The new guzheng project called "Operation Tiga" has been a great success!

More successful than expected.

Humanity successfully obtained the information of the ETO Advent faction.

Their anti-human behavior is confirmed, as well as the means of communication between them and the Trisome.

There are also more important breakthroughs.

That's when humanity learns about ......

Tomoko's abilities.

What has been done in the past.

And I also understood another thing.

Tomoko also used the hand of humans to eradicate human traitors.

This is indeed an irony.

Because of the three-body civilization, they also don't trust these three-body lackeys who can betray human civilization.


In one of the documents, people saw one of the words under the last exchange between the Trisolarans and the ETO organization.

"You're bugs. "

"Perhaps, in their eyes, we are like bugs. "

When humans interrogated Ye Wenjie, the spiritual leader of ETO and belonged to the salvation faction, she also said similar words.

At this moment.

ETO's anti-human behavior, as well as the existence of the three-body civilization, have been officially announced to the world.

Abundant information, giving people an unprecedented impact.

No one expected that something like this would suddenly appear.

At first glance, it feels incredible.

After that, I had to accept this reality.

The threat of aliens was originally an existence in science fiction movies.

Now it's a cold reality.

has changed from a science fiction film to a horror documentary film.

The vast majority of people immediately fell into a panic.

Public opinion is turbulent.

ZF began to come forward to reassure himself.

In addition......

The things of the Qi and Ultra civilizations have not yet been fermented enough, and to be recognized and confirmed.

Only some people believe that the "Land of Light" is associated with cosmic flickering.

The call to faith in the light has just begun!

Therefore, there are relatively few people who know and believe.

However, the three-body civilization is officially confirmed.

They are the enemies of humanity.

The Three-Body Civilization only sent two wise sons to block human technology.

Shocking a lot of people.

Even after knowing the truth, many scholars still say that they cannot accept it.

Public opinion is overwhelming.


In the eyes of the three-body civilization.

Humans are probably as small as insects.

At this moment, many people felt a sudden despair in their hearts.

Not only ordinary people, but also those in the upper echelons are pessimistic.

Because indeed.

The more you understand what these ETO and the three-body problem do, the more you can feel the gap between them.

Not to mention.

Zhizi's interference with the quantum collider and the blockade of basic human science have always been there.

It's like a wall of sighs, lying there.

Of course.

There are also people in humanity who are optimistic.

Among them, the first to stand up and express opposition to "self-deprecation" is Qi Ji.

He refuted the pessimism expressed by the people and ZF in some areas.

And expressed his own opinion.

"Bugs, it seems, are small and inconspicuous, but they are not. "

"Because bugs have existed in the long history of mankind, but they have never been truly defeated, let alone destroyed. "

"No matter what method it is, fire, pesticides, genetic sterilization, they have not really made them extinct, and even today, they are no less numerous than we humans. "

"If we are really as tenacious as insects, probably, even in the contempt of the three-body problem, we can find a way out of our own life!"

"And in the face of a higher civilization, it is still unknown who the worm is......".

Qi Qi said coldly.

This statement is naturally seen as an optimistic statement.

As for the reason, Qi Ji did not elaborate.

Because he likes it, make it and say it!

Some people are puzzled.

Some people felt a little relieved and comforted.

Or maybe it resonates and rekindles hope for the future of humanity.

I think that as long as humans are tenacious enough, they can still survive like bugs!

Of course, there are others, who still don't trust the trace.

thinks he's just a hot existence.

I just hope to gather some fans.

Actually, I don't really care about human beings.

After all, ......

According to the description, it is still hundreds of years before the Trisolarans came.

At this time, for their generation, they may not see what the future holds. At present, he dares to make such remarks, but he is just relying on the three-body people, and now he can't personally clean them up and make a big fuss.

But in Qi Ji's heart.

This is what he really thinks in his heart.

What is a bug?

This ridicule doesn't mean much.

In the end, it is the strength of civilization that determines the superiority.

This year, 2007.

The first year of the Crisis Era.

Originated in ......

Mankind is aware of the threat of the Three-Body Civilization.

The presence of the crisis is felt.

The United Nations convened a special joint conference to officially name the era of crisis as the "era of crisis".

The extraordinary session of the General Assembly established the Planetary Defense Council (PDC), with initial members including China, Russia, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany.

Just as Qi Ji suggests.

Humanity is more united than ever.

At least on the surface.

In addition, the Victory Team began to be secretly formed at the initiative of the Dragon Kingdom.

The purpose is: as long as it is invaded by disasters or invasions from civilizations outside the earth, it will be dispatched!

The relevant vehicles, weapons, etc., that can be redeemed from the system, are already in production.

It won't be long before these generational technological weapons will be assembled and made public.

In addition, for the previous incident, ETO organized the relevant personnel involved ......

Ye Wenjie, who was in her 60s at the time, was arrested and will face life imprisonment.

Evans, directly convicted of crimes against humanity, was sentenced to death with a suspended sentence.

Pan Han, a biologist, aided Evans, a crime against humanity, several counts of homicide and was sentenced to death with a suspended sentence.

Shin Yufei, although not killed in the internal split of the ETO, was also sentenced to life imprisonment.

Wei Cheng, Shen Yufei's husband, a mathematician who studies the three-body movement, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for being coerced into participating in "scientific boundaries".


Because human beings know that they don't seem to have any secrets in front of Zhizi.

New operational responses need to be proposed.

The chairman of the Planetary Defense Council (PDC), Ms. Say, based on the characteristics of the three-body civilization, proposed the "Wall Facing Plan"!

And because of Qi Ji's outstanding performance, as well as his background, he was secretly nominated to enter the list of candidates for the wall-facing one.

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