Chapter 2783 Not satisfied?

  Gu Yan knew that besides poison gas, there were various institutions under that ancient tomb.

  Those people are also ghosts, and they built the tomb together with the arsenal.

  Poisonous gas They can wear gas masks, but what about those institutions?

  Also, the danger in the underground arsenal is even more unimaginable!

  Gu Yan looked at each other calmly, "How do you call it?"

   "Feng Xiaoran."

"En, hello, I do need to explain this matter." After Gu Yan finished speaking, he looked at Commander No. 2 and said, "I met Lao Gu in the accident a few days ago, and I also told him. Learn something about the ancient tomb. He said that when he took his assistant to the vicinity of the ancient tomb, he found the leaked gas immediately, so he immediately stayed away. But he was also strange that it was this ancient tomb. It has not been found."

"Poison gas can stop some people. However, it won't stop everyone. You know, there are many tomb robber organizations in the private sector, and they have formed martial arts. They are not small in scale and even have some professional skills. The tomb is still intact now, maybe they have entered, but the poison gas has not leaked elsewhere, it proves that they were left inside. Of course, I said the premise is if they had entered."

  Gu Yan turned his head and looked at Feng Xiaoran, “If a lot of people went in and they didn’t return, then guess what the reason would be?”

  Feng Xiaoran frowned.

  He is also a very proud lord. At this time, naturally he can't answer it and he doesn't know the reason.

  And after a careful guess, Feng Xiaoran followed, "What is dangerous inside?"

  "Organization." Gu Yan nodded, "Moreover, it is a very powerful institution. We may be able to escape the skill, but we don't have any martial arts or actual combat skills. What should we do?"

   "We can protect them!"

"There is no distinction between medicine and drugs, and the ingredients of medicine are exactly the chemical ingredients. Since we all understand these and are preparing for Guo Lao's report, why must we bring those experts and delay our progress?! "

   "You!" Feng Xiaoran was taken aback, and then reacted, "Who said that we all understand, there is a specialization in surgery, Comrade Gu Yan, are you sure you are not advancing like this?"

   "Oh, you don't know, but it doesn't mean that others don't know," Lu Ye sneered beside him and said, "Comrade Gu Yan knows."

  In fact, Gu Yan did not want to be like this, but according to her memory of her previous life, if she did not bring experts, it would protect the lives of experts, but also protect the safety of those responsible for protecting experts.

  Because she remembers the report from the previous life, there is no poison gas in it, but the details are not reported.

  In this operation, even Gu Yan could not be sure whether there would really be no damage.

  That's why I insisted.

  As for the knowledge of poisons and other chemical components, Gu Yan really did not brag. Although she had lived a life full of flaws in her previous life, her knowledge of medicine had never been left behind.

  Because of his interest in some chemical components, Gu Yan also participated in the research of many toxic substances.

  She dare not say that she is better than those gas experts.

  But I dare to say that I am not much worse than them.

  The rest of the Snow Wolf team, although they didn't understand what was going on, their hearts were always aligned, so Lu Ye supported Gu Yan, and all of them supported Gu Yan.

  And the special security officer...

Wang Lintao did not speak, but Feng Xiaoran was still not reconciled after being stunned there. He asked again, "Okay, if you say you can replace the expert, then we can take a test of your professional knowledge later. Find an expert to torture you!"

  (End of this chapter)

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