“Dao, I buried Mako’s body together. Mitsuki said casually, he knew that Makoto Ito was talking about his knife, but the knife was turned into an iron ball after Mitsuki turned into a doped, and even if he found it, he couldn’t recognize what it was. The iron ball was also thrown into the lake by Mitsuki along with Mako’s mobile phone. 】

“What? That’s but…” Makoto Ito stopped suddenly. 】

“That knife, what is it?” Mitsuki pretended not to know that the knife belonged to Makoto Ito, but Mitsuki deliberately destroyed the knife, because Mako had lived with Makoto Ito, and he could completely blame Mako for stealing the knife from him, so the knife was evidence against Mako, so Mitsuki destroyed the knife. However, Makoto Ito didn’t think of this at all, and still thought that his knife would become evidence against him, which was what Mitsuki wanted. 】

[Mitsuki casually talked to Makoto Ito a little more and left, and sure enough, not long after Mitsuki left, Makoto Ito also went out. ] Mitsuki’s eyes looked coldly in the direction Ito left, and then called a taxi. Then Mitsuki came to Mako’s door, where she waited all night and finally saw Mako’s father who was about to go out. 】

[Of course, Mako’s father knew Mitsuki, and he had a few homely words with Mitsuki and said that Mako didn’t come home all night. Of course, Mitsuki knew that Mako didn’t come home all night, but why didn’t her father look anxious at all? Mitsuki didn’t want to talk nonsense with him, and directly took out the knife that Mako killed his uncle and pointed it at Mako’s father. 】

“Who have you sold Mako’s picture to, it’s best to tell me honestly, don’t stab you with the knife that killed your brother.”] Don’t try to quibble, I know your gas tank and the record between you in your brother’s computer. “】

“I didn’t do anything wrong!”] Mako’s father suddenly threw the crutch in Mitsuki’s face, causing Mitsuki to suddenly take a few steps back, and at the same time the kitchen knife in his hand also fell to the ground, “This is what he did himself, it has nothing to do with me, and I can’t live without money, Mako should be very happy to make money!” Besides, you don’t care about my family’s affairs! “】

[Mako’s father snatched the kitchen knife on the ground and was about to swing it at Mitsuki, looking excited for a moment and wanting to extinguish, just as Mitsuki was also disappointed in this person, she took out the Gaia memory in her arms. ] 】

[“Blade! Mitsuki turned into a doping again, and at the same time the kitchen knife didn’t even pierce Mitsuki’s skin, and Mitsuki at least casually slapped Mako’s father to the ground, seeing Mitsuki’s current appearance, he didn’t even have the courage to resist, at least chanting things like monsters out loud. 】

[“Who the hell is more like a monster!”] “Mitsuki doesn’t deny that she has become a monster now, but this human-faced beastly guy is more like a monster than her, and Mako’s suicide is not a small credit for this biological father. Mitsuki didn’t kill him, she pierced his leg with her claws, which was originally treated with the money Mako earned, and now return it to Mako. 】

“This Igarashi is really pitiful, surrounded by this kind of scum.”

“That’s right, everyone Igarashi met except Lan Chuan is scum. Uncles and fathers who sell indecent photos of themselves, and scumbag boyfriends. ”

“How can a good little girl encounter this kind of thing.”

“Father, he, he…” Mako was completely speechless, she didn’t think that her father was such a person, she even accepted such a job in order to treat him, but she didn’t expect that he was also one of the masterminds.

“It’s okay, Mako. I will definitely protect you. “Mitsuki is very grateful for this video now, if it weren’t for it, maybe the future of herself and Mitsuki would really be like this.

The future self did not protect Mako, now he will definitely not, as long as it is for Mako, even if he becomes a monster.

[Mako’s father screamed in pain, Mitsuki slapped him unconscious again and casually threw him aside, Mitsuki put Mako’s hand in front of Mako’s house and left, and then the neighbors who came saw the broken hand and called the police. ] Miyue met Lin Mu and his group on the way out, and after a brief face-to-face, Meiyue still left. The next day, Mitsuki turned herself in. 】

“That’s the truth of the matter. Philip closed the book in his hand, but the people at the scene were silent after hearing the experiences of Mitsuki and Mako, Lin Mu and Conan, and Xiaolan who came in later. 】

[“Is the person who uses Gaia’s memory actually Lan Chuan? Conan didn’t know what to do, the memory users he met before were all evil people, so Conan would not hesitate to defeat them, but this time Mitsuki did not use the power of Gaia’s memory to do evil at all, at most it was to destroy corpses and injure people, and Mitsuki was already in prison. 】

[On the other side, Concubine Yingli also took Mitsuki to the family court for juvenile delinquency for the first interrogation, and none of Mitsuki’s family came, and only Concubine Yingli was casually accompanying Mitsuki. ] Mitsuki’s confession was very firm, so the family court could only be temporarily stopped, because this case was particularly bad, and Mitsuki had to be sent to an ordinary court to reconvene. 】

[Concubine Eiri could only email Conan about the situation here, telling him that if Kudo Shinichi did something, it was best to hurry, so that Mitsuki would be criminally responsible. ] 】

[“Philip, didn’t you say that Lan Chuan called a taxi? Lin Mu roughly guessed Mitsuki’s thoughts, she didn’t want to use the power of memory to punish Makoto Ito, but to use the power of law and society, but this price was all for Mitsuki. 】

“Yes, but this car came to the mountain area where Mako died, and no one had ever taken this taxi. “Philip is very knowledgeable, but he is very slow when it comes to human affairs. Lin Mu left after knowing the license plate number of the taxi. 】

[Some time later, under the gaze of more people, Mitsuki stood in front of the judge and the media, but this time Mitsuki’s testimony changed, she admitted that she killed Mako’s uncle and threw the body, but denied that she killed Igarashi Mitsuki. Except for Meiyue’s lawyer Concubine Yingli and Shinichi and Lin Mu, everyone showed surprised expressions. 】

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