I Pretended to Be a God of Fortune in the Fantasy World

Vol 2 Chapter 601: Start in hell, so painful

This bizarre and unbelievable scene completely shocked many immersive viewers.

   Even, many people find it very inexplicable.

   Good guy, this is a virtual reality game. Is it really necessary to make it like this?

   Everyone thinks this is just a game, even if the immersion is strong, what about? After all, their physical bodies are on earth and not in that world, right?

   When it was the person involved, Su Xia didn't think so.

   Because of the feeling of flesh and blood, the extremely strong touch, and the real world environment-is this a game?

   After Su Xia's death, when he returned to the waiting entrance of the game interface, he could also see some barrage or complaints from the audience, but he didn't care about it.

  Because, after the real experience, there will be no such thoughts again.

   This is not just a game.

   Su Xia has already begun to think, and even began to recall some words such as the performance that Wang Cheng said to him before.

   It is obvious that if it is a real crossing, I am afraid that if you want to live in the world after crossing, the difficulty is really not that big.

   Ideally after crossing, it should be a shock of the domineering spirit, coming from all directions, coming to court from all directions, and 72 concubines in San Gong and Liu Yuan.

   But the reality is-you can't get ahead in such a comfortable environment on the ordinary earth, you have traveled to the world of flying and hiding, per capita Golden Core Infant, and still want to get ahead?

   This is probably really just thinking too much.

   Su Xia thought for a while, he felt that attribute points might have a certain impact, but it must not be all.

   So, Su Xia has added some balance this time.

   six attributes, plus five points for each item.

   Isn't this average?

   Could it be that you can’t even carry the temple ruined like this?

   load, enter.

   This time, Su Xia is also more vigilant.

   Then, after entering the temple, Su Xia's eyes went black, and the person fell into a stiff state. Then, he felt a sudden shock in his soul and was directly broken.

   Then, then there is no more.

   This time, the reminder is also very comprehensive.

   and also told Su Xia very intimately-this time, you are about to complete the task, but unfortunately it is not you. "

   After waking up again, Su Xia took a deep breath.

   Then, he saw a dense barrage like locusts from the system panel area.

   "Hahahahaha, forgive me for having a smirking smile."

   "I laughed out of the rooster, don't ask, you can add my V letter, I will tell you what a rooster is, it's very cheap, brothers."

   "The upstairs is a muddy circle, tank level, don't ask me why I know it."

   "The key is to be a man, bald, don't ask me what to kneel and watch the game live broadcast."

   "You guys are really boring, am I the only one thinking about how to survive this game?"

   "No, you are not alone."

   "This kind of game, I think it is still very meaningful. The ancients said that there must be a moderate and mediocre way, and most of them can pretend to be mediocre and be able to manage things."

   "Hehe, just the 30 initial attributes, how can you add mediocrity?"

"That's not necessarily. These 30 points may be natural fortune. If you click on something with the power of good fortune on your body, people will be as bright as a beacon in the dark. If you increase the limit or increase the balance, it must be Something went wrong."

   "It is also possible that the statues in the ruined temple wanted to make trouble at the time, and it happened that the ‘mirror fairy’ rushed in."

   "I'm the only one looking forward to the statue of such a beautiful fairy in the mirror? Is it because I am too perverted, or the world is too pure?"

   "No, I'm looking forward to it too."

"You guys are really enough. It's not a thing to base other people's pain on your own happiness-well, self-condemnation is over. If she gets what happened, remember to send a few rockets to remind me! Just like to watch this."

   "Hehe, there are a group of Guo Nan hanging upstairs, hanging cancer. The worm is small, talking and hanging."

   "Am I special, how can I punch anywhere!!!"

   "Hehe, now all platforms are compromised, don't you know?"


   Su Xia didn't load it again immediately, and he really spent this opening.

  Before he was 30 years old, he had played games for 20 years, and he had won many trophies in operation games. A lot of his previous savings were also accumulated by this.

   also developed the habit of spending money lavishly.

   This is not the point-the point is, he is not the kind of hand-handicapped player, let alone a brain-handicapped person.

   In fact, he had tested his IQ during the youth training, and his IQ was as high as 140.

   An IQ of one hundred and four is definitely rare among ordinary people.

   This IQ is also one of the core reasons why he was able to win many trophies when he was young.

   And his reaction is also very fast. With extraordinary neural response ability and high IQ, he can learn a lot of things quickly-if he hadn't participated in the development of the game with Zero, he would not have been so miserable.

   And he can be favored by Ling and participate in game development because of these abilities.

   So, Su Xia knew very well that if he couldn't survive at the beginning, then, if the rest of the players came in, the first threshold would basically torture them crazy.

   You must know that every death is a real death-like experience.

   Is death a good experience?

   That is definitely not!

   Especially the shock of being invaded by a mysterious and unknown existence and shattering the soul in an instant is really painful.

   Su Xia’s endurance is absolutely strong, otherwise he would not be able to take only four hours of rest a day for five years, and people live like a machine.

   is such an existence, and now this virtual reality game makes him really stuck in difficulties.

   Adding to this is really particular, but he has already judged it, this is not the point.

  The point is what he must do to solve this dilemma.

   Otherwise, this scene cannot be changed at all.

   In order to check if this is the case, Su Xia tried a variety of combinations of attribute points, but-but it didn't work.

   I die as soon as I enter.

   and it's still dead in seconds!

   There is another time because it is a limit plus point, all of which gave me the ability to sense.

   Then he didn't even go in, because the system prompted all the players to laugh and pee.


   This time, everyone who watched the live broadcast and the video laughed crazy.

  Sometimes, if you base your own happiness on the sufferings of others, your happiness will not only double, but also countless times.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

After    died again, Su Xia was really crazy, and she pinched a bag between her eyebrows.

  'S hair is also messed up-although every resurrection will return to the original shape, all the discomfort will be restored, and the state will become the best.

   But he died more than fifty times in a row, he really couldn't hold it!

   At this time, he had no hope of adding something, because he added almost every combination to be representative.

   It is certainly unrealistic to arrange all the six numbers.

   But he has tried more or less general additions. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work.

   He really can't handle it in this ruined temple.

   To make matters worse, he is experiencing it seriously, so every death is a great excitement for him.

   And, after death, there is no more reminder, which makes him even more helpless.

   The barrage at this time is also as dense as locusts, and it is still the barrage after being screened by the system.

   After being punched inexplicably before, Su Xia directly blocked the relevant speech-this is his site, is it so arrogant?

   The wife is already a bit strong, and if she is taken away, she really doesn’t have to live.

   Su Xia sighed long, they are now going to light a cigarette and take a lonely bite.

   It's a pity that there is no smoke here, and there is no loneliness.

   But the joy of sand sculpture netizens is more.

   Many netizens laughed out of pigs, which is also reality.

   Even the live broadcast platform and the Hongmeng Research Base have some improper rafters, projecting these strange laughter.

   So after returning to the lobby, Su Xia can sometimes hear the system's selected laughter naturally.

   Su Xia's MMP with 10,000 sentences wanted to talk about it, and a hundred thousand beasts rushed past.

  Even, he still wants to sing a song by Cao Ni Ma to show his heart-in that far away horse music Gobi, there is a group of Cao Ni Ma...

   This game is really explosive.

   Su Xia asked herself to be a very civilized person, and she wanted to greet the eighteenth generation of ancestors of game developers-although he is a developer, what he did is...

   By the way, what am I developing? What am I doing? Why don’t you remember it anymore?

   Su Xia is a little strange, thinking hard, but still can't remember.

   After a while, Su Xia gave up dejectedly.


  He then clicked twice here, poke twice there, and then went in.

you are dead.

you are dead.

you are dead.


   A blood-red picture continuously floated out, just like the tragic picture after being killed by a ghost in an immersive game.

   This made Su Xia a bit at a loss.

   Ninety times.

   90 times without success.

   No one believed this stepping horse, but everyone believed it at this time, because it was broadcast live all the time.

  Even major networks, media, forums, and even blog posts have already been posted.

  On the one hundred ways to die for Player 1.

   Is crossing really a beautiful thing? If you don't even live well in the great modernity, which is smooth and peaceful, you will still have no way to go through it.

   Outstanding people may not be able to keep the game wherever they go, but people who are wasteful can waste as always.

   On the importance of having an invincible plug-in through the opening.

  On the correct way of opening through the self-improvement.

   Please don't look down on the extra points.


   Various posts are full of discussion, and there are even some people who are very red-faced because of this.

   In short, these things were a joke at first, but gradually some people have realized the difference behind them.

   Today you laughed at Player One, but others are also Player One. In other words, others are professional.

   smile to see the bronze spray career?

   In the future, there will be a full public beta.

   At that time, see who is laughing at whom.


   Hongmeng Research Base.

   Li Juan looked distressed.

   Because she knows that every death will be a real experience.

   And, looking at Su Xia's emotional breakdown, she really couldn't bear to watch.

   Then, she could only sit there and cry silently.

   Others find it funny, that is because the death of this game will cause shadow-level trauma to the soul and self.

   Because Li Juan is quite familiar with the game, she has always understood this point.

   Exactly. Regarding the various jokes in the barrage, she even felt that others were eating human blood steamed buns-she was yelling with excitement when she saw people killing their heads.

   Wangcheng also frowned slightly, and then looked at Li Juan somewhat helplessly, and said: "There is no way, because the world has changed and the cause and effect are disordered, so the **** statues at the Ancient Temple of Death seem to be very uneasy.

   Therefore, they were awakened this time.

After    wakes up, there will be certain movement arrangements.

   So if you go in at this time, you will probably be killed.

   Moreover, extreme additions are not suitable.

   One aspect is too prominent, it will definitely go wrong, even after this ancient temple of death, it will not last a few days.

   Like this wilderness hill, there are many spirits, monsters and monsters. Although it is not strong, it is easy to kill the player.

   What's full of vitality and blood is simply a living target.

   However, if you can't survive ninety-nine times, then the system will automatically assign attributes.

   This way, there will be better combinations and even attribute critical strikes, which may have more congenital points.

   Of course, it may also be unlucky, congenital deficiency, and fewer points.

  The number of points allocated by the system will be between 0-99 points.

   Of course, the probability of exceeding 30 points will be very small, and the more upward, the smaller the probability. "

   Wang Cheng thought for a while, then continued: "In such a world, it is better to start with a steady start.

   Because after being allocated by the system, even if it is dead, it will still enter with this initial attribute.

   And this initial attribute will follow the player for a lifetime.

   These attributes will not be displayed afterwards, and the attributes on the panel will be very simple. "

   "However, the simpler it is, the harder it is to improve various abilities. After all, in the real world of practitioners, it is impossible to have so much data to show what."

   Wang Cheng still sympathizes with Li Juan slightly, so he explained a little bit.

   He shouldn't actually say these words, this is the information he can only obtain under his authority.

   If he keeps it, it will be of great benefit to his own future participation.

   But he still told Li Juan.

   Li Juan took a deep breath and said, "Well, Wang Cheng...cheng Wang, thank you."

   Wangcheng Road: "You call me ‘The Messenger of Yao’. When this game is born, we probably won’t have our own names anymore-this is an arrangement, and it will be our established destiny."

   Wang Cheng said, and said: "You can also think of your own name in advance. Ordinarily, you should be eligible for this status."

   Li Juan said: "Am I worthy?"

Wang Chengdao: "Behind every great man, there must be a great woman. His start is not good, but it does not hinder his excellence. And you are the great woman behind him. So you deserve ."

   Wang Cheng said, and said: "The role he is currently using is a'mirror', which is the identity of a woman, but it doesn't matter. There will be a reincarnation system and a reshaping system at that time."

Li Juan said: "It doesn't matter. In fact, he is more beautiful like this, and I like it better. I really want to kiss him and hug him now. It's too cold and immortal. It's really exciting. Could it be, the envoy of Yao? Don't you be heartbroken?"

   Wangcheng heard the words, his breathing was stagnant, and when he thought of the image of the earth, fat and round, he immediately shook his head and said, "Stop talking, this will make me have a shadow on all fairies."

   Li Juan smiled slightly, but didn't make any more jokes. Instead, she curbed her emotions and sighed slightly: "This game... but I don't know how to start. Sure enough, crossing is not a very good experience."

   Wangcheng Road: "You can't say that, just look at the world."

   Li Juan said: "No matter what the world is, unless it is more peaceful and stable than our current civilized world, and it can also support the bottom, otherwise, as long as it is the world where the practitioner is, most of it..."

   Mostly what, Li Juan did not say.

   But adults will never look at problems as one-sided as young people.

   This is not to say that young people don't look at the problem comprehensively, but they think more about being vigorous and reprimanding Fang Qiu, that is, they are young and energetic and have the spirit of hard work.

   And adults think more about stability and survival.

   If you can't live, then you will feel like fireworks no matter how bright you are, and you will eventually fall.

   Li Juan thought, and couldn't help thinking about how to deal with it.

   Then she thought of the scene where Wang Cheng cooperated with her to play her husband Su Xia. Suddenly, like a blessing to the soul, Li Juan thought of a key thing.

   So, she thought about it, immediately took out the specific equipment, and then opened the permission to give away a big firework.

   Among the fireworks, she asked Wang Cheng to help set up three characters.


   Yes, that's the three words.

  Li Juan is also selfish.

   She thought of the key, but she didn't want to say it too clearly, so she only said three words for comparison.

   And she also believes that with these three words, her husband Su Xia can definitely tell!

   Sure enough, because of the issue of the weight of authority, this firework bloomed directly in front of Su Xia's death.

   Then, those three words, and the familiar Juanxiu handwriting, made him feel like a blessing to his soul.

   At that moment, Su Xia became sober a lot.

   Then he looked at the system attribute point again.

   By this time, it has been ninety-seven times.

   The system gives autonomy, which is definitely an advantage.

   As for the system to allocate points by itself, is it possible to win the jackpot?

   Su Xia does not know how this algorithm is, but the probability is really very low, and there may even be no probability!

   That being the case, to bet on that probability is simply a brain-dead.

   Not to mention, this time the first person to choose him is more lucky!

   He doesn't think that kind of luck can come again, after all, there is no green smoke from the ancestral grave.

   This time, Su Xia didn't enter immediately. Instead of entering, he opened the microphone and said softly: "After so many tests, it can be judged that the attribute points are very important, and every point has a big impact.

   So I do not recommend that you waste all the points in the previous period to the automatic distribution function of the game system.

   Once that happens, once you are born with deficiencies, it means that you have lost the first step to compete.

   The opportunity for the first step is gone, and then it is completely gone.

   So in this game, or in this world, if you play with a gambler's mentality, you will definitely be in debt.

   As for being lucky more than 30 points, I think the probability is really low.

   Some people will say that I persuaded me, rather than mastering my own destiny, I felt that I should be persuaded.

   So the world’s response from the attribute point is, don’t go to extremes, in that case, you will die fast.

   Don’t feel that your performance is too balanced or too mediocre, because a total of 30 points in the background shows that the background is actually quite sufficient.

   Then, it is destined to be impossible to be particularly mediocre.

   Again, there is also learning to judge the situation and take advantage of the situation.

how to say?

   I won’t say anything about it, because I’m sure that I will be alive this time.

   So, crossing another world is really not that easy to mix, but you can use your brain more.

   According to the rule of no more than half, in terms of intelligence, I will point ten.

   The remaining 20 points are allocated to the remaining five attributes. How should I point them?

   I had a similar addition before, but I still couldn't handle it, but it was not the problem of adding attributes, but the environmental problem inside.

   So this time, we will continue to add points for the remaining one-third way, one-third means less than seven o'clock, and more than six o'clock.

   Then leave a little bit of leeway, we choose six points and add them to intelligence.

  Intelligence is the induction of the representative. You already know this.

   So that is, 10 points of intelligence, 6 points of cleverness, which goes to 16 points.

  The remaining four attributes cannot be four points each.

   Do remember, you can't be more than half of the balance.

   In other words, the three items cannot have the same attribute points or more than three items.

The existence of   , in reality, is that the talents in certain directions are surprisingly consistent. This is a genius!

   is it weird? In fact, it is not surprising, because in reality, every aspect of each person is different in length.

   If there are several types that are exactly the same, you are not outstanding, who is outstanding?

   It has nothing to do with the number of attribute points!

   It doesn't matter!

   It doesn't matter!

   Say important things three times! It really doesn't matter!

   Because this is a world that can evolve! And evolution is the all-round development of the body, you now have exactly the same three or four items! That means that after you transform, these directions will always be exactly the same as long as you practice Consummation!

   So, even if you are not eye-catching now, you will surely be extremely eye-catching in the future.

   is just a few basic points now.

   In the future, it will be the level of the unity of nature and man of all Consummation!

   Good fellow, such a genius, don’t others catch you and take it away? "

   After Su Xia's serious analysis, everyone on the scene was shocked.

   And then, they also called up their records one after another, and after careful analysis, they discovered an extremely terrifying fact!

   Su Xia’s previous additions must have the same data for two items.

   Especially when the six items are exactly the same once, go in and die in seconds!

   This scene seems to really fit what Su Xia said.

   Then, is the truth like this?

  Is it so?

   Although Su Xia didn't try, the kind of sentiment in the dark made him feel that this time it must be feasible.

   So, Su Xia continued: "Perhaps, some people think that I am pretending to be coercive, or that I am impartially imparting experience. But somehow I once--"

   Su Xia said, suddenly thinking that she could not reveal her identity, she immediately stopped these statements.

   Then, he changed the topic again and said: "I will analyze it first, and then we will test the results.

   I still have two chances, no matter the first time is not successful, the second time I will still use this data to test!

   Why is there a possibility of unsuccessful first time?

  Because the world is full of various changes, and the many opportunities given by the system are to adapt to such changes, so that we can have a better start.

   In addition, there is a high probability that we will join the same sect—then the requirements of this sect are relative to the requirements of various attributes.

   Perhaps more of this proportion is to see the share of each attribute.

   But after thinking about it, I have some immature judgments, which are the same conclusions as I added points.

   Before, I talked to you that intelligence is the first, and then intelligence is second.

   Then what is third?

  Since it’s a dangerous world, the third most important thing must be agility, that is, physical fitness.

   According to the method of choosing one of three, it is the method of one-third distribution.

   After sixteen o'clock, there are fourteen o'clock left.

   One-third of fourteen o'clock is close to five o'clock.

   If you choose four points, the remaining three items of 10 points will be difficult to allocate, because it will exceed one third.

   So choose five points here.

   Because our core aspects have been set in accordance with the previous rules.

   Here you can relax some requirements appropriately.

   Then there is no need to distribute in this way.

   Because two thirds have been allocated, the remaining one third is directly based on the proportion. As long as it does not overlap with the previous attribute points, or exceeds five points, it is fine.

   Then there is only two, three and four combinations.

   2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10.

   This is exactly 30 o'clock in combination.

   And every direction is different.

   Then we allocated intelligence, intelligence and sensitivity.

   How should the remaining bones, physique and strength be distributed?

In my opinion, combat power can be fully compensated by the previous abilities, so combat power has the lowest proportion-combat power represents strength. You should be low-key in the early stage, and you should realize that you are the fifth scum of war. Force 2 points.

   Physique represents blood, blood is important, but it can evolve, early blood is too good and easy to be targeted, so blood is 3 points.

   So the remaining 4 points are given to the roots, and the roots are comprehension.

  So, the way to add points is:

   Strength 2, Constitution 3, Agility 5, Intelligence 6, Intelligence 10, Root 4

   Of course, perhaps the remaining three attributes can also be appropriately exchanged, depending on which proportions you care about.

   But I sincerely suggest to follow my addition and put the combat power at the end.

   I saw a lot of bullet screens already calling me stupid.

   I'm a fool, I can't be the player number one.

  Okay, my points have been added. Next, I welcome everyone to join me to enter the game world of the prehistoric royal family and experience the real legends of cultivating immortals and myths on earth. "

   Su Xia regained her confidence.

   And all this, thanks to his wife's reminder.

   His wife is the goddess in his heart, and her IQ is not low, but she always behaves very ordinary in front of him.

   just because she knows how to take care of his face.

   Now, all the enthusiasm of the past seems to be burning again.

   Together with such a fairy-like body, this gives Su Xia a sense of energetic self-confidence, and all the good things are completely back again.

   This feeling is really good.

   Su Xia hopes to maintain such a self-confident feeling.

   Moreover, he also felt that entering such a place is to act!

   As long as the acting is awesome, it doesn't matter if you are a weak chicken!

   So he gave 10 intelligence points.

   The origin of this 10 o'clock is not random, but there is a saying-one-third of the sky is doomed.

   In other words, among ten points, three points are destiny, and the remaining seven points are one's own.

   30 points attribute, scored one-third is exactly ten points.

   Originally, the number was nine, and one-third of thirty was nine.

   But the number nine makes Su Xia feel a bit scary!

   Nine represents the extreme of numbers!

   So don’t have nine in the attribute.

   You have reached the ‘limit’ in one of your congenitals, and that is death.

   On the contrary, intelligence is an intangible thing. Even if the limit is broken, it is difficult to actually react.

   So the 10 intelligence points were chosen after a long time of thinking.

   Of course, this is not just a choice. During this period, he has put his intelligence on the 30-point level several times, and then he will have a sense of understanding and enlightenment that penetrates all causes and effects for an instant before death.

   So there were even a few times when he didn't do anything else, that is, through the 30 points of intelligence, in the short time of death, thinking about how to break the game.

   In this way, he vaguely figured out.

   However, because I want to understand and die, my memory will have a certain impact.

   And after death, there will be a ‘zeroing’ situation, so the epiphany is gone.

   The reminder from his wife Li Juan made him get the corresponding induction again, such as a flash of inspiration, everything will be settled.

   If this is not the case, his destiny, in general, is also assigned points by the system.

   And the points allocated by the system will probably be similar combinations, and they will not overlap each other, but it may be very bad.

  Because of these points, if you randomly point on attributes, you will be very passive.

   Furthermore, it is more likely that the system randomly assigned will be 123456. Most of them will add up to more than 20 points, never more than 30 points.

   Even, let alone an average of 5 points, it is possible that the average is only about 3 points. For example, 012345, the six items add up to 15 points, and the basic attributes are equivalent to half cut.

   And it’s a permanent one.

   Such a result, Su Xia does not believe that anyone can accept it, but there is no way, the reality is like this, given you the opportunity to choose reincarnation, you can't control it yourself.

   Then he cast a beast. Who can blame it?

   Su Xia originally wanted to emphasize this point again, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

   What he has comprehended at such a high price, and he has already announced the method of adding points. This group of people still laughed, and there are not even a few rewards, which is enough.

   At this level, Su Xia really doesn't care about money anymore.

   And since he entered the old world several times, he obviously felt that his original body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

   It is a state of being young again, with a strong blood, and an excellent state of energy and spirit.

   When he was on the game login interface, he could sense his original physical state very clearly.

   Therefore, Wang Cheng is right. After you really enter this game, what will you care about?

  Since you don’t care about money, you can’t care about the rewards of rockets, leaders, and the like for hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars.

   But I don’t care. Doesn’t it mean that the things he worked hard to find out were given to others for nothing, right?

   Su Xia glanced at the barrage, either a joke or a joke.

   There are even people who think he will definitely die the next time he goes in, and they have set a gamble.

   Thank you, Su Xia still saw a few occasionally, but Xie's tone was also a little irrational.

   There are sensationalists, and three or five yuan rewards——

   "Old Tie said so well, I almost believed it."

   "If you believe in sister Jing, you will live forever."

   "The Mirror Fairy still don't blow up, just survive and talk about it."

   "Although you are beautiful, you can't just talk nonsense. You haven't survived yet!"

   "It looks good, but it's just a shortcoming and IQ."

   "They all say that they have **** and no brains. Look at this mirror. It's so beautiful. As a result, when you look at her shaking her head, I can hear the rushing water."

   "What? What did you say, she is more watery? It's because there is more water in your mind, don't drive blindly! I'm a serious person!"

   "Who is not a serious person, can a serious person come here?"


   Although the reward was a few dollars, it was just to make the barrage easier to show.

  In this way, it seems that they can be more prominent or have a sense of presence.

   can really be said to have gone all over the world with one-handed keyboard.

   Su Xia saw these things, but he didn't say much.

   As a member of the developer, he actually got this quota for certain publicity reasons.

   In addition to his own abilities, he has to do live broadcast interactions and so on. These Hongmeng research bases have not mentioned these, but he cannot be regarded as ignorant.

   And, in his case, it was never that he completed the Hongmeng Research Base, but the Hongmeng Research Base.

   So even if the players are too much, no matter how ridiculous, no matter what they say, he must listen.

   It's just that he was really uncomfortable after being trampled on by such kindness.

   They just watched this game immersively, but they didn't experience the taste of death, so they wouldn't have that kind of personal experience.

   Without personal experience, I don’t understand the hardship and pain.

   It can be said that if he does not say, such a plus point plan will surely be able to sell countless billions or even higher value in the future.

  Because this combination seems simple, but it is impossible to comprehend it so easily.

   Besides, there are only a few opportunities for ordinary people.

   Not to mention, even if there is no problem with adding some points, it is necessary to prevent all kinds of accidents after entering.

   What if he died unexpectedly?

  Is it right, or is there interference from other reasons?

   There is no judgment at all.

   After thinking for a while, Su Xia waited for a while-the time in that ancient temple was a bit scary and turbulent, so it was good to be able to avoid it.

   Otherwise things are not easy.

   Soon, after waiting for almost ten minutes, Su Xia entered again.

   Just entering this time, a **** light flew in the distance.


   Su Xia is dead.

   But this time he laughed instead.

It was not taken away, nor was it refined into a clone. This time it was pure luck, because a god’s clone will lock a statue and flew out. He happened to appear on the other party’s path, and then he saw it. A house of light brought up by the gods.

   So, I was killed on the spot.

   One blow, the head burst.

   staged an extremely miserable death method for the players.

   then naturally caused countless ridicules.

   But before Su Xia died, she also clearly sensed that the ruined temple of the ancient temple had settled down.

   It's evening too.

   Su Xia didn't want to go in again-because at night, this is the most difficult time.

   But he was not sure about the comparison between the outside world and the time in the game, so he was relieved after confirming that the statues of the gods in the ancient temple of death had temporarily settled and no longer ‘glowed’.

   Then, he still said: "I also said before, there may be some accidents, unfortunately I made it. But fortunately I also made it."

   Talking, Su Xia said again: "So, it's still the method of adding some points before."

   Su Xia said, adding the attribute points again: Strength 2, Constitution 3, Sensitivity 5, Smart 6, Intelligence 10, and Bone 4.

After adding   , he looked calm, and then chose to log in to the game without hesitation.

   This is the ninety-ninth time.

   Ninety-nine itself also represents a different meaning.

   And adhering to this meaning, Su Xia also carries a cold, fierce and mysterious aura.

   At the same time, Su Xia started acting the moment she logged in to the game.

   can't wait for the game to play again, otherwise it will be too late!

The moment    entered, Su Xia immediately sighed incomparably: Tao is Tao, very Tao; famous, very famous.

   Then, he said in a low voice: Oh, the world is difficult, I am lonely.

   After finishing speaking, he said: "The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, who walks deep in Prajna Paramita for a long time, sees that the five aggregates are empty, and saves all suffering."

   After Su Xia said, she folded her hands together and bowed to the many statues, saying: "Everyone, you are offended, Amitabha, Immeasurable God."

   After finishing speaking, Su Xia stopped paying attention to this group of people.

   Then he suddenly felt a little tight in his chest, as if he had driven out part of the impurities from his body by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and turned into a mouthful of phlegm.

   He has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, so he can't help it, and don't want to endure it anymore.

   Immediately, he directly found a corner, and spit out the corner with the gloomy blood moon and moonlight.

   When he came back to his senses, he suddenly discovered that he seemed to be vomiting a mouthful of sputum on the eyebrows of an evil, ugly and hideous elephant head.

   Su Xia was taken aback, cold all over.

   At this time, the netizens were all taken aback, and then all laughed, and began to judge Su Xia's 100 ways to die.

   But even though Su Xia was taken aback, she didn't react much-people who have died more than ninety times in a row, and their mentality is super unusual.

   So, Su Xia immediately had an answer—this is the elephant that killed him many times!

   Stupid stuff!

   Su Xia is evil to the guts, and the courageous starves to death!

   Not only did he have no fear, but he gave birth to a murderous intention—what kind of gods, when I will rise in the future, he will chop you.

   Moreover, since he has been offended right now, he has completely broken the first level-it has been more than a minute since the ruined temple, and he has successfully entered the game!

   Therefore, even if he is dead, he will not reopen again.

   Instead, it started directly from this ruined temple!

   So Su Xia is not afraid, I still have nothing now anyway, it's a big deal to die a few times.

   I have died almost a hundred times, my heart is paralyzed, it doesn't matter!

  Yes, Su Xia directly spit on the head of the statue, not to mention, and stepped on it.

   "An elephant? When will you beasts come here to sprawl? Oh, it turns out to be an elephant as a dragon, which is pretty amazing. Tsk tsk."

   After stepping on the statue's head, Su Xia said in a playful tone.

   His language has been automatically transformed into the language of the game world, and he himself has mastered this language naturally.

   But what the players hear is the language of Huaxia, so there is no problem in this regard.

   And Su Xia's behavior of dying like this made everyone feel very comfortable and healed - if Su Xia died miserably next, it would be even more comfortable.

   However, the scene of Su Xia's tragic death did not appear as expected.

   On the contrary, the statue immediately lit up, and automatically rolled out a long distance, turning into a horrible old man who looked honest and friendly.

   "My lord, I have no intention of offending, so I will leave."

   The elephant Zuolong looked very embarrassed, the saliva on his face was still sticky there, and then he disappeared without a word of ‘咻’.

   Then, the light of ‘咻咻咻’ flickered unsteadily, and a lot of the light flew away and disappeared.

   Outside the yard, a few foxes, tigers and a huge grizzly bear with a **** scent, and after one more glance with **** eyes, they quickly fled.

   Suddenly, the whole ancient temple was quiet.

   Su Xia was stunned for a moment, and then his intelligence as high as 10 points immediately made him understand.

   But after knowing that these were the existence of gods, he didn't think of anything in his heart.

   Wangcheng said before, act!

   And the task of the system is to pretend to be a secret calculation!

   So, Su Xia didn't hesitate at this time, she sat down directly, and then she went offline!

   Yes, it's offline.

After    was off the assembly line, his body froze, like a corpse that had lost his soul, motionless, without the slightest breath.

   On the ground, after a while, the broken statue rolled around and turned into a figure like a dragon again.

   Then these figures stared at the body without the soul for just a glance, as if sensing something, and running away without a word.

   This time I really escaped.

   But all of this, Su Xia doesn't know.

   The moment he logged out of the game, Su Xia contacted Wang Cheng.

   "Look for the Book of Changes and the Sixty-Four Hexagrams of Zhou Wenwang and other books, I want to learn."

   "As long as it is related books, I have to learn them."

   Su Xia has a serious tone.

   If you don’t learn, you have to pretend to be a fortune. At least the most basic good and bad luck can be counted?

   I can’t say that I really don’t have any ability at all, so what a shit?

   In that kind of world, he can flicker once with a single move, and he will never flicker for a lifetime.

   Others probably couldn't figure out his background, or the world itself was extremely cruel, so they didn't act on him when they were uncertain.

   But how many times can I flicker like this?

   Wangcheng gave Su Xia a weird look, and said, "These things are probably useless over there."

   Su Xia said: "Just be able to flicker."

   Wang Cheng said in surprise: "You learned quite fast."

   Su Xia said: "Nonsense, I am not mentally retarded, let alone, among them, my intelligence is 10. This kind of intelligence is probably not low anymore.

   I can even obviously feel it—I'm smarter than those who exist.

   However, being too smart does not seem to be a good thing, but there should be nothing wrong with this addition. "

   Wang Cheng nodded, and said: "This addition is indeed the most suitable, because someone used to add points like this, but he is more extreme than you, he added 18 points of intelligence."

   Su Xia was surprised: "I'm crazy, can he withstand his 18-point intelligence?"

   Wangcheng Road: "In fact, there is another limit method, which is to hold the first minute to solidify your attributes-so the countless opportunities allow you to stick to your own way of adding points.

   But this way of adding points must be different.

   And then keep dying, keep on dying, and finally seize a certain opportunity to fix such attributes, which is the first step is successful.

   The previous existence thought that the wise man would not suffer at any time, so he tried to increase his intelligence to 30, but he found that it was totally impossible.

   was lowered again and again, and in the end it was tested that only below 19 o'clock can I survive without accidentally dying.

   But it can only be a very short time.

   But after death again and again, because even though the various methods of death are different, the corresponding dangers are still somewhat similar.

   No matter how you die, you won't be seized or die by any means. It's just an accident, just like the way of death that is stared at by the gods of death.

   Under such circumstances, he thought of another starting method mentioned by the system-as long as he can survive for one minute, his attributes can be fixed.

  You actually know this, but you haven't thought about it.

   But you have done a good job, 10 o'clock is a very good start.

   After this, the more, the more times it takes to settle.

   If you choose to add points like this from the beginning, and then die to the ninety-ninth time, you can almost accumulate the experience of surviving within 1 minute and then survive.

   However, the higher the intelligence of the choice, the quicker the comprehension, and it may not be necessary to die so many times.

   But even after the first minute is alive, the follow-up will still be difficult.

   This kind of difficulty, I don't know how to say it specifically, I only know the general direction of the content of a copy, and it is still the kind that cannot be said.

   Only if you have experienced it, as it is now, can I communicate with you alone.

   And these contents, you also have no way to say it, there is no way to remind others-unless others have also experienced this kind of opening.

   So, do you really treat this game as just a game? "

   Su Xia said: "No, from the first time I entered this game, I knew that this is not a game. I even guessed that maybe our world is about to die.

   So, this is the place of real hope and the future of our civilization.

   Although the official side didn't mention anything, since the 10 points of intelligence are added, before I die, I will have a fate-like sentiment. "

Wang Cheng heard the words and applauded: "Yes, as the player number one, you deserve this name. As the code name of'Mirror', you are also worthy of being named'Mirror', and you deserve to be cited by Samsara Mirror and become the first person. "

   Su Xia said: "What are you talking about?"

   Wangcheng's words seem to lead to a huge cause and effect, a huge secret.

   Su Xia couldn't understand, but he knew that Wang Cheng was saying that he did a good job.

   Su Xia sighed: "I was also very proud, and thought I must have done a good job. But I didn't expect...There are still people who can have such courage to raise their intelligence to 18!

   Is this a test cut from 30 o'clock a little bit? This is to focus on the attribute of intelligence, instead of hitting the bar! "

   Wangcheng Road: "That guy is also a patient with advanced obsessive-compulsive disorder."

   Su Xia: "……"

   Su Xia said: "When I didn't say it."

Wang Chengdao: "So you are still very good. For patients with advanced obsessive-compulsive disorder, they must walk in a straight line, and they will feel awkward when they bend a little! Even frowns must be symmetrical, otherwise they will be very awkward. It's uncomfortable! Don't compare this kind of person with him, it's incomparable!

   And he focused on the option of intelligence, not necessarily because he wanted to change his bad habit of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

   But it is precisely this kind of deathly performance that is in line with it. It can only be said that all this is God's will. "

   Su Xia said: "Then I can't be considered the player number one. So is that existence zero? Zero is the player zero number?"

   Wangcheng Road: "No, it's not zero, and it's just a deduction-it's a simulation of the future! During the deduction, the effect is still very good and extremely successful, but in the end it was a big defeat.

   But I don't know the specific cause and effect of this-but specifically, it is considered a success now, because the success of the game represents that person's success.

   successfully docked with us in that world!

   is docked, do you understand what it means?

   So, the game is just called a game, not really a game.

   A name can be a name, not a constant name, but a name.

   tell you this, because you are worth it!

   Next, what I can help you with is that sentence—act, use all your abilities to act, if you don’t act, you will be acted to death.

   That world, specifically, flowers are not flowers, and fog is not fog. What you see may not be true, what you hear may not be true, and it is even possible that the Taoist companion you are looking for may not be your Taoist companion.

  The world of practitioners, with thousands of people...

   I won’t go into details, I believe you will have a deep experience next. "

   Wang Cheng said, patted Su Xia on the shoulder.

   Su Xia smiled bitterly: "I have a very deep experience now."

   Wang Cheng sneered and said, "What's this? It's just a drop in the bucket, but a drop in the ocean is not worth mentioning."

   Su Xia could only smile again when she heard this.

   What can I say?

   He can already feel the hell-level difficulty of the start.

   Su Xia sighed.

   When I was young, I always imagined that I could cross one day, flying in the sky and fleeing the sword in the rivers and lakes, surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan. Isn’t it the ultimate pleasure of life?

   Now, through the words of Wangcheng, Su Xia knows that the so-called introduction-means that what he is going to is a real world.

   And in that world, reality is so cruel.

   is able to resurrect indefinitely—mostly because he built a reincarnation system there, and then retained some of his origins.

   This will allow him to be resurrected again and again-but, I am afraid that after more deaths, it is by no means a good thing.

   In this world, there are always some invisible data-such as heavenly secrets, luck ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ fate and so on.

   These are fate numbers. If you die once, your fate will be compromised.

   Su Xia couldn't feel it before, but after he died several times, he actually felt it.

   And this kind of loss, most probably it will take a long time to slowly make up for it.

  In online games, you lose experience and level after you die, but in reality, most of your life is lost.

   This is a very serious problem.

   "I have died ninety-eight times, I hope it won't be abandoned."

"However, because there is nothing at the beginning, there will be no life and death, and most of it will not be too serious. But once you have truly embarked on the path of practice, as if your attributes have been fixed, you can't be too dying. ."

   "Before I thought Xiang Zuolong would kill me because of being humiliated-now it seems that instead of being arrogant, he has restrained.

   Besides, it seems that he has left, and he will probably peek at my movements. If I behave too ordinary, I probably won’t be able to survive. "

   "So, I have to find a way to show it, and then-even if I join Wanli Holy Land."

   "Otherwise, something will happen in this place sooner or later."

   "His uncle, this crossing is really hard to survive."

   While Su Xia was sighing in her heart, someone from the Wangcheng side had already sent all the books Su Xia wanted.

   Su Xia did not hesitate, and immediately started studying very seriously. It was true concentration, and the learning attitude was simply outrageous-you know, he never tried this hard in the college entrance examination!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Mobile version URL:

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