At the moment the military is discussing.

Specific measures for striking Evans and the Inquisitor, a member of the Adventist ETO organization, were located.

Because the files stored in the computer's hard drive are extremely important.

There is no room for error.

So make sure you can take it out.

If all the information is true.

They needed to make sure that everyone on the tanker was under control if the files on the computer were not destroyed.

Otherwise, it will be revealed according to relevant intelligence.

The members of the Human Three-Body Organization of the Adventist Sect above are not much different from the outlaws.

Anything can be done.

The usual approach will either lead to the loss of the tanker along with the things on it.

Either that or just give the ETO members above enough time to destroy everything.

Keep them out of what they want.

That is, the jade is burned.

In this way, it is not possible to verify the utterances of the traces.

Either way, they don't want to see it.

Therefore, the plan formulated is a particularly test of people's wisdom and ability.

on this.

Representatives of the military of the Eagle Sauce Country took the lead in putting forward proposals.

Colonel Stanton spoke: "Since it is a strike against confined spaces, which do you think is more suitable, such as ball lightning weapons, neutron bombs, concussion bombs, and infrasound weapons?"

Ball lightning is a huge macroscopic electron, and when not excited, the ball lightning should look like a transparent soap bubble, but without the diffraction of the soap bubble.

It has a certain target, and has a high degree of selectivity to the target when the energy is released, and the selection of the energy release is very accurate.

People and animals killed by ball lightning appear in a quantum state, and their bodies are usually burned in whole or in part.

So it sounds like it's in line with the idea of killing everyone without interfering with the mechanical elements inside.

"No, I can't. "

On the side of the Dragon Kingdom, Dr. Ding Yi objected.

He solemnly explained: "The existence of ball lightning has been recognized by many countries, so they may install a shielding magnetic field wall inside the hull, and in addition, when the ball lightning enters the hull, it will wander for more than ten seconds, and the long may be one minute, and they will have enough time to detect and destroy the information." "

"So, it's not appropriate to use it to kill them. "

At the same time, another Mao Xiong Guo officer also objected: "Neutron bombs are also not good. "

"Neutron radiation can't kill people instantly, and after the attack is completed, the people on board will have enough time to have another meeting like us. "

"Nature is also completely enough for them to destroy everything. "

"In addition, nerve gas is similar, there will be a process of release, and there will be a scope of diffusion, and it is impossible to achieve the stated goal. "

A Nordic officer said.

"So it seems that concussion bombs and infrasonic are the only options left?" asked Colonel Stanton.

Shi Qiang suddenly spoke: "The concussion bomb is already in use in our police force, which can stun people in one or two rooms in an instant, but the hull is so big, do you think it is possible?"

"What about the subsonic weapon?".

"It's still in the experimental stage, and because the 'Judgment Day' is so large, it may just make the people inside feel dizzy. "

Someone else spoke.

The atmosphere was suddenly depressed.

After a series of discussions by multinational personnel.

It seems to be at an impasse.

It's as if it's impractical to keep the people in it under control at the same time and prevent them from destroying the hard drive.

After all, the hull of so many people is so complex, and the structure is so complex, it is not allowed to destroy the objects inside.

It does seem to be very difficult.

The elites present couldn't come up with good ideas for a while.


Shi Qiang thought of something and glanced at Wang Miao next to him.

Heads up came up with a plan.

"On both sides of the canal, there are two pillars, and many filaments are pulled parallel between the pillars, about half a meter apart, and these filaments are the kind of nanomaterials called 'flying blades' made by Professor Wang. "

"It's like cutting tofu with a knife. "

This plan instantly attracted the attention of many parties.

Let them shine in the eye.

They all nodded.

It's a very clever plan.

According to the description, this nanofilament is only one-tenth the thickness of a human hair.

"But ......


Wang Miao shook her head and muttered with a frown.

"Because I saw the countdown before, I completely stopped the nano research at the suggestion of Shen Yufei, so it has not been fully developed yet. "

"Technically possible. "

"But the development is not yet complete, and it is still in the laboratory stage. "

"There's a limit to what can be done. "

"And even if we can provide nanofilaments that are long enough. "

"There is another problem. "

"That is, the nanowires may cut off the pillars on both sides, not the tankers! There is still a high chance that the data will be lost. "

After all, compared to the sturdiness of the oil tanker, the pillar that Shi Qiang mentioned does not seem to be something that can be easily made. "

"Unless you put a spacer of the same material on the column, but it's too late to produce it now!"

Hearing Wang Miao's description, everyone showed regret.

Because as described.

Their only chance was when the tanker passed through the Panama Strait.

150 meters at its narrowest point.

Or nanowires are enough to do it.

If you were in other places, it would have been much harder to build alone.

Now, it seems, they have been forced to abandon this project because of the suspension of the nano experiment.

If it can be extended for a few more days, this plan may be implemented.

But at this moment, Qi Ji suddenly stood up.

A confident expression on his face.

Smiling and looking around.


"I have a course of action that meets your needs and may be able to do better!".

Qi Ji's speech immediately attracted the attention of many parties.

Because he's a celebrity, too.

It's just that in the eyes of many people, he is more like a god-like existence.

After all, so far, he has not shown any direct evidence of what the Trisolarans have done to humans, and the existence of the Land of Light, the Ultra civilization, in his mouth.

But this kind of thing, if it's a lie, should be well exposed.

Besides, if he is a liar, he should not come forward at such a time.

It's because of not taking a position as much as possible.

Or just fool the past.

Being too active on this occasion will only make him exposed a little earlier.

So many people were stunned for a while.

I don't know if he really has the ability to do it, or if he is making trouble.

Or maybe your head is not clear.

More people are a little confused about the details of the Qi traces.

But I still couldn't help asking.

"What's your method?".

Colonel Steinway's brow furrowed.

"This, in fact, is somewhat close to the plan proposed by Shi Qiang. "

"However, it was done by a different force. "

"I'd like to call it: Operation Tiga!".

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