Hear what Han Li said.

Uncle Jiu was startled, he groaned for a moment, looked at Han Li in front of him and said, "But in this case, Master Ren and Tingting Ren would be very dangerous!"

"That's something that can't be helped."

Han Li shrugged and said to the Jiu Shu who was aside: "Of course I will try my best to protect their safety, but if something really happens, we can't blame us. After all, we have reminded the former master. The corpse of the old lady should be cremated, but he doesn’t listen at all. Now that the corpse has changed, it has nothing to do with us!"

Hearing Han Li's transformation, Uncle Ji sighed slightly.

He knew that these words said by his junior brother were correct.

The two of them had already reminded them that things would happen if Grandpa Ren's body was not burned.

But Master Ren did not listen to his life and death.

And now if the people from the ancient corpse raising sect were really doing the ghost, even if they and the younger brother re-bury the body of the old man, it will be impossible for them to wait in front of the tomb every day.

It only takes an opportunity, and the people of the ancient corpse raising sect can dig out the corpse of the old man again.

If it takes a little longer and waits for someone to forget about this, then the harm will only be even greater!

Uncle Jiu knew very well that his junior’s method was the best method that he could find so far!

"so be it!"

Uncle Jiu hesitated for a while, sighed slightly, and said to Han Li who was on the side.


Han Li nodded.

At this time, the Jiu Shu on the side suddenly said to Han Li, "By the way, Junior Brother, you'd better remind Master Ren about this matter. If you don’t help, you have to say something to Ren Tingting, so that they can be mentally conscious. Preparations."

"Do not worry!"

Han Li smiled and nodded.

With that said, the two discussed some details of the next plan.

The Wencai on the side didn't hear a word, and his eyes were staring straight at the pile of Xian Dayang in front of Han Li. After the discussion with Han Li, Jiu Shu and Han Li saw the Wencai staring at Xian Dayang with blurred eyes, and he shook helplessly. Shook his head.

He twisted Wencai's ear.

"Ah, Master, it hurts..."

Wen Cai suddenly uttered a painful cry, and hurriedly yelled to Jiu Shu.

Uncle Jiu pulled Wencai's ears and pulled Wencai out of the funeral shop.

Han Li smiled on his face, looking at Jiu Shu and Wencai’s back, smiles flashed in his eyes. When Han Li was watching zombie movies, his favorite character was Jiu Shu. He was full of flesh and blood, not like that. Some masters are cold and don't get close to strangers, they look very tugging.

And Jiu Shu's character is very distinct, with distinct loves and dislikes, sometimes soft-hearted, sometimes a bit funny, but at critical times, he is very reliable.

The two disciples Wencai and Qiusheng also have their own lovability.

Thinking of this, Han Li smiled and shook his head, and he collected Xian Dayang.

Continue to draw rune soldiers.

I'm about to deal with the zombie Mrs. Ren. This zombie is very fierce in the original movie. What's more, now I am afraid that I have to deal with not only the zombie, but also the Mr. Feng Shui behind the zombie. , The remnants of the ancient corpse raising sect!

This is not the movie world, this is the real world!

In the movie, the mysterious Mr. Feng Shui never took action, as if he did not exist at all. Until the death of the zombie Mr. Ren, Mr. Feng Shui did not appear.

But in this real world, Han Li can't guarantee that he will not appear!

In the event that he appeared, he and Jiu Shu would be very difficult to deal with with his ability.

So he must now cast enough rune soldiers.

The yellow turban warrior didn't want to think about it. After all, this mid-rank rune soldier was very difficult to make. He spent a whole night and wasted countless materials before he forced to make one. There was luck in it.

Let the current self repeat the previous production, I am afraid that it will only consume more time and materials than before.

In the current situation, it is not necessary.

His current goal is to pierce enough paper spirit magpies and rune soldiers first.

When there are enough, it is not impossible to fight against the person who raises the corpse!

Just when Han Li was drawing the spirit soldiers.

At this time, Ren House.

"That Daochang Han is really amazing!"

Master Ren sighed, and he said to Ren Tingting who was aside: "Tingting, are you not very familiar with Daochang Han? Can you buy some charms from him? Be our town house?"

Hearing what Master Ren said, Ren Tingting was stunned for a moment. She hesitated for a while and looked at Master Ren and said: "The teacher should not refuse. I feel that the teacher is very short of money. I heard that he was in the funeral shop this morning. The people in the town robbed all of the things!"

"That's OK!"

The words of his own daughter made Master Ren's heart settled. He smiled slightly and said to Ren Tingting who was on the side: "If the daughter's future husband-in-law can have Daochang Han so powerful, it will be fine!"

Having said that, Master Ren gave Ren Tingting a deep look.

"Oh! Father! You made fun of your daughter again! People ignored you!"

When Ren Tingting heard Master Ren's words, she blushed immediately. She stood up, stomped her feet, and spoke to Master Ren in a charming manner.

After that, Ren Tingting blushed and left the living room.

Looking at his daughter's back, Master Ren smiled and shook his head.

Women's college is not staying!

From the time I drank foreign tea before, Master Ren noticed that his daughter seemed to have some thoughts about that Han Daochang, but at that time Master Ren didn’t understand Han Li, but it sounded okay, so he neither opposed nor agreed. .

But these days, Han Li is going out more and more in Renjiazhen, and his talents are also more and more outstanding, coupled with outstanding character and appearance.

And there is no drag from the family, it is the perfect candidate to be a son-in-law!

My daughter is also big, it's time to find her a husband-in-law!

Thinking of this, Master Ren pondered for a moment, but in his mind he was thinking again about how to recruit Han Li as the son-in-law!

Ren Tingting walked out of the living room, and the maid also followed.

"Miss, where are we going?"

Looking at Ren Tingting's back in a hurry, the maid asked curiously.

"Go to the funeral shop!"

Ren Tingting said to the maid in front of her that she felt a little sweet in her heart at this time. Her father was very supportive of her liking Teacher Han!

The father's level has passed, and the question now is how to make Teacher Han fall in love with him!

Although Ren Tingting's personality is soft, she still showed amazing courage when facing such a major event in life. With a maid, Ren Tingting soon came to the funeral shop.

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