[“Ahhhhh Sui Naiguo’s eyes were full of light, just at a glance she had already recognized that the person who came to save her was Lin Mu, her childhood sweetheart, but soon Sui Naiguo’s eyes were full of worry, because now Lin Mu’s state is not very good, not only the clothes all over her body are dirty, but also her head is bleeding. 】

“Don’t worry. Lin Mu knew what Sui Naiguo wanted to say, he interrupted Sui Naiguo in advance, and now saying this is not beneficial to the situation at all, “We made an agreement, I will protect your smile.” So, leave the rest to me. Please watch, my, transform! “】

[“ready, dress, security mode. “】

[“Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider, why is there another Kamen Rider! How many of you there are! “Ruiyama Edatsu also now sees that Lin Mu is numb after he transforms, and he has been violently beaten by two Kamen Riders before and after, why is there another Kamen Rider now. 】

【”Dessert! Eizan Edatsu also activated the memory body in annoyance and turned into a dessert dope, to be honest, he was beaten by Minami Kotaro and the punches have not healed yet, the punch power is close to 30 tons, and it is not easy for him to take so many blows. 】

[Now this armor on Lin Mu’s body is the most gorgeous that Ruishan Zhijin has ever seen, and for a while he doesn’t know if this one in front of him will be stronger than the first two knights. ] The dessert that was not in his own state naturally did not dare to be careless, and he used all his abilities when he came up, and immediately launched a large amount of cream against Lin Mu to attack after stealth. 】

[Unexpectedly, this time the cream was very easy to attach to Lin Mu’s armor, and Lin Mu didn’t even dodge, because Lin Mu’s back was Sui Naiguo’s father and daughter, so he couldn’t hide. ] Dessert also saw a little, Lin Mu’s armor looked more gorgeous than that black knight, but it was far from the same in performance. 】

[“Hahaha! “Dessert has already made up for the scene of its victory, it emits a very villain laugh, it continues to shoot more cream, and the target is all aimed at Sui Naiguo and the others, so even if some of the cream is not concentrated in Lin Mu, he must take the initiative to catch it. 】

[“Ah Mu. Sui Naiguo looked worriedly at Lin Mu, who had been covered with cream all over her body and acted stiffly, she also knew that she had become a burden to Lin Mu, but now she couldn’t see the enemy at all, if she acted casually, it might bring more trouble to Lin Mu, and Sui Naiguo was very anxious now. 】

“It’s okay, I’m here.”] Lin Mu’s mask was also mostly covered with cream, and his vision was greatly obstructed, and now Lin Mu was like a plaster cast all over his body, and his activities were very difficult, but even so, he still stood firmly in front of Sui Naiguo. 】

[“It’s such a big deal, look I cleaned you up right away! ] “The sound of dessert came from the warehouse, but I couldn’t see where it was. Even if Dessert thinks that he has the upper hand now, it is completely a sure win, but there is a last bit of caution that keeps it from stealth. 】

“Whether it’s a big deal or not, you’ll soon know.”] Lin Mu had long known the ability of dessert from Conan’s mouth, and it happened that after his last incident, Lin Mu upgraded the armor in order to improve its strength. 】

[“Burst Mode! Lin Mu’s armor mask suddenly opened, revealing a pair of red eyes below, and at the same time, a powerful explosive storm erupted from the armor’s body, and the huge heat made all the cream on the armor vaporize in an instant, and the items that hindered Lin Mu’s movement had completely disappeared. 】

[At the same time, the explosion storm also blew the dessert that was hiding not far in front of Lin Mu, and it was blown to the ground by this storm, and the stealth was also broken. ] Under Lin Mu’s deliberate control, the Sui Naiguo father and daughter behind him were completely unattacked by the storm. 】

[IXA armor was designed with powerful performance in mind, but after Lin Mu used the armor for the first time, he found that the performance was too powerful, Lin Mu’s body could not hold on at all, so Lin Mu had no choice but to temporarily suppress the performance to minimize the side effects, that is, the preservation mode. ] 】

[In Lin Mu’s original plan, it is necessary to further reduce the impact of side effects before slowly improving the performance of the armor, if Lin Mu is to do conservative intentionality alone, it will take nearly ten years, plus Philip’s knowledge, this time can be compressed to about a year, and the time is compressed ten times, this is the power of all knowledge on the earth. ] 】

[But now because of the pursuit of strength, Lin Mu forcibly touched the restrictions of the armor, but it did not reduce the impact of side effects, and the current burst mode did fully exert the performance of the armor, and the strength and speed were more than twice that of the preservation mode, but using this mode with Lin Mu’s body could only last for a minute at most. ] 】

[“The next move solves you!”] Lin Mu felt that this doping body did not have any powerful power at all, and it would not take a minute to solve its change. The whistle on the left side of the belt was inserted into the drive, and the fist was removed. The powerful ability visible to the naked eye condensed in that small fist in Lin Mu’s hand. 】

[“Broken teeth! Lin Mu took the fist and threw a punch through the air, and the energy of 500 million Ford converged at one point, and with Lin Mu’s punch, the red translucent energy bounce rushed towards the dessert. The speed was so fast that Dessert had no chance to fight back or dodge, and was hit by an energy bomb in an instant. 】

[The energy bomb attacked the body of the doped, and the cream it ejected from the attack was vaporized under this powerful energy, and the dessert was completely defeated and turned back to Eizan Edatsuya himself, and which memory body also turned into fragments and fell to the ground. ] 】

[Lin Mu’s attack destroyed more than half of the warehouse, the light shone on Lin Mu’s body from the hole in the roof, the white-dominated armor looked full of majesty under the light, Sui Naiguo felt that as long as Lin Mu was there, he would carry the difficulties for himself, and he could live with a smile as long as he stayed behind Lin Mu. ] 】

“I have done the agreed things. Lin Mu lifted his transformation and glanced back at Sui Naiguo, and then the impact of the side effects plus the previous injury, Lin Mu still lost consciousness, and Sui Naiguo immediately hugged the fallen Lin Mu. 】

Sui Naiguo looked at Lin Mu in her arms, and at this moment she could feel that she had always felt about Lin Mu, as if it was not a simple sibling friendship as she thought in her heart. Even Honogo himself didn’t know what his current feelings should be called. 】

[But I don’t seem to hate this feeling, it’s better to say that this feeling of being able to rely on Lin Mu makes Sui Naiguo like it very much. ] 】

[End of video.] 】

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