultra-ancient civilization and ultra-ancient giants on the Blue Star.

The first is the form factor.

[Ultraman Tiga].

It is 53m tall and can be miniaturized or gigantic to 120m.

44,000 tons, which can be miniaturized or gigantic to 100,000 tons.

The image of Ultraman Tiga is also displayed.

Metallic polished faces.

Two breastplates of golden U-shaped structure.

Blue timer.

On the body, blue-purple, red, silver pattern.

All of them have attracted the attention of all the audience.

Of course, everyone's reaction at the moment is not the same.

Dark Web. ETO organizes the remnants of the party's underground chat group.

Albert Einstein: "This structure is similar to that of a human being, but it can be miniaturized or gigantic on its own, and even its weight can change with it?" "

"This directly violates the law of conservation of mass and energy!"

"If you want me to say, as an astrophysicist, Qi Ji should have some scientific literacy, and he shouldn't be so exaggerated!"

Newton: "So, this giant, it must not be easy to do this!" "

Aristotle: "It is estimated that it will be very costly, it will take a long time to prepare, etc. "

"Do you want to confuse us and let our guard down?"

"All in all, doesn't it look like a big robot? What is the use of bluffing? "

The text soon appeared in the live barrage and some forums.

Want to have a rhythm.

Seeing this, Qi Ji didn't care, just smiled slightly.

The next response is given in a video.

The popular science picture turned.

[Tiga Wrist].

In melee combat, it can exert millions of horsepower, and all light skills are emitted from here.

Millions of horsepower, that's a staggering power.

Analogous to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier of the Eagle Sauce Country, with 260,000 horsepower and a speed of 30 knots (54 km/h).

That means,

Ultraman Tiga can pull more than five nuclear submarines to stop it from advancing.

PDC was surprised and shocked by this.

The ETO staff sneered.

King Zhou Wen: "Even if you can really do what you say, it's just a more advanced tractor?" Raw, brutal, clunky, dull in action! "

Mozi: "That's right, standing there is like a living target!" There are so many ways to destroy it easily! "

Qi Ji saw the relevant barrage and sneered.

What the?

Is someone questioning Ultraman Tiga's defensive capabilities?

[Chest Armor].

The trilinear armor on either side of the colored timer, with two golden lines on the inside of the sides, can reflect the light or fire emitted by the monster when attacked by enemies, and can also protect the vital organs of the body.

PDC Eagle Sauce Country Representative: "The lines of this cuirass are very simple, and if the functionality is indeed as introduced, it is indeed both appearance and practicality. "

PDC Chariot Country Representative: "It feels different from the medieval cavalry plate armor, or the kind of mecha in the future, there is no full coverage, which means that Ultraman Tiga's original defense is already very high, and the cuirass is just the icing on the cake?" "

The ETO organization continued to sneer.

Newton: "Hehe, a flashy feeling, this is also called a cuirass?" "

Albert Einstein: "I feel that appearance is more important than function, so it's a decoration at best." "

King Zhou Wen: "I also agree, this kind of structure can only defend against loneliness." "

[Tiga Skin].

It can withstand high temperatures of 5,000 degrees Celsius or extremely low temperatures, and has become a powerful form of full body defense that is several times stronger, and can withstand ultra-high or ultra-low temperatures of more than 10,000 degrees. You won't be directly injured when attacked by most monsters with fire and beams.

Personnel of the PDC.

Wang Miao: "It's enough to withstand ultra-high or ultra-low temperatures of more than 10,000 degrees, and it can also bounce off light and flames?" What materials are used and how? More powerful than the current highest-strength nano flying blade in the scientific research community? "

ETO member.

Albert Einstein: "I can see that the defense is barely passable, but it doesn't mean that there is enough movement speed and attack speed!" "

"That's right, movement speed and defense are often inversely proportional."

After discovering some people's doubts, Qi Ji began to popularize the correspondence ability of Dialga.

[Tiga Foot].

It can generate anti-gravity energy on its own and fly at an incredible speed in the air.

It can also perform powerful flying kicks in battle.

Even with such a large size, he is so agile and agile in his movements.

However, ETO is a little dismissive

Newton: "Even if it can float in the air, it is just a one-soldier mecha-like existence, and for the three-body civilization, it is still a very small toy." "

Von Neumann: "Even if the attack power is past and the movement speed is okay, it doesn't mean that the attack speed is fast enough!" "

Albert Einstein: "It just feels like it's just a little bit better when you run away!" "

King Wen of Zhou: "It is estimated that you need to charge up to attack?" In short, it's impossible for this Ultraman Tiga to attack quickly. "

Seeing the comments in the barrage, Qi Ji once again gave a targeted display, and the camera turned to the picture of Ultraman Tiga in actual combat.

Ultraman Tiga's attack speed can be light, which is the speed of light!

I saw that in actual combat, Ultraman Tiga, when he raised his hand, was a shot of [Japeli Ao Ray Simplified Version], which directly surprised the enemy in an instant.

Of course, there is more than that.

Moves such as [Ultra Radiant Boxing] can also instantly emit light to destroy the enemy.

In addition, Ultraman Tiga also has the performance of long-distance teleportation.

This speed is even faster than the speed of light.

At this moment, the questioners were a little stunned.

At this moment, it seems that Ultraman Tiga is indeed there

Attack, defense, health, movement speed, attack speed, and attack range are all invulnerable.

It's a hexagonal warrior with no dead ends!

ETO members exclaimed.

This creature is beyond the level of the earth civilization and the three-body civilization.

The authenticity is very dubious.

Newton: "What are you kidding, does this creature really exist?" Whether it is natural evolution or acquired transformation, it is unlikely to be born! "

Mozi: "Indeed, if according to Qi Qi's previous statement, after being irradiated by the so-called artificial solar radiation of the Ultra civilization, the natives can directly turn into this form under the light, it feels like a fantasy. "

King Zhou Wen: "What kind of light can change the composition of people?" No matter how you look at it, it's all made up. It's better to just say it's magic! Unless, it is a god-like being who can really play with the laws of the universe! "

Von Neumann: "This creature is full of fabricated traces from top to bottom!" I can only conclude that this is a forgery that Qi Ji is ashamed of! "

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