One year later now…

As mentioned before, the teaching… or “training” system of Mingshen Academy does not divide into classes that are fixed all year round.

Instead, in the form of a ‘team of four’, a comprehensive improvement was carried out.

In most cases, the team members will live together every day, train together, attend classes together, eat together… and then go out on missions together.

Of course, on rare occasions, these non-system foreign original gods with different ‘elemental attributes’ will still be temporarily separated, and each find a teacher to attend training courses corresponding to their own attributes.

For example: Now in the “Seven Campuses” of Mingshen Academy, the “Salvation” team ranked top ten in terms of comprehensive performance, and the four members in it are the elemental attributes of “Huo Huo Lei Yan”.

At this time, Jiuxiao and Xilin, who are both fire attributes, will go to the fire department instructor to take classes.

Bella of the thunder attribute and Joachim of the rock attribute went to the lecture rooms of ‘Lisa’ and ‘Abedo’ respectively.


Pre-Civilization Era August 19, 2016, Friday.

“Hi, good morning, Kong.”

“Well, good morning, Captain Alicia.”

Now Lu Qiyan has completely adjusted his work and rest time to a ‘normal’ state.

Anyway, the “Fate of Encounter” that I bought on time at four o’clock in the morning every day will not suddenly disappear just because I didn’t use it immediately.

Then, save up and wait until you get up to smoke again, maybe you can bring unexpected surprises to the new day…


【Snowy Plum Fragrance·Walnut (Fire)|☆☆☆☆☆】



Well, here comes the surprise.

It’s just that the current Lu Qiyan always feels that he is going to suffer from ‘anxiety’.

Because, in the past few months, as soon as he got a “five-star” evaluation, he would subconsciously start to be paranoid.

No way, in the past two years or so, he found that as long as he was “lucky”, it meant… trouble was coming.

It’s almost as if the over-limit original god system deliberately temporarily ‘increased the withdrawal rate’ for him in order to ensure the safety of his host.

have no choice……


Lu Qiyan took a deep breath, trying not to let his thoughts run wild.

As a result, as soon as I looked up…


Alicia’s face so close at hand startled him.

“Well, what’s the matter?”

Lu Qiyan took a few steps back.

At this time, the two just met by chance in a certain corridor of the teaching building.

They have known each other for a few months, so they can be regarded as ‘acquaintances’.

at the moment……

“I said, Kong–lao–teacher!”

Alicia intentionally drew a long voice, and complained: “Everyone has known each other for so long, when we meet and say hello, just call me by my name♪”


She blinked suspiciously, “Why do I feel that you are always avoiding me on purpose?”


Look, this is the fundamental reason why Lu Qiyan didn’t want to come to Ming Theological Seminary in person.

Some people are really too sensitive and too difficult to deal with.

At the moment…


Lu Qiyan could only shrug his shoulders, “Alright, Alicia, good morning.”

He complied with the other party’s wishes, and changed the subject, “Your second team, have you no missions recently?”


Alicia nodded in satisfaction, and then replied: “Isn’t that good?”

“If we don’t do missions, it means that there are no ‘dangerous situations’ happening around♪”


Lu Qiyan smiled slightly, “So, you are now…”

“The one who grabs the seat.”

Alicia pointed to the stepped lecture room at the end of the corridor not far away, “Today, Teacher Lisa is going to talk about the improvement skills of the ‘Seat of Fate’…I’m stuck on the ‘third star of life’.” ‘It’s been a long time sinceOf course not to be missed. ”

While speaking, she also pointed to the Eye of the Rock God hanging on her waist.

She had already acquired this thing when she returned from the Silla Peninsula, and it has been more than a year now.

Stable three life stars for more than a year is already a very amazing achievement.

You must know that in the matter of ‘outlining the totem of the Seat of Fate’, the vast majority of people can’t even stabilize ‘one star of life’.

The few students who can stabilize the “one star” can be regarded as geniuses.

After all, this is a transitional evolution process from a ‘flesh life form’ to an ‘energy life form’.

It is not that simple for non-system foreign original god groups to do it.

Of course, there is obviously more than one monster like Alicia in Naruto Seminary.

for example……

“Captain, if you don’t come here again, the position will be gone.”

At the door of the lecture hall, a white-haired young man waved his hand and shouted loudly.

He wears an ice-attribute God’s Eye on his waist, and he is also a monster student who has stabilized the “three life stars”.

The name is: Kevin.

Seeing him appear…

“Go to class first.”

Lu Qiyan, who was in the traveler state, pointed to the lesson plan in his hand, “It’s time for me to meet the new students who just entered the school this month.”


Alicia walked towards the door of the lecture theater.

Suddenly, she turned around without warning, “At noon, do you want to have a meal together?”

Facing this invitation…

“Next time.”

Lu Qiyan smiled naturally, “I have a lot of things to do today, I will invite you next time.”

“Well, all right.”

Alicia blinked with one eye, “Then it’s a deal♪”

At this point in the conversation, Lu Qiyan turned and left after watching the other party go away.

An episode like this has happened countless times in the past.

Of course, Lu Qiyan also had dinner with some people in the second team of the Moth of the Flame.

And, it’s not just him…

The other original god clones, apart from the five ‘Seven Worldly Reigns’ and ‘Drill’, also more or less maintain some interpersonal relationship with Alicia.

Well, strictly speaking, it should be Alicia who has been actively contacting the ‘everyone’.

She even got very close with the Dragon King Ruo Tuo.

Not long ago, the latter was invited to go on a mission together.

Earlier, sitting on the head of Dragon King Ruo Tuo, he touched the pair of dragon horns like a curious baby.

In short…

“Only spend time on people you like, but everyone likes…?”

Lu Qiyan shook his head, “Such a woman is undoubtedly quite ‘dangerous’.”


He looked up and looked forward, “A woman who wants to say ‘dangerous’…”

“It’s not just Alicia.”

While he was thinking, what appeared in Lu Qiyan’s field of vision was a green-haired woman in a white coat who was walking with Lisa, wearing the eyes of the God of Grass at her waist.


Now, she has completely become the shopkeeper of the ‘First Research Institute’.

Although he is still the top person in charge there in name, he stays inside Naruto Academy for most of the year.

Flame Chasing Moth is even planning to arrange a new research institution for her.

Because, on the one hand, Mebius is a rare talent, and it is impossible for the higher-ups to keep her idle.

on the other hand……

“The current MEI is enough to take on the burden of the ‘First Research Institute’.”

Everyone is making progress in an orderly manner.

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