The new swordsmanship requires a considerable understanding of swordsmanship, high combat abilities with him as the head, and long-term mental training.

In terms of rank, the minimum lieutenant colonel can be opened only by wearing it.

That is how open it is now.

[New Swordsmanship Day is a passive skill, and will continue to be activated unless stamina is severely reduced.]

I was training hard.

Along with mana practice, he continued to train his mind.

However, I did not know that it would lead to a new swordsmanship day.


Mouth won't close

Is it the effect of smoke?

But except for Breath, he never fought directly.

Then it's hard to see the effect of Smoke.

In the first place, the related notifications kept popping up.

It is said that the sword and the body combine to create an explosive power.

Something new is reacting to him.

Maybe I have learned something after starting the White Field conquest?

without even knowing it

whatever it is is good

I wanted to take a step higher than swordsmanship, and I've accomplished it.

Judging by the grade alone, the swordsmanship is a double S, but the new swordsmanship is a triple S.

I looked at the information window again for a moment.

[New Swordsmanship (SSS): The highest level of swordsmanship. People become swords, and swords become people. You get infinite power from that united thing.]

The best of swordsmanship.

infinite power.

The game is over as long as it is stated in the description.

Of course, that doesn't mean that the new swordsmanship is the best in swordsmanship.

It's not about gaining infinite power.

Because there is something ‘higher’ than the date of the new swordsmanship.

If possible, I'd like to get there too.

I'll have to work harder in the future.

I looked around, suppressing joy and excitement.

The breath has been completely removed.

Smoke tried to fire again, but Lieutenant General Alithev had already reached out his sword before that.

He couldn't afford it any more.


When the sky splits, there was a roar that I thought would make a sound like that, and Smoke's mouth widened.

It was not a roar that erupted from there, but a moan of pain.

One wing was torn apart.

That was the beginning.

Numerous swords danced to and fro and pierced his body.

Scales and leather were torn to shreds.


I was then able to breathe.

“You take care of yourself!”


And organized the remaining Wyverns with the crew.



Breath was also blocked, so it was a Wyvern meal now.

There was no need to use a sword or sword wind.

The energy emanating from the sword itself.

That alone was enough.



The Wyverns screamed and collapsed.

There was also a guy who waited a few steps with only his neck left and collapsed.

This is the power of the new sword unity.

I felt it from the moment I got rid of the breath, but it really is a power beyond my imagination.

“Kir r r r r r r r r!”

“It’s a Red Wyvern!”A Red Wyvern who infiltrated several.

Even in front of them, Shingeomhapil performed a great majesty.

Even though it was several times stronger than a normal Wyvern, it was killed in the same way.




Because of that, the aggro was focused on me, and he also easily blocked it.

No, he blocked them and caught them all at the same time.


“Is that possible?!”

There were no more Wyverns with their wings spread in the vicinity.

All of them were drooping and crawling on the ground.

It wasn't just the wings that were hurt.

He suffered serious injuries, including a large hole in his body or a severed leg.

It was then that the reminder came back.

[Stat EXP greatly increases under the influence of excellent battles!]

excellent battle.

I have experienced many times that the rewards will be very large if this phrase is attached.

It was no different this time.

[Strength stat level rises to ‘5’!]

[The level of the stamina stat rises to ‘5’!]

[The level of the agility stat rises to ‘5’!]

[The level of the vitality stat rises by ‘3’!]

[Mana stat level rises by ‘3’!]

The vitality stat and mana stat were 3 each, and the rest of the basic stats were raised by a whopping 5.

It's not low-level, it's all high-level though.

[Strength: Lv.106]

[Health: Lv.104]

[Agility: Lv.104]

[Animation: Lv.92]

[Mana: Lv.92]

A status window popped up for a moment.

His stamina and agility finally exceeded 100.

If you keep going like this, it is only a matter of time before your vitality and mana reach 100.

The battle continued with joy.


Normal Wyvern and Red Wyvern were almost all caught.

It's still being created, but it won't last long.

Smoke, which can be called a monarch, is completely gone.


There was a threatening sound, but there was no stall at all.

Now my stomach was splitting apart.

pouring blood.

He started to gather breath again with the last effort, but the game was already leaning.


A new one with a high sword rushed towards its jaws.

It was Lieutenant General Alithef.

How can a person be that fast?

The speed is also fast, and the mana that comes out of the sword has a force to swallow up the whole world.


When the sword was finally swung, something was cut off.

It was Smoke's head.

Seeing that I couldn't even close my eyes, I guess I never thought that things would turn out like this.

“Remove the gate!”


There must be a gate where the Wyverns and smoke were pulled out.

It was an instruction for that job.

Lieutenant General Alithef only gave orders and he came down to the ground.

Now that I look at it, the situation is not right.


It's just a name, but it's actually a red dragon.

Since I was dealing with a high-ranking monster, there was no way I could be okay.

The battle uniform was so damaged that I wondered if it was a combat uniform or rags, and the color was stained red.

How the hell did you bleed?


Lieutenant General Ali Thef descended to the ground, thrusting his sword into the ground and supporting his body.

He seemed to have a hard time even standing up.

“Are you okay?”

"I am OK. Hurry up and finish the gate.”


In the meantime, he pays more attention to the immediate task than his own pain and wounds.

This is a point where you can see how heavy the weight of the position of commander in chief is.


Soon the gate was revealed.

A transparent swarm of light was spreading from above the space where Smoke appeared, that is, in the sky.

Tang Tang!

Tang Tang!

The crew started firing at once with their guns.

It was the place where Smoke came from, so it had a rather high defense, but when it was shot hundreds of bullets at the same time, it was shattered without a hitch.


Fragments of a swarm of lights begin to fall from the sky.

It's like snow.

not beautiful

The eyes have been really boring.

since coming here.

“I won!”

“I got smoke!”


Finally, the cry of victory resounds.

But at the same time, there are concerns.

Even though it was a boss monster, this is Area 18.

If this is the area in Area 18, what is the extent of Area 19 and Area 20?

There must be someone stronger than Smoke.

* * *

“Is the concept of class different in Korea? How can a major be that strong?”

“Even if the breath wasn’t in perfect condition, to accept it as it is. Heh heh, I really want.”

“I didn’t accept it. I removed it altogether. So it’s even more interesting.”

“Look, Major Choi. What the hell did you do?”

everyone was looking at me

Their faces were the same, as if they had promised.


It was the kind of face that would fit perfectly if you put it in words.

“Um, that’s what happened after fighting.”

He scratched the back of his head and replied.

I'm not doing this for nothing.

Because even I didn't expect it at all.

“Awesome great!”


The Black Wing team members have been screaming for a long time.

So much so that I'm out of my mind.

Of course it feels good.

Because it's all saying I did well.

“Good job, Major Choi. You did a great job.”

“What do you teach in Korea to get talented people like Major Choi?”

The commanders also spoke one word at a time.

I don't know where to put my body when people who would normally have a hard time making eye contact tell me this.

Big, the shoulder pads are a little full.

“Hahaha, that’s great!”

Especially Lieutenant General Alithef.

The hero who killed Smoke looked at me and had a smile on his face.

“How can you handle your breath so easily? I was good in the beginning, but I feel like I’m doing better as the divisions go on.”

"thank you."

“Major Choi can’t be alone. I'll give you two, no, three."“What are you talking about?”

“Whatever. It's a decoration."

and even decorations.

Couldn't have been better than this.

“Take the wounded out of the white field, and let the rest search the remaining gates!”


It's good to enjoy the win, but there's still more work to be done.

Wounded and remaining gates.

It didn't take that long.

The former was taken care of by the nearby unit hunters, and the latter was nonexistent in the first place.

“After rest, prepare for the next conquest.”


Now the remaining task is to conquer Areas 19 and 20.

Sadly the morale wasn't that high.

The reason was obvious.

It's because of the smoke that appeared in Area 18.

It's a characteristic of White Field that the difficulty increases with time, and if you consider that characteristic, it means that areas 19 and 20 will come out stronger than Smoke.

Even after winning like that, I was rather worried.

As many people were injured, the number of operating personnel dropped to 500.

Even taking into account the number of people joining after treatment, it will be less than 1,000.

It's getting more difficult, but the number of people has been reduced.

How to deal with this situation?

It was then that the good news came.

“I have good news.”

Rest period after conquest of Area 18.

A smile appeared on Lieutenant General Alithef's face, who had been worried about the problems with Area 19 and Area 20.

“Sector 18 was the end of Whitefield.”


White Field is a kind of dungeon like the Baengnokdam of Mt. Halla.

So when I entered, information about the terrain appeared, and it was clearly there at that time.

It is made up of twenty districts.

But what about the end of Area 18?

What do you mean?

“Sectors 19 and 20 exist, but there are no gates in them.”

“Is that really?!”

"Yes. The advance team continued to infiltrate, but not a single gate was found.”

The crew members who were puzzled then responded.

“So you mean it’s over? Wow!”

“Huh! It's finally over!”

They embraced each other and raised their swords.

“However, there is a possibility that the gate is hidden. Until then, we have to check.”

Had there been a hidden gate, the advance team would not have penetrated so deeply.

The monster must have come out and attacked you right away.

But what if is always there.

And since I haven't received a clear notification yet, I need to finish it with more certainty.

“After one more day of rest, we will start right away tomorrow.”


A loud reply echoed through the campground.

If not, the White Field Conquest is effectively over.

It was a sign of victory after a long four-month campaign.

“Chief, have a nice dream.”

“Yeah, the deputy chief, have a good dream too.”

Looking forward to tomorrow, I lay down to sleep.

The past four months are flashing through my mind.

High-ranking monsters such as Variant Yeti, Strigoi, Variant Bastin, Karkan, Wyvern, Red Wyvern, and Smoke that appeared last.

I had a lot of trouble dealing with them.

I got hurt a lot too.

Instead, there is much to be gained.

Not to mention the performance, the stat level has risen tremendously, and the best swordsmanship-related skill called the new swordsmanship has also been opened.

The corners of your lips curl up.

I think I can sleep very well tonight.

However… … What won't happen tomorrow?

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