When he opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Yu'er blinking at this moment, his chest high, his face very proud, and his look of asking for credit made everyone's emotions that had just been brewing disappear.

"Brother Yuer, why is it you?"Tie Xinlan opened her mouth and expressed her own question, which was also the question of everyone present.

"Hee hee, let’s not talk about this for now, look who is behind me?"Xiao Yu'er put away the bottle in his hand and took a step back with a smile, revealing the person behind him.

The man was disheveled, tall, and dressed in gray. His eyes were red at this time, his lips moved slightly, and he looked at Tie Xinlan.

"Father!"Tie Xinlan recognized the identity of this tall man at a glance. He was the father she thought about day and night. In an instant, all kinds of emotions such as worry and longing for several days came to her heart. She covered her lips with her hands and her eyes were filled with tears.

"Dad, I miss you so much."Tie Xinlan could no longer suppress the emotions in her body, and rushed forward and threw herself into the other person's embrace. With the sound of sobbing, the strong mask Tie Xinlan had been pretending to be gone.

"This poison?"Zhou Zhiruo said thoughtfully. She had seen the bottle of Xiao Yu'er just now on her lover Murong Fu, and asked in confusion.

"It was Mr. Murong who gave it to me before setting out, saying that although this poison is powerful, it attacks indiscriminately and should not be used until the last moment."After Xiao Yu'er gave a brief explanation, everyone admired Murong Fu's wisdom.

Xiao Yu'er gave everyone the antidote to the sad breeze in turn. The pungent smell was hard to accept, but This is the antidote.

A colorless and odorless sad breeze, but the antidote is so unpleasant and rare.

"Let's go, we can't waste time here, Liu Xi will be here at any time."Xiao Yu'er interrupted the reunion time of the two father and daughter, and urged Yuan Chengzhi and Hua Wuque, who were injured on the backs of the Murong family members. The

Tie family naturally knew the situation at this time and did not dare to delay at all. In the eyes of the Thousand-faced Man, he left brazenly.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Liu Xi, who had arrived late, looked at the empty cages left after the five masters were rescued. He could no longer control the murderous intention in his heart. He would not be able to control it tonight. I know how many people will die.

According to the plan, after the five masters are rescued, except Tie Ruyun, the other four masters will be handed over to Murong Wudi. Otherwise, their own target will be too big and they can only hide separately.

Moreover, I and the others will be separated from the other four. The big masters had nothing to do with it, and being able to rescue them was already a great gift. Naturally, the four of them did not dare to expect too much.

For several days in a row, the whole city fell into a turbulent atmosphere. Countless people from the West Factory and the government made clever names and went from house to house. Every place was searched, and the gates of each city were strictly guarded. Even a coffin had to be opened and looked at. Fortunately,

Murong Fu had made arrangements in advance and used the power of the Sun and Moon God Sect to prepare an extremely hidden place in advance, avoiding the previous A few days of searching.

As for the reason why it only takes a few days, it is because Liu Xi is leaving, or to be more precise, Murong Shu is leaving.

This is the last part of Murong Fu and Murong Wudi's plan. When the plan is successful, We need Murong Shu to return to the palace. Because Liu Ximing’s official task is to protect Murong Shu. The real owner has gone back. How can you still be a bodyguard?

Xichang, as long as Liu Xi leaves, then the remaining people, Murong People like Fu are naturally not afraid

"Thank you all young heroes. When I was captured by Liu Xi, I was really not going to die soon and would never have the chance to see my daughter again in this life."Tie Ruyun is a man of steel and iron bones. He has been indifferent to the court's solicitations many times, but now he puts down his attitude towards Murong Fu and others, which shows his mood.

Even though it has been several days since he was rescued, but Every time I think about it, especially when I learned about their rescue plan from my own daughter, I admire these young people in my heart.

"Senior Tie was serious."Murong Fu and several others looked at each other and said in unison.

In the past few days, everyone has been recovering from their injuries, especially Yuan Chengzhi and Hua Wuque. The meridians all over their bodies were damaged. If Murong Fu hadn't used the Innate Phaseless Skill Waiting for one's heart-healing method to heal their wounds, even if these two people are alive, their skills will be affected.

"I can't bear to let the two young heroes be so seriously injured."Tie Ruyun knows the dangers involved. Yuan Chengzhi and Hua Wuque risked their lives for their daughters. It seems that their daughters have also made some friends who can treat each other with sincerity.

"I have a great gift for you. I hope you will accept it and do not refuse."Tie Ruyun thanked them again. These people are saving themselves from fire and water, how can Tie Ruyun not thank them?

"oh? I don’t know what the gift is."As soon as he heard that there was a gift, Xiao Yu'er couldn't wait and looked at Tie Ruyun with curiosity.

Murong Fu and others felt funny in their hearts, but they also knew that this was Xiao Yu'er's temperament and would not blame him.

"A heaven-level inner skill and mental method, and the magic skill of wedding clothes."Although Tie Ruyun is a middle-stage master, he never bullies the weak, and his wealth is average.

But everyone here is a martial arts person, and there is nothing more valuable than the secret secret of magic skills.

"The magic power of wedding clothes, could the predecessor be a descendant of the Tie family of the Iron-Blooded Banner Sect?"Murong Fu couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard this.

"Yes, it seems that Mr. Murong is still well-informed. This magic wedding skill has been passed down to my generation. I have not yet been able to understand the beauty of it, so I can only switch to other skills. You are all young talents. As long as You don’t want to tell anyone else, I will tell you this magical skill of wedding clothes."Tie Ruyun said generously

"Oh, the magical power of wedding clothes? Can Mr. Murong help us explain this martial arts?"Xiao Yu'er can't wait any longer.

"Xiao Yu'er, although this martial art is a heaven-level internal skill and mental method, it has problems."Hua Wuque said, dispelling Xiao Yu'er's joy.

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