I take the earth to wander

Chapter 53 So I am a higher civilization?

One percent of the speed of light, one tenth of the speed of light, ten times the speed of light.

Because of the curvature of the space formed by the curvature engine, what is dragged is not a huge object like the earth.

Therefore, the speed easily reaches the theoretical speed limit of the curvature engine made by humans, which is ten times the speed of light.

Compared with the current maximum speed of the earth itself, which is only twice the speed of light, the speed of these autonomous machines is much faster.

Therefore, such an autonomous mechanical aggregate carrying a curvature engine will also undertake tasks such as pathfinding and early warning for the earth.

Today is still the first time to undertake the work of arresting.

Soon hundreds of temporary spaceships caught up with the 20 warships that were fleeing at twice the speed of light.

At the same time, the surfaces of these temporary spaceships deformed with another mechanical sound, and the self-discipline mechanical aggregates assembled with each other, and thick barrels protruded from these hundreds of temporary spaceships, and began to charge.

There is no need to consider the crew's operating space, rest space, entertainment space, and living space.

Furthermore, there is no need to consider defense, damage management, and maintenance during the battle. If it is broken, it will be discarded directly. It is exactly like the use of drones by humans in the 21st century. It is an autonomous mechanical aggregate that is used as a pure consumable in war.

Like this, a three thousand meter long ship completely composed of autonomous mechanical aggregates.

It is densely covered, all of which are weapons, offensive weapons.

A 3,000-meter-long autonomous ship has hundreds of times more weapons than a 12,000-meter-long mothership in the Republic of Mali.

Regardless of the technological content of these weapons, the earth is far more advanced than the Republic of Mali, and its power is much greater.

Just the quantity is crushing.

Although the price is the loss of defense capabilities, since it is a consumable, it is nothing more than losing one and replenishing one.

Anyway, the speed of production in the rear is faster than the speed of consumption.

Swarm tactics, that's all.

Of course, it is as if a drone equipped with an automatic rifle is just cannon fodder in a modern great power war.

But when it comes to African tribes, it is an artifact that is difficult for tribal people to shoot down. It is the same reason.

Aggregates of autonomous machines, though humans are designed as cannon fodder.

But that was when facing opponents of the same level.

When the opponent becomes the current Republic of Mali, even such a ship that has completely abandoned its defense capabilities and is purely stacked with weapons is still not something that the Republic of Mali can destroy at will, and even they cannot destroy it.

For example, self-discipline mechanical aggregates come with anti-gravity devices, repulsion field devices, etc., which are usually used more in construction work, for the ability to serve work.

Now it is very simple to form a layer of repulsive force field and anti-gravity force field on the surface of the temporary spaceship.

Just these force fields, which make no difference in a war against opponents of the same level, cannot be broken by the fleet of the Republic of Mali.

Of course, the Republic of Mali did not open fire, to test whether it could shoot down a temporary spaceship.

After hundreds of temporary spaceships composed of autonomous mechanical aggregates, the barrels were charged as a warning.

The ten warships of the Republic of Mali, which knew that they could not escape at all, and the other ten caravan warships stopped one after another and surrendered to the autonomous mechanical aggregate.

It's not that they don't want to fight to the end, especially the ten mother ships of the Republic of Mali are all soldiers.

But precisely because he was a soldier, the commander ordered the surrender after considering the gains and losses.

Because resisting higher civilization, not to mention that there is absolutely no possibility of victory, but it is likely to bring greater disasters to Mali civilization, it is better to surrender, maybe it can also win life for civilization.

At this time, the commander is not thinking more about the survival of the fleet, but the survival of the Republic of Mali.

As for the ten warships of the caravan, the thinking is even simpler. Resistance must be death, and if they surrender, they may still be alive, so surrender.

As a result, the temporary warships composed of hundreds of self-disciplined mechanical aggregates captured twenty warships without firing a single shot.

Lin Xu, who thought he could appreciate a space battleship bombardment scene, was speechless for a while.

Feelings I just asked Ms. Qiu to prepare the peanut and sunflower seed popcorn, all for nothing?

I just chilled the Coke.

The temporary battleship was leading in front, and the warships of the Republic of Mali and the caravan followed behind, and slowly returned to the asteroid belt.

At the same time, the earth has also arrived near the asteroid belt. In order to prevent the gravity of the earth from attracting the asteroids in the asteroid belt, it is separated by a little distance.

Even so, people of all races still saw a burst of despair when they saw that huge planet, which was as light as an elephant walking, moving in the universe.

Is this the essence of advanced civilization? It is even possible to propel a planet with curvature navigation technology.

At this time, Lin Xu had no time to pay attention to these captives for the time being, his attention was attracted by the items they had just traded.

With the opponent's surrender, the information in the battleship database was naturally opened to the earth.

By analyzing the database, Tai Yin has already understood the languages ​​of these races, and at the same time learned from the database what the two parties were trading just now.

"Chaos energy? In other words, the reason why they escaped was because of this chaos energy, thinking that we are a higher civilization that came here for the chaos energy?"

"Yes, there is a secret order from the commander authorized by the Congress of the Republic of Mali in their database. Higher civilizations will obtain chaotic energy at all costs. Once this transaction is discovered by higher civilizations, the on-site commanders must try their best to obtain the understanding of higher civilizations. .” Tai Yin explained.

"Forgive me? It means to kneel quickly when you are caught, no wonder you surrendered so quickly." Lin Xu understood.

I'm afraid even this secret order was not deleted on purpose, and left for them to read.

You see, we are all lying down and laughing like this, the boss will give us a way out.

"However, is the earth already considered an advanced civilization? But our current level of technology is the level that the earthlings just rushed out of the earth 10,000 years ago, and hundreds of years later."

Lin Xu is full of doubts about the development speed of human science and technology.

In fact, I have been puzzled for a long time, but now looking at these civilizations that have developed for tens of thousands of years, they still look like this.

Lin Xu was feeling more and more, is it that human beings are the chosen ones, or is there something in it that he doesn't know.

"Human Lin Xu, the curvature engine from a different civilization, and the unknown chaotic energy, how to deal with it?"

"Remove one of the curvature engines and see what's different from ours. Chaos energy, try to observe it, record something like it, and test how it can't be recorded."

Lin Xu gave the order.

Of course, compared to the curvature engine he already has, Lin Xu is more curious about the chaotic energy.

According to the information of both parties to the transaction, this thing is a good thing that all civilizations are fighting for in the universe.

There must be something special about it.

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