I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 262:

Qiye and Enkidu thought it was Baal Lahmu flying into the sky, but when they looked up, what they saw was not Lachmu... but a snake body with a color like a miasma.

It's Bathum.

Semiramis is located above Bathum's head, and she controls Bathum to feel the battlefield where Seven Nights and Enkidu are located.


With pale pupils, Basum opened his jaw full of ferocious fangs, and then spit out a deep purple to black poisonous gas.

This poisonous gas shrouded the clay figurine of the Seven Nights and the **** Rahmu of Tiamat.

Afterwards... Whether it was the clay figurine of the Seven Nights or the **** Rahmu of Tiamat, all of them turned into a viscous and indescribable purple liquid in this poisonous gas.

They were corroded by Bathum's poison...

"You can attack Rahmu, little pigeon, why did you even attack my clay figurine?"

"Sorry Qiye, although I can control it, it's quite difficult to control..."

When Qiye and Enkidu heard this, they subconsciously moved away from Semiramis and Bathum. Neither of them wanted to be attacked by Bathum's poisonous gas...

With the addition of Semiramis and Bathum, the number of Rahmu who crossed the Nabistin's Fang and entered Uruk was greatly reduced.

Qiye felt the remaining magic power in his body and looked into the distance.

"I don't know what happened to Lixiang and Decade..."

How's it going?

Fujimaru Rika and the others are in good condition. Because the Servants have sacrificed their consciousness, they have successfully approached God Tiamat.

The only people who are still alive here today are... Fujimaru Rika and Matthew, Ishtar, Quetzal Coyatl and Leopard Man.

Quetzal Coyatl said loudly to Fujimaru Rika, Matthew, and Ishtar, "Okay, you don't need to continue flying forward, because if you fly past, you will definitely be killed by me. The Noble Phantasm affected."

"Then, Miss Quetzal, be careful." Tatsuka Fujimaru said solemnly to Quetzal Coyatl.

"Oh, it's natural to be careful, everyone sacrificed to protect me, then sister and I will never be killed by this group of Lahmu before I release the Noble Phantasm."

I don't know if everyone's death made Quetzal Coyatel sad and sad, but she became serious.

"So you can watch here with peace of mind. Watching my sister, I will clean up the tide of chaos at the feet of God Tiamat!"

Quetzal Coyatel rode the pterosaur and continued to approach the **** Tiamat in front of her. She stared at the huge **** Tiamat, and then said slowly, "The creation of Mesopotamia. Goddess, the sea of ​​origin of all things, I didn't expect you to be reduced to a 'beast' like this."

"You are irrational, you are unconscious, you are heartless! You are denying human beings and trying to reshape the world, which makes me deeply sad."

"So I can't agree with you!"

Quetzal Coyatl's body began to shine with the rays of the sun, and she said loudly to God Tiamat, "Humans existed here in the past, and they also exist now."

The shouting Quetzal Coyatl raised her arm high, and above her arm appeared the pattern of the sun stone, which was 3.75 meters in diameter, and was radiating hot rays like the sun.

Quetzal Coyatl's Noble Phantasm, the "Solar Stone", is an ancient Aztec megalith, and is said to be an Aztec calendar that shows everything in the past and present of the world.

In liberating this Noble Phantasm, Quetzal Coyatl can channel the origin of the gods themselves to use part of her own power.

It is able to summon a raging strong solar wind within a certain range.

Quetzal Coyatl planned to use the Noble Phantasm of the 'Solar Stone' to burn and vaporize all the tides of chaos near God Tiamat with the wind of the sun that he summoned.

The pattern of the unfolded sun stone gradually descended, and Quetzal Coyatl's raised arm held the sun flame in the middle of the sun stone.

"Noble Phantasm Liberation!"

"The Li Shi of the Sun!"

Chapter 410 Chapter 95: The Tide of Chaos Burning Out [3]

Holding the fire of the sun in her hand, Quetzal Coyatl jumped away from the pterosaur, and her whole body fell towards the tide of chaos at the feet of God Tiamat.

In the eyes of Fujimaru Rika and the others, now Quetzal Coyatl has turned into a sun falling towards the earth...

"Come on, Miss Quetzal..." Fujimaru Rika and the others said, staring at the "sun" falling down.

The sharp-eyed Matthew saw Rahmu flying past, and quickly said to Ishtar, "Miss Ishtar, Rahmu is approaching Miss Quetzal, do you still have magic power to cover now? "

"No, that South American Venus goddess no longer needs our cover." Ishtar shook his head.

That's right, Quetzal Coyatl, who has successfully liberated the Noble Phantasm, no longer needs anyone else to cover her!

The Baal Lakhmu group are flying close to Quetzal Coyatl, trying to stop and resist her, but they can't do it at all.

Because none of them were close to Quetzal Coyatl, they were burnt to pieces by her who maintained the 'Sun Stone'.

The distance between Quetzal Coyatl and the Chaos Tide below is getting closer and closer.

100 meters... 50 meters... 30 meters... 20 meters...

Holding the fire of the sun in her hand, Quetzal Coyatl slammed into the tide of chaos below, and she shouted angrily, "This is the time when the dawn stars shine! The sun shines on the other side too!"

"The Sea of ​​Origin, under the flames of the Sun Li Shi, completely burn out!"

The fire of the sun, which was enough to stab the eyeball, exploded from the tide of chaos, and instantly turned the tide of chaos within a diameter of several hundred meters into a lava scene.

Then... the lava erupted, and the terrifying and high temperature spread out in all directions with the eruption.

Chaldea's Romani and his party were startled, and they had been detecting the data and said loudly, "Rishang Mash! Immediately defend, Quetzal Coyatel's Noble Phantasm is comparable to the wind on the surface of the sun. , is extremely powerful thermal energy, hurry up to defend!"

"Understood!" Matthew stood in front of Fujimaru Rika, and raised the round table shield in his hand, as if a snowflake wall shining with glory and perseverance appeared in front of them.

This wall... is actually a wall of the chalk city of Camelot. Matthew can use the round table shield to summon the wall of the chalk city to defend and resist.

Matthew actually wanted to use the 'ideal city far away' with even more amazing defenses.

However, she was helpless, the magic power in Mash's body was almost exhausted, and Fujimaru Rika was providing magic power for Quetzal Coyatl again.

Although it is only a wall of the chalk city, it is enough to resist the solar heat that spreads over.

Ishtar hid behind Fujimaru Tatsuka, she felt the high temperature from the invasion, she couldn't help but said in surprise, "It's so hot, so hot, as expected of the goddess of Venus in South America, with an extraordinary treasure. , so the annoying mouse in the observatory, has her Noble Phantasm worked?"

Annoying rat... oh, Ishtar is calling Romani.

Romani no longer cared about what Ishtar called him. He was concentrating on observing the data detected by Chaldea.

"The tide of chaos is rapidly burning and evaporating under Quetzal Coyatl's Noble Phantasm, turning it all into lava, successfully destroying the tide of chaos, Lixiang Matthew! How is the situation on your side? ." Romani, who suppressed the excitement, asked Fujimaru Rika and the others.

Because of the Chaos Tide and the **** Tiamat, the magic power fluctuations on Fujimaru Rika and the others were extremely strong, which made Chaldea unable to receive images through Fujimaru Rika's wristband, and could only perform data detection.

So Romani and the others couldn't wait to know the situation on Fujimaru Rika and the others.

In the hot air, Fujimaru Rika narrowed her eyes and looked at God Tiamat not far away.

It seems that the uprightness and advancement of God Tiamat really depends on the tide of Chaos. After the tide of Chaos was burned and evaporated by Quetzal Coyatl's Noble Phantasm, the Sun Stone As if unable to bear the burden on his body, the **** bent his legs and knelt down toward the hot lava below.

"God Tiamat knelt down, the battle plan was successful... wait!" Before she had time to be happy, Fujimaru Rika saw another scene that made her unbelievable.

"The lava around God Tiamat has changed, it is the tide of chaos! The lava has begun to turn into the tide of chaos!"

Yes, God Tiamat was unable to stand and move forward because she lost the tide of chaos, but the hot and hot lava around her was beginning to change to the tide of chaos.

The tide of chaos is the power of the **** Tiamat. She can continue to emerge the tide of chaos, turning the tide of chaos that turned into lava, back into the tide of chaos again.

"How could you do this!" Standing in the lava, Quetzal Coyatl showed a face of Yan Yi, she roared to increase the magic output of the 'Sun Li Shi', and continued to burn Tiama The tide of chaos that emerged from the special god.

Mash, who bit her lower lip tightly, said loudly, "Miss Quetzal is continuing to develop the Noble Phantasm! She is fighting with God Tiamat!"

Now, it's Quetzal Coyatel's Sun Stone, fighting the Chaos Tide of the **** Tiamat.

In order to delay God Tiamat's approach to Uruk, Quetzal Coyatl must maintain the 'Solar Stone' so that she cannot continue to move forward.

As long as God Tiamat is delayed and the goddess of the underworld, Ereshkigal, opens the door to the underworld, then it will be her victory for Quetzal Coyatel.

Under the terrifying high temperature of the Sun Stone, Baal Lakhmu couldn't get close to Quetzal Coyatel who maintained the Noble Phantasm, but they still attacked Quetzal Coyatel recklessly.

Baal Rahmu gave up everything, turned himself into a cone, and galloped towards Quetzal Coyatl at a rapid pace, like a lasing missile.

Baal Rahmu, who gave up everything, hit Quetzal Coyatel, who was maintaining the Noble Phantasm, in the heat of the sun's sharp stone.

"Huh?!" Quetzal Coyatl turned his head and looked at the wound on his shoulder, which was penetrated by Rahmu who turned into a missile.

"Being able to break through the high temperature, and still have a way to penetrate my shoulders... What an amazing guy, let's continue! Let's see if you guys cut me through my body, or I'm delaying the time until the gate of the underworld opens for everyone! "

There is still about a day or so before the goddess of the underworld opens the door to the underworld, but Quetzal Coyatl is quite confident in his tenacity.

Even if her body was shattered by Baal Rahmu who was attacking desperately, she would always maintain the Sun Stone and burn the tide of Chaos of God Tiamat.

To know... to know!

She, Quetzal Coyatel, was able to unfold the Noble Phantasm so smoothly, but because of everyone's sacrifice, even if her body was broken and her spiritual foundation collapsed, she would not stop liberating the 'Sun Li Shi'!

"This goddess..." Ishtar looked at Quetzal Coyatl in the lava, and couldn't help but exclaim, "It's really dazzling."

Matthew looked at Fujimaru Rika, and asked softly, "Master, now that the mission is successful, are we going to start retreating, should we leave Miss Quetzal here alone, and then retreat..."

If the battle plan is successful, those who are still alive will retreat directly.

Originally it was like this.

But I didn't expect that after God Tiamat's Chaos Tide was evaporated, she could still summon the Chaos Tide, so Quetzal Coyatel had to stay here if she wanted to stop her from advancing.

So now... do you want to retreat?

"No, I can't retreat, because I want to provide Miss Quetzal with magic power!" Fujimaru Rika found a reason to stay and fight with Quetzal Coyatel.

Matthew laughed, and then she said seriously, "Because Miss Quetzal who unfolds the Noble Phantasm needs magic power, so the Master really can't retreat, so as your Servant, naturally, I will stay with you."

When Romani and Da Vinci in the Chaldea heard the conversation between Tatsuka Fujimaru and Matthew, they smiled wryly, and then they all showed a relieved smile.

Just stay, just stay.

Anyway, because of Quetzal Coyatl's Sun Stone, the tide of Chaos near God Tiamat had all been burned and evaporated, and Rahmu could no longer be born from here.

So although God Tiamat's side is dangerous, he won't suffer too many attacks from Baal Lahmu.

"Since you all plan to stay, then I will not leave by myself. I will continue to cover Quetzal Coyatl, so that she will not be attacked by Baal Rahmus." Ishtar carried the uncomfortable High temperature, Ma Anna, who was driving the sky boat, went earlier.

With Ishtar's sniping, Quetzal Coyatl's pressure was instantly relieved a lot.

It seems... everything has stabilized?

As long as Quetzal Coyatl maintains the Noble Phantasm, the Sun Stone, God Tiamat will never be able to move forward, thus gaining extremely precious time for Uruk.

But it's not that simple...

Because God Tiamat possesses the magic power sufficient for space navigation, what kind of concept is this... That is, if she can fly, she will be able to carry out space travel by herself.


God Tiamat uttered a "beautiful" song. Qiye, who was on the side of Nabistin's Fang, subconsciously looked at God Tiamat in the distance, and he saw an incredible sight.

Because the tide of chaos turned into a sea of ​​lava, God Tiamat, who was holding his hands in the lava, slowly raised his head with huge double horns.

Following God Tiamat's move of raising her head, the double horns that stretched out from her hair also lifted up, and then the huge and incalculable magic power in her body began to be used behind the double horns.

The horns of God Tiamat began to spew out magical flames, and then she... she stood up like this.

No! Rather than saying that God Tiamat stood up again, it would be better to say that she was lifted up by the gushing magic power of her horns!

Quetzal Coyatl, who maintained the Noble Phantasm, Sun Lishi, also watched this scene, and she said in astonishment, "She concentrated the magic element on the horns, and then cracked and sprayed, this... It's like Wings are the same, wait, God Tiamat is not planning to fly..."

That's right, Quetzal Coyatl's guess was right. God Tiamat not only stood up again, she also started to fly.

Although the flight speed was extremely slow, the feet of God Tiamat had indeed left the lava sea below and entered the attitude of flight.

Looking at the flying **** Tiamat, Ishtar, who was covering for Quetzal Coyatl, was completely stunned, and with wide-eyed she said in amazement, "No... no way! It symbolizes the earth. With the mother of the sea, can you still fly??”

Well, except Gudora, it seems that everyone can fly...cough.

Ishtar, who was relieved, said loudly to Quetzal Coyatl in the lava sea below, "Hey! Goddess of South America, end your Noble Phantasm, since mother can fly, then your treasure The tool has lost its meaning."

That's right, Fujimaru Rika and the others originally planned to use the tide of evaporating chaos to prevent God Tiamat from moving forward, so as to gain time for the goddess of the underworld to open the door to the underworld.

But now God Tiamat can actually leave the earth and fly... Then Quetzal Coyatl no longer needs to maintain her Noble Phantasm, the Sun Lishi.

"Are you going to fly... Although what you said is unbelievable, God Tiamat has indeed begun to move forward." Romani in Chaldea looked at the detection screen, God Tiamat was huge The magic reaction is moving slowly.

Judging from the speed of this advance, the speed of the flying **** Tiamat and the one advancing in the tide of chaos are similar.

"It is estimated that God Tiamat will arrive at Uruk Kingdom in eight hours..." Romani said the calculated information heavily.

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