"Quiet and quiet, let's wait first, it can't be the navy ghost, just like that... Honestly, it's not like the Navy can do it. "

Although there are people clamoring to go to the Navy for trouble, there are still calm people who think that it cannot be done by the Navy, so what needs to be done now is to wait.

Although waiting may not solve the problem, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate way to stay where you are and wait.

After some deliberation, it was agreed to stop and wait for news here.

Of course, for the sake of caution, I still sent people out to find out the news.

And when the disappearance of Whitebeard caused a commotion among the Whitebeard Pirates, the naval headquarters was not very peaceful.

The Admiral looked at the mysterious light door that suddenly appeared in his office with a heavy face, and was cautiously considering, naturally thinking about what kind of conspiracy was in it.

Of course, just when the Warring States was thinking about the problem with a solemn face, Karp, who was staying on the side, actually angered him.

Especially the other party's leisurely face and the appearance of eating snacks, directly made the Warring States angry and cursed: "Eat and eat, you know to eat, when will you know to share my worries?" "

Karp: "??? "

Karp, who was sitting next to him eating snacks, heard Sengoku suddenly scold himself, naturally with a question mark on his face and an innocent look with his hands spread.

What's the situation?

Can I mess with you with this snack?

Besides, I'm just a lieutenant general, how can I share your worries?

And isn't there a three major admirals in the Navy?

Why do you need me to be a bad old man?

Karp glared indignantly at the Warring States and shouted for himself: "No, you are a bit outrageous, this thing is not made by me, and it is useless for you to get angry with me." "

"I know you didn't make it, but I'm just upset, what do you say?" After the Warring States became angry, they calmed down, and then looked at Karp with a calm face, and said as a matter of course.

Karp: "..."

Okay, who made you a marshal?

You're awesome, I'm not talking, you go on!

"How? Why not continue" But after Karp chose to lie flat and not speak, Sengoku said that he was still dissatisfied, but instead questioned why Karp did not speak.

And for such a warring state, Karp said that he was very helpless, and he was not even in the mood to eat snacks.

However, Karp still asked: "No, then what do you want me to say?" "

"Of course it's this thing..." Warring States made a face, pointed to the light gate in front of him, and said in a serious tone: "Karp, what do you think should be done?" "

"How do I know?"

Karp spread his hands together, his expression very helpless.

Karp, who had thought of being perfunctory, had to speak again after seeing the black face of the Warring States: "Either the two of us go in to take a look, or bring a large army to enter, and even if something comes out at that time, there will be enough strength to deal with it." "

Sengoku slapped the table angrily and said angrily: "Where is the big army? If so, in the event of an accident, wouldn't the Navy be gone? "

"How could it be gone?"

And for the roar of the Warring States, Karp was unimpressed, dug his ears and said nonchalantly: "I didn't let you take all your belongings, just take me and some of the elites over, wouldn't that be enough?" "


Sengoku's eyes widened suddenly, and his voice was raised: "How many elites do you want?" "

Karp spread his hands and asked, "So what do you say?" "

After a moment of silence, after some thought, the Warring States immediately decided: "Just the two of us go in, with your and my strength, we should be able to deal with it." "

Karp shrugged his shoulders and said casually: "You have the final say, I have no opinion." "


"Oh? Interesting. "

"I didn't expect that there would be doors to other worlds in a place like mine?"

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded, followed by a dark purple figure appearing.

The visitor looked at the mysterious light gate that appeared in his country, and a trace of coldness flashed in his burgundy eyes.

She had long purple hair with a shawl and wore a light purple tights, but the dress was extremely outrageous, as if it was not serious clothing.

And the lonely queen indifferently looked at this mysterious light, and then walked in.

Because for her, this is a rare pleasure, you must know that in these incomparably lonely years, she is too lonely.

It's rare that something interesting happens, if you don't grasp it, how can you be worthy of yourself?

Besides, she is not afraid of danger. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Rather, if there is danger, it is exactly what she wants.


Hokage World.

Some small country.

A woman slowly wakes up in her sleep.

And as soon as she opened her eyes, she realized that something was wrong.

Strange, I'm not in a hotel, what is this ...

The woman subconsciously narrowed her eyes, thinking that she was hallucinating with a change of speed.

After thinking, the woman got up from the bed and found that she was indeed in the hotel, but the mysterious light gate that appeared above her head was also real.

Is it not an illusion, but a kind of space-time ninjutsu?

The woman guessed, she rubbed her eyebrows, rolled over and got out of bed.

The pair of beautiful feet slowly landed on the ground, stepping on the tatami mats that were a little cold.

With that, she picked up the coat she had set aside and put it on her body.

"'I'm not interested in these things, so don't bother me.'" After the woman put on her coat, she glanced at the light door above her head with a gloomy face, and whispered softly.

However, although the woman said that she was not interested, she did not leave the room at the first time, but stood in a daze.

After a few moments, she stepped towards the door.

But it was this delay that the light gate suddenly emitted a strong suction force, and then sucked the woman in.

Although the latter had the intention to resist, it was difficult to resist the terrifying suction of the light gate, and he could only watch himself being sucked in.


Within the answer space.

After Ariel and Lucifer confronted, they finally stopped.

After all, after this pair sprayed, Ariel found that she still failed to take advantage, and the most important thing is... As a key figure in the debate - Shiraori!

She's so easy over there.

And this undoubtedly made Ariel (Lee's good) feel unhappy, and gradually turned into an irrepressible anger.

Ariel looked at Bai Ori, who pretended to be indifferent, and said coldly: "My good granddaughter, you really surprised my grandmother!" Do you dare to let others deal with me and hide on the sidelines? "

Shiroori: "..."

It's always grandmother's, don't you feel awkward grandson?

For Ariel to use such a title as grandmother so skillfully, Shiraori was a little speechless.

"Don't worry, Shiraori, with me here, she can't help you." Lucifer is very rampant, and she also decides to shelter Shiroori to the end.

Taking advantage of the time they were arguing, Erin had already come to Qin Zheng's side again, and said in a low voice: "I said, you said to the one named Ariel... Not interested, right? "

To be honest, Erin was hesitant to ask this, but she always felt that the threat posed by Ariel was not low.

And maybe this is because of Shiraori?

Well, that possibility is not ruled out.

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