As the meeting ends.

The Facing Wall Project officially began.

And the wall-facing people are gradually starting to act.

In his own way, in the way that he thinks can help mankind defeat the three-body problem, to defend the glory of mankind.

Preserving human civilization.

Except, of course, for one person.

That's Luo Ji.

At the moment, he was still confused about this plan.

At the same time, the head went blank.

Don't know what to do.

Everyone else has acted.

Frederick Taylor.

From the Kennedy Space Center to Edwards Air Force Base.

I visited the Space Force base in the Dragon Country again.

It seems that his plans have something to do with spaceships.

He claimed that he wanted to carry out a "macro-nuclear fusion" project.

After that, he had a corresponding exchange with Dr. Ding Yi from the space station.

It is proposed to establish a space force with ball lightning and macroatomic nuclei as its main weapons.

Because he believes that there is a great risk of sacrifice for soldiers operating such weapons, and this operation, due to Tomoko's technological blockade, cannot be implemented with a computer

So, after that, I visited the Toei Kamikaze Memorial Hall.

He met with Zhang Beihai, the founder of al-Qaeda and the political commissar of China's armed forces, to try to find the possibility of building a self-sacrificing army.

The second, the current president of Venezuela, Manuel Rediaz.

He showed an obsession bordering on madness with nuclear weapons.

It was on television that he openly stated that he would engage in the "Giant Hydrogen Bomb Project" project.

And it is a nuclear bomb of more than 200 million tons.

Of course, the director of Los Alamos National Laboratory, is critical of this.

said that they do not want the other party to waste taxpayers' money.

But he persisted.

In addition, it was announced that it would build a military base on Mercury.

At present, preparations are underway for the test explosion of a hydrogen bomb.

The third, Bill Hines, continued to speak.

He says his strategic plan based on brain science research is still in its infancy.

He described a hypothetical device as a basis for further research, which he called an analytical camera.

Based on CT tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance technology, all sections of the object are scanned at the same time.

The spacing between each section needs to be accurate to the scale of the internal structure of brain cells and neurons.

In this way, the number of tomographies scanned at the same time of a human brain will reach several million, and a digital model of the brain can be synthesized in a computer.

The intention is to use technology to accelerate the evolution of the brain and improve human intelligence.

If human wisdom can be improved, perhaps the hindrance of Zhizi will not be so threatening.

However, it seems that the current level of computers is not enough.

The development of quantum computers has also been gradually delayed because of the existence of intelligent sons.

So, Bill Hines chose to go straight into hibernation and wait for the time to come.

Presently. Luo Ji did not propose any plans.

Nothing was done.

He was still confused, and wondered what Qi Ji's words meant

Why did Qi Ji know that he was going to refuse the position of the Wall Facer? And why did you remind him to wear body armor, could he really be assassinated?

Confused, he sat on the ground.

But no one had the leisure to pay attention to him, and all eyes were on one place

That is, the fifth wall-facing person, Qi Ji.

Ms. Say stood in front of Qi Ji.

"Mr. Qiji, if you need any help, whether it is resources or manpower, the whole world will do its best to help you. "

Ms. Say asked kindly.

"Several other wall-facing people have already started to act, do you need someone to cooperate with you?"

"No matter what kind of expert or scholar it is, we can invite you to come over. "

"It's good if it gives you ideas, even if it's just to be inspiring. "

In her eyes.

Of the five wall-facing beings, Qi Qi is the most difficult to understand, but it has already made some achievements.

So he's one of the most unique wall-facers.

Qi Ji thought for a moment and then slowly replied, "I don't need those. "

"Don't need it?".

Ms. Say was very strange.

Because the merit of the wall-facing plan, it is that individual human beings can draw on the power of the whole without having to make any explanation.

Just be clear about your plan in your heart.

If we don't use the power of the world, wouldn't it be equivalent to rotting or giving up.

Or, it's behind closed doors

Or ......

Qi Ji has other ideas?

Is there an unknown source of power?

Ms. Say felt a little incomprehensible.

There is an old saying that says: "A good man has three gangs!".

And Qi Ji himself is calling for human unity.

Not ...... though

Why, at such a time, does he himself seem to give up on his own initiative and get material support from the group?

Or is it other knowledge, financial support?

It's that he's too arrogant.

Or is there something else that could cause it?

Ms. Say was a little puzzled.

Of course, she understands that.

After all...... At this moment, Luo Ji also did not take action.

In fact, there is a lot of time.

And there is no need to rush for a month, or even a year.

As long as it can be done in 400 years.

The means and processes are relatively unimportant.

Laziness may also be a kind of confusion for the enemy and a disguise for true intentions.

The results are even more important.

Of course, it doesn't seem normal to do nothing at all.

But then.

Qi Ji's speech once again exceeded Ms. Say's expectations.

Because he said.

It's not that he's going to have to think longer before he can make and start planning.

It's that his plan has already been thought out.

It's about to get started.

It's just that the help needed at the moment is, indeed, a little less than Ms. Say and others imagined.

Ms. Say was stunned.

I don't know why the other person said that.

Is this too conceited or ......


Extreme self-confidence?

She was very confused.

If Qi Ji is too conceited.

Then he should have had many chances to fail before.

Even his life should have been killed in the ETO assassination.

However, he survived and completed a lot of tasks.

And it was an unheard-of success.

Even if you can see the details of the relevant documents.

Ms. Say still doesn't understand how Qi Ji did it.

So how to look.

Qi Qi doesn't seem to be too conceited.

But ......

Extreme self-confidence?

What gave him such confidence?

Even if Zhizi, who knows the three-body problem, can detect all the superficial information......

Or at such a time to make plans public.

Did he really think about it?

Ms. Say, I can't understand how to think about it.

Of course.

Since Qi Ji did not let other departments cooperate.

It seems to say that his plan did not use their weapons, such as fleets, nuclear bombs, and supercomputers, against the Trisolarans.

But something else?

Is there really another civilization that is helping him?

"You just need to prepare a screen for me. "

"Next. As the fifth wall-facing person, I will convene a joint council of global citizens to officially promote the country of light to the three-body civilization!".

Qi Ji said lightly.

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