Yang Dong's expression looked very bad.

Qi Ji knew the approximate reason.

She seemed to have been crushed by her faith.

What faith was crushed?

It's a belief in physics.

Yang Dong is a fundamental physicist.

Liangxiang accelerator base.

A project that costs tens of billions.

Yang Dong is also the overall person in charge of the project here.

She explores the future of basic science.

It's like a wonderful scientific law shows.

Only when the law is discovered and verified can it be summarized into a formula.

And what broke her down was the disorder of the results of particle collisions.

It seems to show that the current laws of physics are nothing more than a corner accident.

A glimmering vacuum.

Pop the bubble and there's nothing.

Without laws, there is no way to study and progress.

It's like the collapse of the foundations of a tall building.

No matter how beautifully built it is, it can't be built high!

Yang Dong seemed to have lost half of his life.

Of course, this is not the case.

Instead, Shen Yufei used the wisdom of the Trisolaran to interfere with the particle collider experiment, so that the results changed.


The Trisolarans sent two supercomputers to the Earth at the proton level, unfolded in two dimensions, etched into it.

Energy is taken from a vacuum, moving at almost the speed of light.

Monitor everything on Earth, and at the same time, block basic science by interfering with the particle collider.

"Mr. Qi Ji, that's probably the case, your friend, Ms. Yang Dong, seems to have discovered that physics actually has no laws, what do you think?".

Shen Yufei asked.

"Besides, do you believe that it is a special force from outside, caused by interference?".

"For example, ......".

"Some kind of extraterrestrial civilization and wisdom?".

Qi Qi spoke out to appease Yang Dong.

Hold each other's hands and use the warmth of your hands to warm the chill in each other's hands.

Turned his head to look at Shen Yufei.

"I probably see what you mean. "

"There may indeed be other civilizations in the universe. "

"And the earth is the youngest of all the planets. "

"The Sun, too, is a very young star. "

"Since there are 6 billion planets similar to ours in the Milky Way, there may be planets that have developed higher civilizations and technologies. "

"Even to intervene in our civilization. "

"For example, invade, plunder, dominate!".

"Whether it's for resources, the environment, or whatever, it's possible. "

"So, Mr. Qi Ji, if such a thing really exists, what kind of attitude should we have to face and greet it?"

Shen Yufei asked.


Qi Ji snorted coldly and did not answer.

He knew that the other party was testing him.

At the same time, he also knows what the other person thinks.

The purpose of the ETO is to "save the decaying human society with the help of external forces".

It is hoped that the three-body civilization will take over the earth.

Reinvent the whole world.

Of course, in the later period, because of the split in the organization, it gradually changed to "destroy the tyranny of mankind!".

In other words, as long as the three-body problem comes, it doesn't matter what they do.

It's all about reshaping the "rotten" world.

However, this expectation is still a little too fairy tale.

Initially, it also originated from an idea of their spiritual leader, Ye Wenjie.

That's ......

A civilization in a universe that develops to an advanced form requires a high moral standard to harness in order to maintain stability.

It is precisely because of this that the three-body organization of the earth believes that the three-body problem can bring about reshaping of the blue star.

Not ...... though

They overlooked one thing.

Morality applies only to members within civilization.

Not necessarily externally applicable.

For example, for advanced civilizations, striking at the outside is precisely a manifestation of morality if it protects the development of one's own civilization.

Morality itself, that is, the choice that is most beneficial to society under historical conditions.

Of course, in the later period, ETO members may also gradually realize it, so there is a split.

But what Qi Ji wanted to talk about was something else.

"What kind of attitude greets?".

"It depends on how much we know about extraterrestrial civilizations. "

"I think there are two things. "

"One, the universe seems to be a dark forest, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun. "

"For the sake of one's own development, one can easily plunder and destroy others. "

"But there's another hypothesis!".

Qi Ji's words attracted the attention of everyone in the "scientific boundary" and pondered.

"That is, even weak civilizations have a chance to survive. "

"There may be a higher level of civilization 'order' who will uphold justice in the universe. "

"Supporting a weak civilized race, for example, may be the growth of the Blue Star. "

"Which of the two do you think is more likely?".

Qi Ji said with a mysterious smile.

Shen Yufei was stunned.

"I don't know. "

She replied quietly.

"That's right, it's because you don't know it, so you can't take it lightly, but look at it. "

"In short, I don't believe that an alien civilization would be of any help to Blue Star if it came with the intent of destruction. "

"On the contrary, a foreign civilization with light as its belief and salvation as its righteousness may bring about a turning point for us mankind!"

After Qi Ji finished speaking, he got up and took Yang Dong to leave.

Shen Yufei pondered for a moment and responded, "Your idea is very interesting, I think, should we talk again in a few days?"

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