I Really Don’t Want To Be a Natural Disaster

Vol 2 Chapter 706: Soul out of the body

  Chapter 709 Soul out of the body (4600 words, July monthly ticket plus 23)

  What is magic?

  This is Yi Lin's biggest concern.

  Cyberlas has been appointed as Erin's magic teacher.

  She is also very responsible.

  No nonsense, Cerberas readily took an entry-level textbook from the shelf and began to explain to Yi Lin.

  Irin has the foundation of "magic" and "crystal pattern", coupled with super high spiritual attributes, he has a palace-level understanding ability, and quickly understood.

  But when he understood, he sighed secretly, and finally understood why Bathmelo Dylan promised so readily this morning.

  According to what Cerberas said, the so-called magic is indeed a mysterious science that can be “learned”.

  Magic, that is, the phenomenon of transcending common sense.

  In other words, magic is something that can be done under common sense, and it can happen in another very sensible way.

  In the terminology of a magician, there is also the concept of "magic".

  Irin just got excited when he heard it.

  Magician uses “unconventional” means to accomplish what “human beings can accomplish”.

  This is magic.

  A simple example.

  ——Light a fire.

  Modern technology, a lighter, a natural gas stove, or other ignition equipment, easy to complete.

  The magician just does not use modern technology to accomplish this kind of action.

   Does this sound a bit like taking off your pants and farting?


  At the very least, Yi Lin sounds like it is.

  And “things that humans can never accomplish” are called “magic”.

  The concept of magic is something that neither humans nor magicians can accomplish.

   Speaking of magic, Yi Lin thought of the Supreme Mage again.

  It is used by the Supreme Master, but it is the magic of the eight classics.

  But his magic, according to his theory, is indeed not something humans can accomplish. The Supreme Mage must communicate with the non-human lords of other planes and use their power to complete the "magic".

  It took a while, and Yi Lin understood the essence of "magic" literally.

   "It's a science. Well, sure enough, believe in science."

   Yi Lin got it, got it.

  For an instant, as a great engineer, he again made inferences and talked with Cerberas in the library.

  Cyberlas and Yi Lin were chatting, and some inexplicable changes gradually appeared in their eyes.

  For Cyberlas, Yi Lin, an outsider who knew nothing about "magic" ten minutes ago, completed the "primary education" of magic in less than an hour. This kind of enchanting ability of understanding made Cyberlass doubts several times. She wondered if Yi Lin was a spy sent by Hesitation Sea.

  But it's impossible.

  Magicians have a means of identifying each other. It is a unique "smell" that can hardly be hidden.

  The era is advancing.

  The definition of "magic" and "magic" is constantly undergoing subtle changes with the passage of time.

  Still take "lighting a fire" as an example.

  In the ancient stone age, when humans had not mastered the “fire”, “making fire” was a kind of magic. Because, in the eyes of primitive people at the time, this was "something that humans absolutely cannot accomplish."

  Now, it has become a kind of "magic".

   Another example is to destroy a mountain. In modern times, this powerful magic was also regarded as "magic", but with the development of science and technology, the mysterious decline, human thermal weapons appeared endlessly, and even when the nuclear bomb was invented, the pure destructive power was no longer "magic". category.

this age.

  There are fewer and fewer things that can be called "magic".

  After mastering the simple definition of magic.

   of course is to enter the topic.

   "I approve of your savvy." When Cerberas talked about the topic, she sighed slightly. She hesitated for a moment, but still turned around and took off her clothes in front of Yi Lin.

  Irin stared at her seriously.

  He would not be so stupid to think that Cerberas had a sudden convulsion and greedy his body.

  Sure enough, on the exposed white back of Cerberas, a complex tattoo that almost filled the skin on the back came into Yi Lin’s eyes.

"This is'magic engraving.' Magic is not a technology that can be thoroughly studied and used freely by a generation. Magic is a generation of magicians. In this way, they can pass on their own research, understanding, and experience to the next generation. knowledge."

"Besides, to become a magician, you must have an excellent pedigree, an excellent magic circuit in your body, and a huge reserve of knowledge. These three points are indispensable. In a short period of time, even if you know what is Magic can't get started successfully."

  Cyberlas put on the tuxedo calmly, turned around, as if nothing had happened, and poured cold water on Yi Lin faintly.

  I don’t know if it’s Yi Lin’s illusion. When Cerberas said this, there was a hint of irony in his words.

  Irin doesn’t mind either.

  He rubbed his palms, but his expression was strangely calm: “It’s okay, even if you can’t learn it, you have some understanding, maybe it will be helpful to find that treasure next.”

  Cyberlas’ expression was startled, she never expected that this despicable foreigner would be so concerned about it. Cyberlas lowered his head, clenched his fists, and said nothing.

  "Can I read all these books?"

   Yi Lin pointed to the vast sea of ​​books and asked.


Cyberlas replied: "But I remind you that every book has related magic on it. I know that'you' have a'space' where you can hide anything. But once there is any book from The disappearance of this world will alarm the clock tower."

  "Are there any means to prevent theft? Oh, I understand. Don't worry, I am not that kind of person. Then I will read the book first, and I will find you if I have any problems."

  Cyberlas looked up and down several times with Yi Lin's weird eyes. Seeing Yi Lin's sincere eyes, he quietly left the place.

  After Cerberas is gone.

   Yi Lin suppressed the excitement for a long time, and finally floated on her face.

  On the surface, this room is full of books.

  In the eyes of Yi Lin, these are all precious knowledge, and they are “treasures” whose value cannot be measured by any goods.

   "I'm burning up."

   Yi Lin smiled and rushed towards the bookshelf like a hungry wolf.


  In the clock tower, there are many students who are enthusiastic about academic research.

  They are collectively called apprentices of magicians.

  The age of apprentices varies widely.

  The youngest is still under adulthood.

  The biggest is even gray-haired, and he will step into the coffin with his stomach full of knowledge when he sees it.

  The library is a public area.

  Every apprentice is qualified to enter the library.

  Only usually, there won’t be too many people gathering.

  Gradually, many people discovered a strange thing.

  In the library, I don’t know when it started, and there was an extra weirdo.

  This weird person does not wear the costume of a magician.

   also did not bring attendants.

  There is no "taste" that a magician should have on his body.

  But he sat at the corner of the spiral staircase every day, with a pile of esoteric magic ancient books piled up in front of him, and he read it with gusto.

  Many times, there were some old fritters magician apprentices, and when they passed by the weird, they couldn’t help but want to ask: Do you understand?

  But every time the magician apprentice who wanted to ask questions saw the face of a weird person, without knowing the reason, his face changed and he hurriedly walked around as if he hadn’t seen it.

  Until someone reported it to Cerberas.

  The identity of the strange man was confirmed: he was Cerberas’ "special servant", and he was approved by the monarch Bathmelo to come here to read books and gain insights.

   "It turned out to be so serious, intoxicated, and focused for the boring and ordinary life, because after arriving at the clock tower of the magician's holy place, and finally getting the bragging capital!"

  Someone understands.

  The above words, referred to as-do not know how to pretend.


  Irin is focusing on reading.

  He doesn't hear things outside the window.

  Three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

  In three days,

  He never left the library for even one step.

  Starting day and night.

  On the way, Cyberlas seemed to be curious if Yi Lin died suddenly in the library, so he came to take a look.

  She had a dark face and cleaned out the peels, melon seed shells, and drink cups near the spiral corridor.

  Finally, she saw Yi Lin really looked attentively, shook her head secretly, and left silently, without interruption.

  She sees too many people like this.

  Magician is not a profession that can succeed as long as "knowing", "working hard", "persisting", and "struggling".

   Soon, he will hit a wall, and he will perceive the huge gap between magicians and non-magicians.

  Irin is indeed very fascinated.

  A few times, he was only able to find him even after Cerberas had walked beyond the ten steps.

   Seeing Cyberlas gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and silently cleaned up the garbage for himself, Yi Lin closed his eyes every time, pretending not to notice.

  After three days of hard study, Yi Lin has a better understanding of "magic".

  "Every human being has the potential to become a magician. Huh? What if it's not a person? Can a dog do it?"

   Yi Lin pointed to one of the lines in a book "On the Magician: From Entry to Entry," and it seemed that something was wrong.

   is not rigorous enough.

never mind.

  It doesn’t matter.

  Knowledge and insight are closely related.

  Perhaps the magician who wrote this book has never seen a dog who watches "Animal World" while holding a tablet while going to the toilet, nor has he seen a dog who can bring a baby. Yi Lin gently closed the book "On the Magician: From Entry to the Earth", and looked at the author's name-David Copperfield.

   "But the above is not wrong, everyone has the potential to become a magician."

   Yi Lin nodded.

  According to the magician's theory, everyone has an "origin."

  The origin of each person determines the potential of the magician, and also most likely determines the magician’s "magic attributes". With a high probability, the attributes of a magician can be divided into: earth, water, fire, wind, and air. There are also two rare attributes: imaginary number and nothing.

  The first five kinds, many magic classics have similar descriptions. But regarding "imaginary number" and "nothing", most of the magic classics are vague, and Yi Lin can't fully understand it either.

  Among them is a mathematician and magician named Descartes who imagined and speculated about "imaginary number" and "nothing".

  "Imaginary number property" refers to something that exists theoretically but does not actually exist.

  "Non-attribute" refers to something that does not exist in theory but actually exists.

  So complicated!

  This kind of illusory conjecture that is more inclined to idealism is the reason why Yi Lin cannot fully understand these two attributes.

  "Magic, crystal pattern, and even magic, have similarities."

  "The three most basic elements in magic: base plate, technique, and magic circuit."

"The so-called foundation is similar to the most basic language environment of magic. These include all the culture, religion, history, and language in the world. These environments constitute the magic itself. No wonder the Magician Association once had branches all over the world, because of the language In itself, it cannot be an obstacle to magic, but different languages ​​give magic more possibilities."

  "In other words, all things can be magic? Well, maybe our ‘Guwu’ is also a kind of ‘magic’ in the eyes of a magician."

   Yi Lin silently recalled the power of Mo Rendi's fist.

  If Mo Rendi came here and punched these buildings a few times, would this group of magicians be astonished and call the great magician Mo Rendi to lead people?

"The spells are better understood. Similar to the'programs' compiled in advance, different spells play different roles in the same language environment. This is not the same as'crystal patterns' and'magic. ', there are similarities."

  As for the third element, the magic circuit, this is an eye-opener for Yi Lin.

  In crystallography, the loop can be simply understood as the channel of energy. It is done with various lines and nodes.

  In magic, the magic circuit is "an organ" that exists in the magician's body. This organ, similar to blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels, circulates inside the body. Among them, it was precisely because of the magic circuit that Cerberas firmly believed that Erin could not learn magic in a short time.

  Because of the magic circuit, it is the essence and secret of the magician. Different magic families have technologies for cultivating magic circuits with drugs, etc., and these technologies are secretive. It may take years, ten years, decades, or even a generation to cultivate a magician’s magic circuit. The accumulation of successive generations can be completed.

  This is why, in some magician families, inheritance does not depend on blood, but only on talent. Some magician families will even take the initiative to send their beautiful daughters to the door because they have some kind of magic circuit talent, try every means to conceive the blood of the other family, and then secretly carry them back.

  Or, on the side of the road, I saw someone who has the talent, so I slapped him on the forehead, took it back as an adopted son, and treated it as his own son.

  In the world of magicians, it doesn’t matter whether it’s green or not. It doesn’t matter whether it’s your own child or not. What’s important is whether you have the talent to become a magician.

  Magic, really a strange group of people.

  Even if the bloodline cannot be passed down, he must find a way to pass on the knowledge. It is difficult for Yi Lin to understand this almost pathological obsession. What is it that has attracted countless magicians. In more than two thousand years, such as moths fighting the fire, they have actively sought green a hundred times or a hundred times?

  The fourth night.

  High concentration of energy, even the liver for 72 hours, Rao Yi Lin was a bit unable to withstand it.

   Yi Lin yawned. It was late at night. He leaned on the fence of the spiral staircase and took a nap with his eyes closed.

  He has been immersed in the vast ocean of knowledge, unable to extricate himself.

  Magic is a subject technology, although Yi Lin could not master, but he opened a new door with this.

  The limitations of magic are more outrageous than crystal patterns, but from it, Yi Lin vaguely grasped a certain pattern.

   Yi Lin has a hunch, as long as he can fully understand the true meaning of "magic", the degree of completion of his "law of freedom" will go even further.

  Irin’s free law was born out of crystal patterns and advanced to magic, but the theories involved in it were limited by Irin’s knowledge and could not be completely completed. This is perhaps the most important reason why Yi Lin's "law of freedom" has not yet been assessed as a "strengthening".

  Because of this "law of freedom" itself, even Yi Lin himself still has doubts, how can he be recognized by the tower without knowing it?

   "There is not enough time."

   Yi Lin rubbed his eyes, then took out a book of interest from the shelf.

  "Yeah? So thick, "A New Edition of Astronomy"? The author is Bathmelo G. Dylan, the monarch Bathmelo? That kid? Isn't he in charge of ‘all basic subjects’?”

   Yi Lin was curious in her heart and opened the obscure book.

  Looking at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Lin started to fight with eyelids.

  Tired, incomprehensible, boring, and boring. For various reasons, Yi Lin took a nap.


   While taking a nap, Yi Lin suddenly thought of a kind of magic.

  A kind of magic that he has mastered for a long time, but has never had the opportunity to use it on himself.

   "Try it."

   Yi Lin took out more than fifty celestial books that he had read before but did not understand, and selected the most boring and difficult page among them, and spread them out step by step on the steps.

  After completing this "feat", Yi Lin nodded in satisfaction, and while no one was around, put on the [Apprentice Suspended Ring] on the index and middle fingers.

  A circle of magical texture appeared on the wrist, and then, Yi Lin slapped his chest firmly.

  Man, be cruel to yourself!


  In front of me, the world tends to stand still.

   "The soul is out of the body!"

  (End of this chapter)

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