"Are you... telling the truth?" After a moment of silence, Hancock asked. It was normal to be suspicious. After all, no one in this world would dare to attack the Celestial Dragons casually.

"I really don't bother to lie to people in this regard." Linton said lightly, "If you have any doubts, go find the newspapers in the Chambord Islands. Theoretically, there should be news about this, or... the navy ship seems to be there. They are nearby, right? You can find a way to ask them."

Linton's words were very candid, and there seemed to be many ways to verify them. Hancock was a little convinced. And since she was being hunted by the Celestial Dragons, Hancock really couldn't ignore it. After all, she herself was once a slave of the Celestial Dragons and also a victim. Hancock still admired this uncle and nephew who dared to attack the Celestial Dragons.

"I will verify your words." Hancock said, "The news will come soon. If you are lying to me, I will make you pay the price. But even if the news is true, you can't Stay here, this is Nine Snake Island, a forbidden place for men."

"So they say we just entered by mistake, and we didn't want to stay here." Linton said, "Isn't this why I came to ask you to borrow a boat to leave here?"

"Where are you going?" Hancock asked.

"Naval Headquarters," Linton said.

"What?" Everyone was shocked. Didn't you mean that you just beat the Celestial Dragon? Now we have to go to the Navy Headquarters. Are we going to surrender?

"Why are you going to the Navy Headquarters?" Marigold next to him asked everyone's question first.

"You should also have received the news. Ace, the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, has been captured and will be executed in the next few days." Linton said.

"Well, the Navy summoned the Shichibukai to fight against the Whitebeard Pirates, and of course they found me, but I definitely won't go," Hancock said.

"I hope you will go and take us with you," Linton said.

"So what do you want to do?" Hancock asked.

"Ace, he's my nephew." Linton said suddenly.

"Huh?" Hancock was stunned.

"Yes, Ace is my brother!" Luffy said next to him, "I have to go find Ace."

"I see." Hancock nodded, "Are you so reckless to go directly to the Navy Headquarters to save people?"

"The Whitebeard Pirates are here to help," Linton said. "What else should I do? I can't just watch my nephew being killed and do nothing."

"Yes, we must save Ace." Luffy next to him also said, and after that, he directly turned to Hancock and said, "Please, please lend us the boat."

"Hmph." Hancock here raised his head in displeasure, "I have no reason to help you. It's already a death penalty for you to break into Nine Snakes Island without permission. I don't care about this. It's already my mercy. Why do you still have to?" Help you go to the Navy Headquarters? In short, I don’t want to go there, you leave my kingdom quickly, that’s it.”

"Please lend us the boat, please!" Luffy said anxiously.

"Wait a minute, Snake Princess, we still need to think about this matter a little bit." At this time, Grandma Zha suddenly intervened and said, "Now the Navy is studying to deprive you of your Shichibukai status. If you are deprived of it, it will be very difficult for us. This is a devastating disaster for the kingdom..."

"Shut up!" Hancock yelled later, "Who do you think you are, Fire Flower? Your time has passed long ago. Now I am the emperor of this kingdom. If I say I won't go, I won't go, even if This will lead to the destruction of the country, so what, the people will forgive me, if you want to say why... it's because I am so beautiful!"

"Here you go, Lady Snake's posture when she despises others." At this time, Hancock also used a super tactical tilt back, and his head could no longer be seen.

"Hahaha..." Linton next to him couldn't help laughing at this time, "Your words are really familiar. I seemed to have told others just now. It seems that we are quite compatible."

"Damn it, this man is so rude, sister, just throw them off the island." Marigold next to him said.

"Turn them into stones and sink them into the sea." Another female warrior next to her said.

"Let me think about it, who am I talking to...it seems to be Rayleigh." Linton said with a smile.

"Raleigh?" Hancock was shocked, "Are you talking about the Rayleigh on the Chambord Islands?"

"Yeah, I was drinking with him just now..." Linton said.

"The Shampoo Islands are far away from here..."

"I heard that I was coming to Nine Snakes Island. Rayleigh told me something. He said that he and you, the king, can be considered old friends. After all, you were still..."

"Shut up!" Hancock yelled quickly. Of course she knew what Linton was going to say next. Yes, of course Rayleigh knew that she was a slave of the Celestial Dragons. After all, Rayleigh was also among the people who helped her escape, but she didn't expect that Rayleigh would actually tell her. This man.

Hancock was a little out of sorts, and the ministers next to him looked at Hancock strangely. However, her two younger sisters and her mother-in-law, who knew about it, knew what was going on and just watched quietly.

"What's wrong? Did Uncle Rayleigh say something?" Luffy next to him asked strangely.

"Well..." Linton looked at Hancock, and then suddenly said, "Uncle Rayleigh said that the king of Nine Snake Island is a kind person. If she sincerely asks for help, she will definitely help."

"Really?" After all, Luffy had lost a muscle. Hearing this, he immediately bowed down again, "Then please, I sincerely ask you, please lend us the boat."

"..." Hancock said nothing, looked at Linton in silence, and suddenly said, "Others, please leave. I want to talk to them alone."

Although it was a bit strange, it was the king's order after all, and everyone else quickly left the hall. Apart from Hancock, the remaining people were her two sisters.

"You already know about our affairs, right?" After everyone left, Hancock also took a breath and said to Linton.

"Huh? What?" Luffy next to him was still confused.

"Yes, I understand." Linton nodded, "I just want to say one thing about this matter."

Hancock raised his head and stared at Linton. Is this guy planning to blackmail them?

"It's not your fault." Linton said suddenly.

"Huh?" Hancock was stunned.

"It's not your fault." Linton repeated.

"..." Hancock said nothing this time, and just looked at Linton with a complicated expression.

"It's not your fault." Linton took a step forward and pressed Hancock's head with one hand. Hancock was stunned, and looked up in surprise, only to see Linton's clear and gentle eyes. For a moment, Hancock felt that his chest was filled with a stream of heat, as if something was about to rush out, and she suddenly felt circles under her eyes. A little hot.

Marigold and Santasonia next to them were stunned. Hancock was suddenly killed by being touched on the head, and he didn't resist. What kind of situation was this? They forgot to stop Linton for a while. When the two of them came back to their senses and wanted to step forward to stop Linton, their bodies suddenly shook because Hancock here suddenly cried.

It was indeed a bit sudden. Hancock, who was being touched on the head, suddenly couldn't hold back the tears and shed tears. The current situation felt like a child who was caught by the teacher making mistakes. However, seeing Hancock's tears, Marigold and Santasonia suddenly fell silent, and after a while, they couldn't help crying.

"Huh? What? What's going on?" Luffy next to him looked confused. Why did the three of them suddenly cry while talking.

No one answered him. In short, the whole atmosphere suddenly became sad. Even Luffy, who had always been very nervous, felt that these three people might have really experienced something tragic.

"Well... don't be like this. If you borrow our ship, I will help you fight off anyone who bullies you." Luffy thought for a moment and said.

Despite this assurance, no one still paid attention to him. But just when the whole room was enveloped in a sad atmosphere, a voice suddenly interrupted the silence in the room.

"Over the years, I thought Lady Snake had become as cold as ice. I didn't expect that there would be such a time when her true feelings would be revealed."

Everyone looked up and found that the person speaking was Grandma Zhe, and they didn't know when she came in. Hancock had clearly said before that no one would come in, but Grandma Ye naturally knew about this, so it didn't matter if she came in.

"Shut up, you traitor to this country!" Hancock wiped away his tears in an instant, returned to his usual state, and yelled at Grandma Ze, "Who let you in! Throw her out of the window. "

"Wait, I just want to say, the newspaper is here." Grandma Ze said, and then looked at Linton and Luffy next to her, "These two people are right, this Monkey D. Luffy, big He visited the Shampoo Islands and beat up the Celestial Dragons. Linton, the villain next to him, even kidnapped three Celestial Dragons and demanded a ransom... Not only that, he also wounded the general Kizaru who came for reinforcements. "

"What?" Marigold and Santasonia were both shocked. Even if they kidnapped the Celestial Dragons, they also injured the general?

"You don't need to explain. I can judge by myself that what he said is true. I felt that way from the beginning." Hancock said immediately. After receiving it, he suddenly turned to Linton, "You are really a bold person... But now that you know my identity, will you... look down on me?"

After saying that, Hancock looked at Linton a little nervously.

"I've already said it's not your fault. If that's the case, why do I look down on you?" Linton said.

"You... really can talk." Hancock looked very happy, "Okay, I agree to lend you the boat."

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