I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 294: The ancient road to Huangquan, with murderous intent everywhere

Huangquan Ancient Road has many convex and concave shapes and is more rugged; it is as steep as Shuling Mountains and as high as Luyan.

There are mountains on the ancient road. They are not famous mountains in reality, but dangerous places in the underworld.

The bushes of thorns hide treacherous things, and the phosphorus on the stone cliffs hides evil spirits; you can't hear the noise of animals and birds in your ears, but you can only see the evil deeds in front of your eyes.

The wind is howling and the black fog is lingering.

The rustling wind is the smoke coming from the gathering of resentment; the long black mist is the sneaky breath blowing out secretly.

While walking along the road, doubts arose in Su Li's heart, and he had mixed feelings. Perhaps, if there really is a netherworld in this world, the road to hell should be like this.

The ancestral dragon boat travels through Huangquan, and time seems to be eclipsed.

The mountains of the Yellow Spring are all white mountains; the water of the Yellow Spring is all black water.

There are all kinds of scenery in Huangquan, but there is no scenery from high to low, and nothing to the left or right.

There are mountains, but no grass grows on the mountains; there are peaks, but the peaks do not reach the sky; there are ridges, but the ridges do not allow people to walk; there are caves, but the caves do not accept clouds; there are streams, but the streams do not flow.

Such a Huangquan, the heart of autumn is deeply buried, and the charm of death is hidden. It is really a lonely and sad place.

After walking for a while, Su Li felt slightly uncomfortable.

He meditated on the "Huangji Sutra" to dispel the darkness and sadness in his heart, and gradually returned to normal.

The environment is still very quiet.

Even An Ruoxuan gradually became quiet after killing the seven god-level geniuses, Yu Yixin and Li Yanjin.

The quiet Zulong Ship has an inexplicably depressing atmosphere when there is too much traffic.

Su Li looked at the Tianji points. All the seven god-level geniuses were finished. Among them, Yu Yiyan only contributed 4 million Tianji points, while Tianyi and Kong Yunsu both reached 9 million Tianji points.

After the seven people ended, Su Li gained a total of 46 million secret points.

Comparatively speaking, the divine secret value that a god-level prodigy can basically harvest, which exceeds 10 million, is estimated to be less than Yu Yixin's 4 million. It is obvious that he was killed by Su Ho before.

If not, Yu Yihan might be able to provide about 10 million fortune points.

In this case, Su Li actually didn't kill for the purpose of divine value.

He has always been like this. If the other person has no murderous intention, he will not be malicious.

But the other party arranged a killing plan to kill him, so he would not be merciful and leave a way for the other party to survive.

Time passed for nearly half an hour, and finally, most of the road to hell had been traveled.

At this time, Que Xinyan suddenly said: "The road to Huangquan is very dangerous."

When Su Li heard the words, he immediately understood in his heart, so he responded: "It seems that there are still assassinations and ambush."

Que Xinyan said: "This is what you said, I didn't say anything."

Su Li said: "So, before you woke up in the black coffin, you already knew what would happen, right? So, you have been hinting?"

Que Xinyan said: "Hint? No, Master Su just thinks too much."

Su Li said: "Why don't you look into my eyes and speak? Your eyes will tell me the answer I want. Your eyes betray your heart. Don't pretend that you still care about my pain and life."

Que Xinyan's breath was stagnant and he said: "Do you still mind my tears, your haggardness, and lie to me that all the unpleasantness is just a misunderstanding?"

When Su Li heard this, the expression on his face suddenly became extremely exciting, and he said, "Can you really pick it up?"

Que Xinyan said: "A certain unscrupulous liar used a bad trick to deceive an innocent little girl. Are you still using it?"

Que Xinyan's expression was a bit disdainful, but more of it looked like arrogance because he didn't look into Su Li's eyes and spoke at all.

Because his eyes betrayed his heart.

Su Li said: "Okay, it seems you really understand everything."

Que Xinyan said: "So, don't ask me why I don't look at you. I don't dare to look at you again. One more look will hurt, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, Gu Ze. This should be a tragic song, but it was used by someone to pick up girls. You Do you feel shameful?"

Su Li: "..."

An Ruoxuan looked confused and said: "What are you talking about? Why... I have improved my intelligence by two levels. I just synchronized with you, but I can't understand again? I want to be low-key, why is it so difficult?" "

Que Xinyan said: "We are telling a sad story about a shameless old man who wanted to defraud money and sex and was beaten severely all the time."

Hearing this, An Ruoxuan's beautiful eyes lit up and she chuckled: "That must be the unbearable past of a certain emperor. That person was beaten up by the whole world, and then he couldn't survive anymore, so he called himself 'The Supreme Good Like Water, the Supreme Forgetfulness'" ', and also claims that he is in a 'pure' state of 'specializing in energy and becoming as soft as a baby'.

So he named himself ‘Wangchen’. Can Wangchen really still remind himself of ‘Wangchen’ all the time?

Young man, when will you embark on this path?

By the way, it's been a long time since the Lun family sang your songs for nothing, so let's play one. "

Su Li felt a little doubtful about life.

This is? ? ?

This shameless Su Wangchen can do anything?

Not only did he pretend to be prostituted for free, but he also said all kinds of poems and lyrics. Even the Chinese music scene was prostituted for free?

Fortunately, it is the language of this world. If it were Chinese, the grammar, usage, etc. would have been thoroughly studied by others.

That's when it gets really bad.

However, when Su Li felt unhappy, he immediately realized that Su Wangchen must have done it on purpose.

Su Wangchen was afraid that he would be forgotten by Su Li and that once he was forgotten, he would really be gone.

So I'm building a sense of presence.

The most terrifying thing about his existence is not that he has done such earth-shattering things, but that he leads the trend, leads the genre, and leads some kind of terrible rules!

At the moment, the way of speaking that always makes people in this world think that this is very high-level and can be recognized by the prehistoric royal family.

Obviously, because the previous emperor spoke like this, even though he had been beaten to death.

However, this generation of the emperor also spoke the same way without knowing it. Not only has he not been beaten to death, he has also been favored by the royal family.

Not only the words, but even the way of "quoting scriptures" in the words is also very serious, and it is so-called at every turn.

But these people have only half-learned it, they can’t say what to do, they can’t ‘quote the classics’, so they just quote the lyrics!

Anyway, the words and songs that Su Wangchen, an old bastard, said and sang were quoted.

This time it's okay to use it twice, but if Su Li uses it too much, he will have a weird feeling that he is playing tricks on his own, and is showing off his sword in front of Guan Gong.

It's like Kong Yiji showing off how to write the word fennel for fennel beans.

It's like someone who has no culture but likes to show off, always making remarks and saying what the old saying goes...

This made Su Li feel very embarrassed.

But these people don't think so, but instead think they are very noble? ? ?

What kind of evil is this?

Su Li was silent for a long time and said seriously: "The sky is waiting for misty rain, and I am waiting for you."

He spoke it, not sang it.

Que Xinyan was slightly shocked when he heard this, and then a faint blush appeared on his serious and solemn face.

Su Li was startled, and then his expression became a little strange.

"What are you looking at!"

Que Xinyan glared at Su Li, a bit sullen.

Su Li said: "I seem to understand something."

An Ruoxuan rolled her eyes at Su Li and said, "Extreme yin produces yang, don't you understand? The seven of them showed this murderous intention before, and now this is the case with Que Xinyan, so he has become stronger this time. In fact, It just slowly returned to normal, and now she is disguised as a man.”

Que Xinyan coughed and said, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you like a fox as a mute."

An Ruoxuan said: "But I feel that the Lun family has no sense of existence."

Su Li said: "Really? I have so many regrets and so many expectations, do you know?"

Que Xinyan said: "You are my unspeakable hurt. I want to forget it but I can't help but think about it."

An Ruoxuan said: "Sing it. Isn't the Leifeng Pagoda of Guixu all about singing and communicating? You two just re-enacted it. This should be more touching. I'll help you start?"

An Ruoxuan said, coughed, and said: "My wife is short-sighted (Que Xinyan), she is a charming and beautiful woman."

Que Xinyan glanced at An Ruoxuan, blushed slightly, but still had watery eyes, and sang softly a cappella: "Kind eyebrows, kind eyes, and a kind heart. We worship Guanyin every year in the South China Sea. We met for the first time on the broken bridge. We borrowed an umbrella when we went to the lake to express our true love."

There is an alliance certificate on the Sansheng Stone, and a marriage agreement is made under the Jiuyao Tree.

Enen and love, me and me and qing, me and me and qing.

Help me cultivate the path of immortality, give me the soul jade crystal, give me the soul jade crystal. "

As Que Xinyan sang, she naturally transformed into a beautiful girl in a light green gauze skirt, and looked at Su Li thoughtfully.

Su Li's breathing froze for a moment.

Then, he turned his head awkwardly, pretending not to see or hear.

This scene was too sudden.

As a result, Su Li was completely unable to react.

More importantly, why would An Ruoxuan and Que Xinyan do such a thing on Huangquan Road?


Not a little preparedness and no trace of worry

Su Li quickly abandoned the demonic lyrics and distracting thoughts. The brainwashing effect was so powerful.

No way, I can't bear it anymore.

Su Li concentrated for a moment and hung a layer of Yuqing clone on his body, and his whole person suddenly became much calmer.

Later, when he looked at Que Xinyan again, Que Xinyan had returned to his normal male body, and there was nothing wrong with him.

It was as if the girl who sang earlier was not him at all.

An Ruoxuan glared at Su Li and said, "What an idiot. He is so heartless."

Su Li: "..."

Su Li took a deep look at Que Xinyan and whispered, "Are you okay?"

Que Xinyan said: "There are many dead bones on the Zulong ship, and there is nothing on the road to Huangquan. What can happen to me? If something happens, can you help me solve it?"

Su Li hesitated and said, "You want to help you solve this problem? What's your explanation?"

Que Xinyan said: "What explanation do you want? Do you think I sing to cheer you up? Think about it carefully."

Su Li said: "Isn't this... caring about you?"

Que Xinyan said: "You don't have to worry about anything going wrong here, so you don't need to try to trick me. The existence in charge of Wangchenhuan is not as fragile as you think."

An Ruoxuan said: "You should be more prepared for possible crises."

Su Li said: "Huh? What's the danger?"

An Ruoxuan rolled her eyes and said, "This time we return to the Altar of Sin Realm, I'm afraid it won't go so smoothly. In other words, what you have to deal with next is countless ambushes and attacks.

Therefore, next, I will activate the special charm state at all times to take action at the critical moment and delay your time for a moment!

By the way, have you used that killing move many times before? "

Su Li glanced at An Ruoxuan thoughtfully and said, "Well, it can be used an unlimited number of times, and every blow can be so powerful."

What Su Li said is true.

Because although Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword can be regarded as a 'magic weapon', he has the ability of 'swordsmanship', so there is not much difficulty in using Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.

Moreover, without burning the Tianji value and clones, although the power of the Tianxie Breaking Nirvana Path will be weakened a lot, it is much stronger than the ordinary killing path.

An Ruoxuan said: "If that's the case, then it's great, but don't exaggerate!

In the current situation, we cannot observe the outside world from the forbidden area of ​​memory, so it will be difficult to react to many dangers once they occur.

But don't worry, as long as I take action and you can seize the opportunity, we can still kill those talented people at will. "

Que Xinyan said: "You two are actually a good combination. An Ruoxuan is responsible for locking souls, and Master Su is responsible for killing. In this way, you can quickly accumulate some knowledge and kill some coveting minions."

Su Li said: "You seem to know these very well?"

An Ruoxuan said: "Actually, one way to go to the Sin Realm Altar is to go directly from Yaolan's memory restricted area. The Ancestral Dragon Ship can break through the independent space of the memory restricted area.

However, in this way, on the one hand, Yao Lan's memory restricted area will be slightly damaged. Of course, the main aspect is that it is difficult to attack certain beings. "

Su Li said: "You are finally willing to tell the truth."

An Ruoxuan said: "Master Su, you have shown corresponding strength. After we are shocked to a certain extent, we will have some changes accordingly, just like Master Su is now reluctant to talk to us about some of the causal positions of the prehistoric era. .

This shows that we have not yet reached the corresponding qualifications.

If we are qualified by then, I think Master Su will not only tell us, but also tell us exactly what to do.

I am still very interested in doing this kind of thing, and I definitely listen to Master Su’s words. "

Su Li was speechless and said: "The cause and effect of the prehistoric royal family should not be contaminated if possible. I have mentioned it several times, but you just don't believe it."

An Ruoxuan shook her head and said: "After taking this step, I can no longer look back. I participated in the cause and effect of the inheritance of the 'Five Color Divine Light', so some things are difficult to handle.

In addition, it seems that you still don’t understand what Que Xinyan really means.

Let me get it straight. Meier's seven souls are pieced together, that is, they are condensed in the same way as the Plum Blossom Seven Yin Kill.

Therefore, if at a certain moment, when you and Mei'er are in yin and yang, her seven souls change, it may trigger a fatal murderous intention on its own, and your situation will be very bad.

This is a kind of killer cage, but it should not be activated yet.

However, it looks like it will be soon.

At that time, whether you take action or not, you will not be able to avoid this matter. "

Su Li frowned and said, "Who can plant such a cage?"

An Ruoxuan said: "It may be Yao Mo, it may be Yan Ji, or it may be Yamina, the Goddess of Life, and Zhuge Qinglan.

It's impossible to determine which one it is, but it must be someone among them.

Of course, with such methods, it is difficult to truly capture the person who planted the cage.

But there will be clues soon.”

An Ruoxuan said, then took a deep look at Su Li and said, "That's why it is crucial to find Wan'er. After the matter of the Emperor's Tomb is dealt with this time, I hope you will take this matter to heart."

Su Li said in a deep voice: "How to find Wan'er? Memory restricted area? Meier's memory restricted area? Fault point?"

An Ruoxuan shook her head and said: "You first complete the Tianchi Blood River, completely stabilize the memory restricted area, and then open it a few times to determine your importance before doing that.

By then, the time break point will basically be confirmed.

In addition, if you decide to go, you may meet An Ke'er, the goddess of time. "

Su Li: "..."

Su Li hesitated and said: "It really does have such a name..."

An Ruoxuan said: "The Goddess of Time is a very, very mysterious existence, but no one knows her real name. She should have the compound surname 'Dongfang', and she once called herself 'Dongfang Ke'er' because she once joked with Wan'er .

Wan'er said she was 'Nangong Wan'er', and she said she was 'Dongfang Ke'er'.

Then Wan'er said that her name was actually 'An Wan'er' and she followed her master's 'surname', so she said so too. "

Su Li thought thoughtfully and said: "Is this Maura's mother? Moura comes from the Sand God Land of Queyue Star? So, the planet adjacent to Tianyu Star is Queyue Star?"

An Ruoxuan said: "There is indeed a missing moon star near Tianyu Star."

Su Li felt awe-struck in his heart. According to the devouring direction of the light blue star, after the light blue star crosses the Demonic Abyss of the Sin Domain, it will eat up the Tianyu Star.

Once Tianyu Star is gone, Que Yue Star will be next.

At this time, An Ruoxuan suddenly mentioned the Time Goddess and Nangong Wan'er who were missing the moon and star?

Su Li pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, I almost understand everything."

Su Li silently brought up the system panel and took a look, the secret value:.

Causal value: 0.

The name of the system remains the same (Taishang).

Su Li shut down the system and meditated on the "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu" for a moment, vaguely thinking of Xi Junshang, a god mentioned by Que De who must be killed in a way.

Junshang Junshang...

Su Li restrained his thoughts, and then silently mobilized 10 million heavenly secret points to be ready to burn at any time to deal with unknown dangers.

At this time, Que Xinyan suddenly said: "In the next period of time, the Huangquan Ancient Road will be the most dangerous place, and in such a place, once the clone or body is lost, it will be directly involved in the world of forgetfulness and sink into the abyss of darkness. You are always prepared.”

An Ruoxuan looked solemn and immediately became solemn.

At this time, Su Li also heard the message from Mu Yuxi in his heart: "The young master does not need to worry, just pay attention to An Ruoxuan. Once her temperament becomes charming, the young master can directly release his murderous intention and hit the enemy." .”

Su Li did not respond to Mu Yuxi, but began to gather the source of hope between his eyebrows.

(PS: I will continue to tearfully beg for subscriptions and monthly tickets. Also, I would like to recommend "This is My Planet" by my good brother Ji Cha. It has 500,000 words. It is a super good book with over 10,000 first orders. Don't miss it~)

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