Before entering the 7th floor.

Fully equipped.

I checked my physical condition several times, and received a separate heel from the medical officers several times.

The equipment was also checked several times.

It was natural.

because it's the last

“As you know, the 7th floor is the last of this tower. If you just clear there, everything will be over.”

He stood in front of the members and spoke softly.

“We came this far, caught a lot of monsters and crossed a lot of traps.”

“… … .”

“However, if you fail on the 7th floor, all of that will be in vain.”

“… … .”

“I don’t want your hard work and sweat to be like that.”

“… … .”

“Please remember this one thing. We will take the lead and lead you in any situation. Whatever comes out, I will not back down.”

“… … !”

“Would you trust me and follow me?”

"Yes! I will go anywhere!”


“Let’s go right up!”

Shouts echoed all around.

Morale was still high.

“Then let’s go up.”


The shout rang out again.

Everyone flashed their weapons.

We've already talked about the 7th floor.

It's possible that Cambly could act as a summoner rather than the final boss.

Undead may come out like in the Jeju Island recapture operation.

The members believed everything I said.

Now I had to believe it.

From the 1st floor to the 6th floor, everything went as I said.

“Chief, when you get out of here, take a look at my fortune.”

“Haha, yes. We'll see you when we get a chance."

Oddly enough, there is even a voice asking you to look at your fortune.

Last time he said he would open a tarot house.

Of course it has to be.

Prediction of the stage is also a prediction, and it is because we practiced beforehand before coming here.

It has a big impact on how things turned out so well.

That's why the members tremble even more.

However, it seems to me that the results would have been similar even if they came in without any information.

Everyone was so talented.

It was from the first floor.

Even in the midst of such a crowd of Scorpionmen, everyone casually cut them down.

It was the same when catching a chimera.

Even if I cut off a pair of wings, the basic attack itself was superior.

You can tell just by looking at how the Guardians were helpless.

in short.

Black Wing is now invincible.

But that doesn't mean that I can break the 'that mindset' I've had since coming here.

[On the 7th floor, Kambly, the owner of the tower, lives.]

not to be vigilant.

Because the opponent is that strong.

[Move to the 7th floor after a while.]

Finally climbed the portal that went up to the 7th floor.


The last gate appeared.

* * *

[…] … ]

Until now, every time I arrived at each floor, a related notification popped up.

About the name of the floor or the stage.

The 7th floor was different.

[…] … ]

Nothing came to mind.

But there was no need to wait for a notification.

Just by looking at the situation in front of them, it was possible to immediately understand what kind of place this place was.


unpleasant wind noise.cracked ground.

Bone trees and withered grass.

It was ruins.

The sky was full of dark clouds.

“Everyone, please wait in your seats.”


What will happen in this kind of terrain is obvious.


Even if it hadn't been the memory before the return, I would have been able to predict it.

it's the same

During the Jeju Island recapture operation, the double dungeon of Baengnokdam, that is, the place where the Black King was.

“In a terrain like this, the undead will surely appear.”


The members answered in a slightly tense voice.

next moment.

It happened right away.

Something suddenly appeared on the cracked ground.

it was a zombie

His unfocused eyes and blood all over his body proved it.

There were a lot of threads on the skin.

Of course, if it was a normal zombie, it wouldn't be surprising at all.

Ordinary zombies aren't even ogres or trolls, they're worse than orcs.


Those zombies were different.

“Be careful! I will come and kill myself!”


Explosion Zombie.

It is the type that charges and detonates the opponent.

Even though they are worse than orcs, how painful it would be if they self-destruct, if the number reached thousands, it would be a different story.




The ground was suddenly filled with zombies.

The number of Scorpionmen I saw on the first floor was at the level of aegyo compared to now.

There were so many that I vomited.

“You have to make sure you don’t get too close!”


One answer.

sweeping away with a sword wind.

He immediately swung his sword.

The members also radiated mana using their own swords.

Zombies swept away in an instant.

However, since the number of entities was large, there was no end to killing or killing.




They even screamed as a group and had no spirit.

When this happens, I just lose my energy.

[Pumps mana-related skills.]

The stronger the power, the bigger the sword wind was created.

Mana swirled around the sword.

Its size continued to grow.

He raised his sword high.

There is no answer if you blow it in one place.

You have to kill them all at once.

The mana they had gathered was released all at once.

The mana of the members was also flying, so the power was doubled.




Sounds like a bomb exploding.

The zombies didn't self-destruct.

My body was bursting with the mana emitted by me and the members.

The ground was covered with dead bodies in an instant.

It disappeared like smoke.

And after that, an unknown new model appeared.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! You've lost your fear! How dare you come into my realm!”

that laugh

that talk.

It is very similar to the Black King we saw during the operation to retake Jeju Island.

Could the two be brothers?

whatever it is is good

Because it seems that the target has appeared.

“That must be Cambly!”


As soon as I shouted, the new model, no, Cambly burst out laughing again.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! You're taking my name out of your mouth. However, I will commend you for that ability. About crossing all the floors and getting rid of my pets even after coming here.”

“Cambly is an Undead Summoner!”

The sound of the dog blew through the back of the ear and instructed the members.

“Soon, undead monsters will pour in again! Stay alert!”


It will probably be a tough fight.

Summoning an Explosion Zombie just enough is enough to summon other undead as well.

Even super high-ranking undead like Skeleton King can jump out.


In this case, you must first catch and kill the person who is the medium.

I mean Cambly.

It floated right into the air.

And flew towards Cambly.

It won't be easy.

If he had been the one to be attacked at once, he would have been easily caught even before the return.


It was as expected.

A huge shield was formed around its body.

In addition to the shield, other undead were summoned and served as a shield for him.


they appeared

“As much as you guys have, should I show my skills?”

Cambly with a sneering smirk.

Around him, skeletons armed with hard armor and a shabby purple sword appeared.

It was the Skeleton King.

It was slightly different from the ones summoned by the Black King during the operation to retake Jeju Island, but it was clear that he was a Skeleton King.

It was different from the aura that was emitting.

"go! Go and get rid of them all!”

As soon as Cambly's instructions fell, the Skeleton Kings rushed in unison.

towards the members.

“Whether it’s the Skeleton King or anything else, I will wipe it all away!”


The members also ran to face each other without giving up.

I wish I could join that front, but I couldn't.

“Heh heh, I’ll show you the difference between you and me.”

Cambly laid out the 2nd sickest lines like the Black King, and raised the sickle in his hand high.

At the same time, the sky was twisted.

Something shuddered in it.

And with the thick smoke, he poked his head out.


It was a Bone Dragon.

It was the bone dragon that the Black King pulled out as the last card during the operation to retake Jeju Island.

“… … !”

“… … !”

“… … !”

The faces of the members hardened for a moment at the overwhelming posture.

He came to his senses again and faced the Skeleton Kings, but it seemed instantaneous.

that the morale has been reduced a little.

It should be sorted out as soon as possible.

Otherwise, winning this battle and leaving the supremacy may result in even more painful results.

someone seriously hurt

if not… … die or

From the moment the sky began to twist, I was already flying towards it.

“What do you think you can do against the Bone Dragon! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

This was the case during the operation to retake Jeju Island.

Couldn't do anything.

I just had to run away.

But now it's different.


The first strike with a sword wind rushed to the dragon.

The guy accepted it right away.

The sword wind that cut off one of the Chimera's wings was repulsed without any hesitation.Then he ripped his jaw and pulled something together.

It was Breath.

Of course, the power will be lower than that of a real dragon, but you don't know what will happen if you get it wrong.

But I accepted it right away.


At the time of the White Field conquest, he had also received the real dragon's.


It cut through the air and continued to rush at him.

He also flew towards me.

His whole body was a weapon.

The horns on his head were like a sword, the energy flowing from his claws was like a river of swords, and the flap of his wings like a sword wind.

Truly, the whole body was a weapon.




What would it feel like if dozens of lightning bolts hit each other?

[Iron Ong Castle skill is being activated.]

[The hard body skill is being activated.]

Even though all the defensive skills such as the strong character and the hard body were in operation, the pain was transmitted as it was.

The battle uniform was torn.

I could see his blood flowing through them.

It's not easy either.

But I was happy.

'Cause I'm not losing


Because I'm also doing damage to him.

As in the case of the Jeju Island recapture operation, there is no need to run away.

[Activates Mana Haste.]

[Activates Mana Haste.]

[Activates Mana Haste.]

The most important thing in this situation is mana.

Pure strength is also strength, but you need mana to cut through that tough body.

[Activates Mana Haste.]

[If this skill is excessively activated, it will cause great damage to stamina.]

If you use too much, a warning beep sounds.

I already knew.

I knew it and wrote it.

This way, you will be able to catch it with more certainty.


On top of the sword, the sword burned even more.

like a flame.

Whoops rumble rumble!

no like flames.

He gathered them together and stretched them out in a direct blow towards the man's head.

He also flapped his wings and attacked me, but I ignored it and continued attacking.


The guy howled.

Breath was gathering again in the mouth.

He also seemed to be trying to win.

But he was of no use.


was melting

His breath was pushed by my sword, melting away.

“What, what?!”

Cambly's voice was heard from somewhere.

It wasn't the hoarse voice he had before, it was a bewildered voice.

Ignoring it, he stretched out his sword again.


The punctuation was very short.

But the aftermath was very long.

Geomgang, who had grown up to several tens of meters, ripped the head off as it was.

It did not stop there, and the body was divided into two parts.

“Ahhhhhh… … .”

There was no more valiant roar.

It started to turn into powder.

All of his stamina was gone and his life as a summoned beast ended.


“The leader caught this dragon!”


This time, it was my victory.

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