I Randomly Have a New Career Every Week

Chapter 2954: Experimental Data

"Ha ha……"

The group of people all laughed.

I originally thought that Team Leader Chen was aloof, but I didn't expect that she would also complain.

Subsequently, Lin Yi, Chen Zhiyi and Luo Qi began the ** experiment, while the rest were free to move around.

Because of another injection of anesthesia, the chimpanzee was still in a coma.

The three of them came to the cage and used ropes and chains to tightly control it, tying it like twists.

Afterwards, Lin Yi gave another injection of anesthesia, and Chen Zhiyi also prepared all the equipment needed for the experiment.

At this point, the subsequent experiments officially began.

Lin Yi and Luo Qi briefly prepared, and then the former touched the chimpanzee's chest, preparing to find the location of blood vessels and arteries.

"let's start."

Lin Yi took a scalpel and made a small incision on the chimpanzee's chest.

But the position was a little off, and then another shot was made.

On the other side, Luo Qi connected the extracorporeal circulation pump. Even if the preparations for the experiment were basically completed, all that was left was suturing.

In addition, Lin Yi and Luo Qi also placed more than thirty electrode patches on the chimpanzees to observe various indicators.

When all the preparations were completed, Chen Zhiyi took out the silver suitcase.

There are two rows inside, with a total of 12 potions.

Chen Zhiyi took 0.01 mg of the drug, drew it into a syringe, and then injected it into the chimpanzee's artery.

"What will happen to ordinary animals after being injected with this drug?"

"The heart will explode directly." Chen Zhiyi said:

"This is also the reason why I came to the island. If the animals here still behave like this after being injected with drugs, I'm afraid this experiment will not be able to continue."

Lin Yi nodded and said nothing, but was observing the situation in the cage.

Soon, the chimpanzee reacted, which surprised Lin Yi and the other three.

Because the effect of the anesthetic has not passed yet, in such a short period of time, the effect of the drug can cover the effect of the anesthesia, which is enough to show that the effect and effect of the drug are stronger than all of them imagined.

Chen Zhiyi sat back in front of the screen and observed the data and indicators displayed on it.

It was precisely at this time that the effects of anesthesia seemed to be completely covered.

The chimpanzee's reaction became more violent, and he kept struggling to free himself. However, because his body was firmly controlled by the chains and ropes, he could only struggle in vain.

"How's it going? Will it hold up?"

Whether you can hold on is the key to the experiment.

If the heart exploded like an ordinary animal, there would be no point in further research.

"The heart rate stabilizes when it reaches around 50, which is about three times the normal level. It should be bearable." Chen Zhiyi said:

"But the most obvious thing is the changes in muscles and nerves."

"The blood oxygen supply to the muscles is a bit high, but combined with such a high heart rate, it is a bit low." Luo Qi said.

"Because the relationship between supply and demand is unbalanced." Lin Yi said:

"The muscles are undergoing high-intensity metabolism and consume a huge amount of blood oxygen, so the effect is not as great as expected."

"That's the problem." Chen Zhiyi said:

"The metabolic rate of muscles has a lot to do with heart rate, but the two are in a passive relationship and are controlled by their own nerves. The situation at hand is contrary to common sense."

Luo Qi looked at Lin Yi. This involved a bit of a blind spot in her knowledge, and she didn't quite understand it.

"You can think of muscle as an independent thinking individual. In the past, it used to be as much as it was given, but now it has its own consciousness and begins to actively absorb it."


Luo Qi was a little creepy.

"That means that the drug activated the muscle tissue and gave it autonomous consciousness?"

"I just say this to facilitate your understanding. As for the real reason, we have to observe it slowly."

"There has been a change!" Chen Zhiyi said:

"Your red fiber muscles are getting longer little by little."

The three of them were all staring at the screen. This discovery made their hair stand on end.

Red fiber muscle, also called type I fiber muscle, or slow fiber muscle, can provide support to the body in terms of endurance.

To put it simply, the longer the red fiber muscle is, the better endurance it can provide to the organism.

After about half an hour, the increase in red fiber muscle also entered a stagnant state.

The growth rate is about 5%.


At exactly this moment, the chimpanzee roared and the chains on his body jingled.

It's even possible to break free.

At this time, other people in the group also rushed over, for fear of an accident.

"The effect is showing." Chen Zhiyi said:

"Just 0.01 mg can produce such a change. The efficacy of this mineral is so shocking."

The chimpanzee struggled for a few minutes, then became exhausted and lay motionless on the ground.

Lin Yi and Chen Zhiyi knew that the body's immune function was working.

"Why is this kind of thing similar to amphetamine-type hallucinogenic drugs?" Luo Qi said.

"It depends on the later data. If its data can return to normal levels in the later stage, it means that the effect is similar. But if it does not recover, the situation will not be the same." Chen Zhiyi said:

"One is hallucinogenic, and the other is really effective."

"What about specific data?"

"What can be observed now is that the red fiber muscle has increased by 5%, the white fiber muscle has struggled by 2%, and there is no downward trend." Chen Zhiyi said:

"As far as the current situation is concerned, it will not affect the survival of living organisms, but the life span will be sharply reduced, at least by two-thirds."

"The experimental data is still not rigorous enough." Lin Yi said.

"I also have this idea." Chen Zhiyi said:

"If the body's functions will be better restored under high oxygen conditions, I suggest letting it go later and continue to observe the situation."


At the end of the experiment, Lin Yi and Luo Qi removed all extracorporeal circulation pumps.

At the same time, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net took out tissue samples from the chimpanzees and prepared to take them to the brigade for genetic sequence analysis.

But the patch on my body is still there, so I can observe various indicators.

For Lin Yi, this discovery is particularly important.

Because it is a discovery that is very likely to change the course of mankind.

On the other side, in the Gongyuanhui's station, the people who ran back all had sad faces and gloomy expressions.

In the past half month, they had been planning this matter, and they were full of confidence that they could clear out the entire group.

But he didn't expect that he would be the one being tricked in the end.

"Boss, what should we do now? Given the current situation, it will be very difficult to take action again," Fishman said.

"I know, what I'm trying to figure out...who are you!" Schroeder said suddenly.

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