Chapter 0082: Philip Who Wants to Give Up!!

“Sure enough, I shouldn’t exist in this world.”] “】

Philip had the idea of suicide at this moment, and Philip couldn’t help but start thinking about what would happen if he didn’t exist, Uncle Maori might not be sacrificed because of him, Lin Mu would not disappear, and he could live his normal life. 】

[As for Shinichi, maybe he will still become Conan, but at least he doesn’t need to block his life to fight, and he doesn’t want to be threatened like this now, even if he becomes a child, he can live well, right?] Sure enough, I will only bring misfortune to those around me, Philip thought. 】

“Aren’t you the one from Mr. Māori’s house?” “】

When Philip wandered aimlessly, he did not expect to meet Officer Takagi, who happened to be nearby.

Although the current police officer Takagi still looks very tired, at least he is no longer sad, and he is still full of smiles. 】

[“Officer Takagi, what are you doing here?”] “】

Philip, who had the idea of suicide, now deliberately kept his distance from everyone, and when facing Officer Takagi, an acquaintance of Shinichi, he only subconsciously asked questions, and did not even intend to listen to Officer Takagi’s answer before leaving. 】

[“I’m investigating Kamen Rider’s news! “】

Officer Takagi’s words made Philip suddenly stop again, which made Takagi think that Philip was also very interested in the urban legend Kamen Rider, “Finally, there are witnesses who can testify that the people who robbed several times were not the Kamen Rider, but someone who was fake, and the real Kamen Rider also protected them.” “】

[“Officer Takagi, do you like this Kamen Rider very much? “】

Philip is different from Shinichi, he doesn’t have much desire to show and show off, but now Philip is also a little curious why this police officer values Kamen Rider so much after clearing the stigma of knighthood, he is happier than the rider himself. 】

[Because that Kamen Rider saved me, Kamen Rider who can protect City Kamen Rider without asking for anything in return will definitely not be a bad person. I believe that Kamen Rider is the hero who protects the city and the one who gives people hope. “】

Officer Takagi really behaves like a Kamen Rider fanatic right now. 】

[“Believe? Is it worth it for a simple reason! “】

Philip may know a lot, but the feelings and emotions between humans have always been Philip’s weak point. 】

“Isn’t that enough?”] “】

Officer Takagi asked Philip, in his perception, just believing was enough to justify his actions.

Just believe, can you do so much? Philip looked at Takagi with wide eyes, and at this moment he thought of many things. 】

[Philip thought of Maori Kogoro, it was the first time Philip saw someone outside the organization, and the other party risked many dangers to save him, isn’t it that the uncle believes him? ] His first transformation with Shinichi is a bit forced by the situation, but Shinichi chooses to believe him. There was also Lin Mu, giving them all kinds of support to fight alongside them, also because Lin Mu believed in them. 】

[Philip suddenly heard the unique call of the Fangs Memory again, and he looked up at a balcony somewhere high, not knowing when the Fangs Memory was there looking at Philip. This time Philip did not run away, but looked firmly at the fangs, he had already made up his mind. I haven’t atoned for my sins yet, and I still have things I have to do! 】

“Takagi, not bad, you boy!”

Sato suddenly slapped Takagi on the back, and there was not much strength but Takagi was startled, “I am really impressed by you for being able to say such a thing.” ”

“Haha, I didn’t think of it myself.”

Officer Takagi still felt a little embarrassed when he said these words to Kamen Rider himself.

But now that Officer Takagi can get Sato’s praise, this little embarrassment is nothing at all.

“Come on Takagi, I’m optimistic about you.”

Sato patted Takagi on the shoulder and said a few words before leaving.

“Yes, Officer Sato!!”

Takagi also responded to Sato very happily.

In Sato’s opinion, he just encouraged Takagi by simply saying something as a subordinate, but in the eyes of other police officers, including Takagi himself, this was a precursor to Sato’s interest in Takagi!

That’s not okay… The eyes of all the male police officers instantly sharpened, and the members of the Sato Protection Association were about to start acting.

Almost all male police officers, including all departments, are members of this Sato Protection Association, which aims to protect the flower of the Metropolitan Police Department, Miwako Sato from evil men.

I feel that if something happens to Sato that day, these policemen may run around the city on a small tricycle to rescue Sato, and the boss of the Metropolitan Police Department, Matsumoto Kiyomasa, may not be so excited if something happens.

[On the other side, during the time of waiting for Philip to throw himself into the net, Chianti also specially prepared some sharp blades to make a ground thorn-like prop, and now she put this prop under the hanging Kudo Shinichi, while Chianti stood on the other end of the rope with a small knife, as long as she cut the rope, Shinichi would fall on this ground thorn, death is not unknown but being pierced by spikes will be very painful. ] 】

[Really, it’s been so long, why hasn’t the little young master come yet? No, he really doesn’t care about this little ghost. “】

Chianti slowly rubbed the rope with a knife in order to put pressure on Shinichi and Philip on the other side.

Chianti also began to slowly get tired of 2.2’s senseless waiting, and she also decided that if Philip did not appear before she cut the rope, she would kill the imp and they would go and catch Philip themselves. 】

Shinichi didn’t speak, and he knew that his situation was very bad, but even so, he was sending a signal to Philip in his heart not to come. After a few minutes, Chianti seemed to finally get tired of playing, Philip had not yet appeared, and her patience had reached the limit after breaking the rope and planning to leave. 】

“Sorry, Philip. Hope you can find a better partner. Shinichi closed his eyes, but he felt as if he had been caught by someone and did not fall to the ground. 】。

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