I take the earth to wander

Chapter 91 The Temporary Dome and the Reappearance of the Blue Sky (Monthly Ticket Required)

Lin Xu's consciousness is connected to the nano-robot aggregate.

Accompanied by the nano-robots that were originally aggregated into a Dyson sphere, the moment when Lin Xu's identity was recognized.

All storms come to an abrupt end.

It was as if time had been paused.

The entire universe seemed to stand still at this moment.

The aggregate of nano-robots tangled into an indescribable monster recovered instantly from the rampage.

Countless long whips extending from this group also began to shrink back again.

Lin Xu didn't even give any order, just his consciousness descended, and his comfort brought everything back to calm.

Afterwards, Lin Xu, whose consciousness descended on the aggregate of nano-robots, began to sort out the twisted and entangled nano-robots.

In fact, there is no need to sort it out, as long as all the nano-robots are re-nanometerized, and then reassembled together, the parts that were originally entangled will be straightened out again.

So countless ordinary civilizations who hid behind the earth and finally escaped to heaven saw that the object that was originally a Dyson sphere, but now twisted together, suddenly blurred, as if it had turned into a mist, and then condensed again into a solid body .

But this time, the indescribably tangled celestial body, which was half the size of a small terrestrial planet, was no longer twisted into an indescribable mass.

Looks like it's finally organized.

And those tentacles were also retracted, gathering into the huge celestial body.

At the same time, the huge celestial body is still constantly changing its shape, as if it is liquid, flowing in space.

"The nano-robots, the original Sawyer's Dyson ball, were really built by nano-robots."

"Unbelievable, incredible, how on earth did the Sawyers create such incredible nano-robots?"

"You don't really think that such nano-robots can be made by the Sawya people, do you?"

"Yeah, if you just use nano-robots to make Dyson spheres, it's unbelievable, but you can barely understand it. But like this, nano-robots can change into various forms at any time, and even switch between liquid and gas. How can it be possible? I I don’t believe that the Sawyas would have such technology, and I even doubt that higher civilizations would have such technology.”

"So, where did the Sawya people get such technology?"

"Could it be stolen? So now the original owner has come to retrieve it."

A group of spaceships of ordinary civilizations hiding behind the earth share their guesses with each other through communication.

Gradually everyone reached a certain consensus.

With the ability of the Sawya people, it is impossible to invent such a technology. If the Sawya people really invented it, it is impossible for them to be an ordinary civilization.

So the Sawyers must have stolen the technology by some disgraceful means, and now the Lord is coming.

Otherwise, why the Dyson sphere was still going berserk just now, and the celestial body formed by the Dyson sphere immediately became obedient as soon as the owner's planet flew over.

What happened next confirmed everyone's opinion.

At the same time, everyone was stunned again.

Because Lin Xu didn't know how to deal with such a huge nano-robot aggregate after he controlled the nano-robot aggregate that was half the size of an terrestrial planet.

Finally a whim.

Just use these nanorobots to supplement the quality of the earth.

Before that, I also planned to dig out the mountain stone deposits on Ramo to supplement the quality.

But now that there are nanorobot aggregates half the size of a planet, what better way to replenish mass than this.

And compared to ordinary rocks full of impurities, these nano-robot aggregates are purer good things, and they are nano-robots anyway.

The only disadvantage is that this kind of nano-robot is a variant of the third-generation nano-robot. Although it can replicate itself, it is not as versatile as ordinary third-generation nano-robots, so it cannot be used as aura like ordinary third-generation nano-robots. use.

But as long as it is a nano-robot, it must be better than ordinary rock deposits.

And Lin Xu had another idea.

Since these variant nano-robots can be used as Dyson spheres, they still meet the standard in terms of strength.

Although the strength is not as strong as the Tianzhu being built on the earth, and the earth dome that Lin Xu plans to build, the special building materials used.

But if it is covered over the earth, it will be used as a temporary dome.

Build the dome first, and restore the ecology of the earth first.

Then the real dome of the earth also continued to be built, and when it was completed, it could naturally replace the old temporary dome.

Lin Xu couldn't help being excited by this thought.

I thought it would take at least a few hundred years for the Earth's dome to be built, but if these mutant nano-robots are used, the temporary dome can be used in a short time.

The ecology on the earth can be restored, and the real blue sky can be seen, wouldn't it be much better than this false sky.

So Lin Xu immediately expressed his thoughts to Zhen Xing.

After Zhenxing calculated, he thought it was feasible.

Since it was feasible, Lin Xu started to operate it.

As a result, in the space, nano-robot aggregates, which are the size of half a terrestrial planet, flowed towards the earth like a liquid.

The ordinary civilizations who were watching were frantically recording this incredible scene with various recording devices.

"My god, this is really, really incredible."

"What a mighty force this is, a flowing river in the universe."

"Rivers form a planet, and the planet turns into a river. Am I really dreaming?"

The mouth screamed incredible, and the movements recorded in the hands did not stop at all.

When they return to their respective civilizations, there will be some bullshit to blow.

Maybe just relying on the video of the scene at this time is enough for them to make a fortune, and they don't have to run out to buy and sell.

A large number of nano-robot aggregates flowed to a certain distance from the earth, and began to gather again.

Gathered into spheres with a radius of 100,000 meters one after another.

Countless spheres formed at a certain distance from the earth, and then these spheres flew towards the earth one by one.

Only a sphere with a radius of 100,000 meters will not produce as much gravitational force as before when it was half the size of an terrestrial planet alone, nor will it cause the earth to collide with the nanorobot aggregate.

Plus inside these spheres, anti-gravity devices are also generated by nanobots.

So one by one, the spheres descended towards the surface of the earth.

Then it docked steadily all over the earth.

Some of them turned into fluid again, filled the excavated Pacific Ocean with a lot of mass, and restored the Pacific Ocean Trench to its original depth.

Some also turned into fluid and flowed into the depths of the ground, also filling up the previously excavated part.

In this way, the mass of the earth that has been used for more than a thousand years is quickly replenished.

At the same time, the other spheres turned into mountain peaks and fell all over the earth.

The Himalayas have been piled up by tens of thousands of meters as a whole, and the height of Mount Everest has changed from 8,848 meters to 18,848 meters.

However, these mutant nano-robots used are only a small part.

A large number of mutant nanobots are still used on the temporary dome covering the entire earth.

First of all, countless nano-robots climbed up along the half-built sky pillar, and continued to climb on top of the half-built sky pillar, forming the upper part of the sky pillar.

In the future, the self-discipline mechanical aggregates will continue to build the sky pillars, and the nano-robots will shrink by one meter for every meter of the sky pillars, until the real sky pillars completely replace the sky pillars aggregated by nano-robots.

But now, the temporary sky pillar made up of nano-robots quickly reached a height of 100,000 meters.

A million temporary sky pillars were completed.

Afterwards, the nano-robots centered on the pillars of the sky, and spread in all directions, forming a temporary dome that enveloped the entire earth.

At an altitude of 100,000 meters above the earth's ground, the temporary dome was completed.

The next step is to restore the earth's atmosphere and restore the earth's ecology.

That is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

It is conservatively estimated that it will take decades, hundreds of years.

But when Lin Xu stood on the ground, looked up at the sky, and looked at the sky that was completely enveloped, he seemed to have seen the blue sky after the atmosphere had recovered.

That's a real blue sky.

Although the sun will still be a false sun simulated by nuclear fusion, the blue sky will be a real blue sky.

For now, that's enough.

"Zhen Xing, check which planet in this galaxy has the material needed for the atmosphere. We need to extract it to replenish the escaped atmosphere on the earth." Lin Xu said very excitedly.

"Master, the fourth planet in the galaxy should have been the home star of the Zoya people. Although it is dead and silent because of the loss of sunlight, it still has sufficient atmospheric components." Zhen Xing quickly replied.

"The home planet of the Sawya people." Lin Xu was silent for a while.

After all, Lin Xu was also very emotional about the demise of the Sawyers.

But then decided.

"Then let's go here and restore the atmospheric composition of the earth as soon as possible."

"Obey, Master!"

Zhenxing stanced towards the earth and headed for the home planet of the Sawyas.

"Master, are you starting to make an artificial sun?"

The so-called artificial sun is naturally hung on the dome of the earth, simulating the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

The artificial sun naturally does not need to emit light that diffuses into the depths of the universe like the real sun.

But it must be enough to nurture the ecology of the earth.

So it is not sloppy.

Fortunately, Lin Xu's current level of technology is sufficient, otherwise he would not be able to make it.

According to the original plan, the construction of the artificial sun will not start until hundreds of years later, when the dome of the earth is almost completed.

Now because of the appearance of the temporary dome, it has to be advanced.

"Let's get started, and don't forget about the artificial moon." Lin Xu nodded and didn't forget to remind him.

Naturally, Zhen Xing will not forget.

And when the artificial sun hangs in the sky, the atmosphere refills, and the earth thaws from its ice.

Algae and some single-celled organisms can be released into the oceans.

Starting from the algae, the ecological circle is gradually restored.

PS: It is customary to ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket. Thank you for your support, thank you.

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