I take the earth to wander

Chapter 9 The Jupiter Museum

Europa is covered in ice and snow, but it is not desolate.

Especially where Lin Xu landed.

All kinds of factories, tall factory buildings, and towering blast furnaces show that this place is not a barren place.

And these factories were all established on the major planets in the solar system by various autonomous machines after Lin Xu decided to build 100,000 planetary engines 30 years ago.

Now that the construction of the planetary engine is completed, these factories are naturally shut down.

However, the museum that Lin Xu was going to was not here.

Rather, it's inside Europa.

In other words, the entire interior of Europa is a huge museum.

Sitting in the elevator, all the way down, soon a huge museum occupying the entire interior space of Europa was displayed in front of Lin Xu.

Once this Jupiter Museum was a tourist attraction in the 23rd century.

Later, with the departure of human beings, many collections in this museum were also taken away.

Just like in the Palace Museum, many collections have also been brought on the voyage fleet.

But there are still many things that cannot be taken away.

Such as the architectural framework of the entire museum.

"Is this museum this big?" Lin Xu looked at this huge museum that occupied most of the interior space of the entire planet.

You must know that Europa is only a little smaller than the moon. For such a large planet, more than half of the entire interior has been hollowed out, and then it is used as a museum.

Lin Xu only knew that there was a museum on Jupiter before, but he had never heard of such an exaggeration here.

"Master, this place was originally an alien spaceship. After humans discovered it, they transformed it into a museum." Ms. Qiu resolved Lin Xu's doubts.

On the way here, she has checked a lot of information about this museum, ready to answer Lin Xu's doubts at any time.

"Alien spaceship? Have human beings ever been in contact with aliens?" Lin Xu was stunned for a moment. He didn't know such important information before.

"Humans have never been in contact with aliens before their voyage. What is found here is only an abandoned spaceship. It is speculated that the history of this spaceship may have existed for hundreds of millions of years, and everything inside has been destroyed. There is only an empty shell frame left. Later, within this frame, human beings built a museum.” Ms. Qiu answered.

As for whether humans have had contact with aliens after the sailing calendar, Ms. Qiu doesn't know.

"Hundreds of millions of years! That is to say, the formation of Europa's satellite is based on this spaceship with only an empty shell frame." Lin Xu looked at the huge museum with his eyes and said with emotion.

"That's right, Europa was formed on the basis of this spacecraft, after hundreds of millions of years of meteorite impacts, and slowly evolved." Ms. Qiu proved Lin Xu's conjecture.

However, after Lin Xu was silent for a moment, he suddenly spoke.

"Is there really only the shell of the spaceship left? Humans have nothing to gain in this alien spaceship?"

"In the information I checked, there is no mention that humans have obtained anything useful here, whether it is technology or equipment, except for stones." Ms. Qiu replied.

"Except for stones? What is that?" Lin Xu asked.

"I don't know, there is no detailed description in the information."

"Taiyin, do you know?" Lin Xu asked instead.

Through the communication device in the power armor, Lin Xu can naturally communicate with Taiyin, Yinghuo, and Qiming, who are still on the earth at any time.

"The explanation entry about the stone in the database has been deleted, I suspect it is some kind of code name." Tai Yin replied.

"Code name?"

"Although there is no explanation about the stones, there are three stones stored in the earth's human civilization cemetery plan."

"The civilized cemetery plan?" Lin Xu felt that he had more and more doubts today.

But it's normal. After all, Lin Xu has been asleep for ten thousand years. Even if he has tried his best to understand what happened after he wakes up, it is impossible to fully understand everything.

It's normal to have a lot of things you don't know.

"The human civilization cemetery project is a tomb built by human beings on the earth before they set sail. There are permanently stored video data of human civilization, as well as some creations that have affected the progress of human civilization at various key points. Among them There are three stones."

"Did you fix the tomb for yourself before you set off? How determined are they?" Lin Xu said with emotion.

After thinking about it, Lin Xu asked again.

"Is the cemetery on Earth?"

"Yes, it's on the top of Mount Everest." Taiyin replied.

Lin Xu nodded. He had already decided to fetch the three stones and see what they were.

As for taking funeral objects, it's not very good.

I am also a human being, so there is nothing wrong with taking my own funeral.

Later, Lin Xu continued to visit the Jupiter Museum.

Although most of the precious collections have been taken away by the voyage fleet, Lin Xu is still amazed by the remaining collections.

Especially in the process of various human beings conquering the solar system, the fragments of the used spacecraft have been put together again to form a complete one. The entire spacecraft is stored in the museum.

Fortunately, the museum is large enough to occupy the entire huge space inside Europa, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to accommodate it.

These spaceship fragments were significantly taken away by humans, but most of them remained.

In the end, Lin Xu even ordered several space transport ships to be mobilized from the earth, so that the self-discipline machine could select some of the remaining human collections in the Jupiter Museum that were not brought by the voyage fleet, and move them back to the earth.

It was not until the earth flew farther and farther a few days later that Lin Xu stopped carrying it.

Even so, there are still many collections left in the Jupiter Museum. After all, it is a museum that occupies the entire interior of the planet. It is not so easy to take away all the huge collections in it.

I only hope that this museum will continue to exist when the earth returns in the unknown future.

At this time, Lin Xu, who had already returned to the earth, also got the three items code-named stones.

It is said to be a stone, but in fact it has nothing to do with a stone at all.

Those were three perfect diamond-shaped objects the size of bottle caps, and the inside seemed to be a piece of chaos. Just staring at it, it was as if the entire soul was about to be sucked in.

Lin Xu studied for several days, but he still couldn't figure out what it was.

In the end, it had to be put on the shelf for the time being.

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