Chapter 0126: How to Take Out the Memory!!

[The new energy was shot out with the trigger Merlin gun, and a huge ray of flame was launched from the muzzle towards the weather. And the cold air that the weather was preparing to resist the attack was completely melted by this powerful flame in an instant, and the weather had already made defensive measures in time, but it still underestimated the power of the double limit drive. 】

[Flames and explosions engulfed the figure of the weather, and after a moment the weather had disappeared, and Shinichi was forced to lift his transformation immediately after launching that blow, and in time took Shinichi back to the form of a child, his physical strength has been completely exhausted, and the clothes on his body have also appeared a lot of burnt marks, and W’s armor cannot prevent that force from causing damage to Conan’s body. ] 】

[When Lin Mu came to the scene, he saw the two people who fell to the ground after falling unconscious, and only these traces left at the scene could judge that they had experienced a fierce battle. ] For the time being, no trace of the enemy was found, and Lin Mu could only call the Roundward Sprinter to bring these people back to the office first. 】

“Is that gin wine so powerful?”

Some people in reality are also very shocked to see that Gin Jiu can easily press the two Kamen Riders on their own.

The strength of these two Kamen Riders has been seen many times in previous videos, and he agrees and yearns for the power of Kamen Riders.

However, this gin wine has more powerful strength, and even the other party does not use the device called the drive.

“This is the strength of ginjiu, w’s Gaia memory.”

Zero consciously compared the weather of his future Nazca and gin, and found that he did not seem to be a match for ginjiu.

The opponent’s abilities are not only diverse but each of them is very powerful, and his own Nazca seems to be able to barely fight with Gin Jiu with only high-speed words, but the final result will definitely be his own failure.

Thinking of this, Gu Zero clenched his fists, wanting to bring down the organization’s current strength is completely insufficient, and now that his identity is exposed, the way he obtains intelligence, in addition to some conventional means, is only these videos.

This has limited Zero’s actions, at least now he can no longer work four jobs unscrupulously.

[The wounds created by Gaia’s memory cannot rely on ordinary treatment methods, so there is no need to send Conan and Silver Yuxing to the hospital, but only let them rest well, rely on their own resilience and heal themselves. ] However, the previous battle consumed most of Conan’s physical strength, and his recovery speed will be more slow than usual. 】

[After Lin Mu placed the fainted Conan and Baiyin Yuxing in Xiaolan’s care, Philip had already conducted research on the ability of gin wine in the basement of the office, and a whiteboard had been written. ] The double limit drive also brought a certain impact to Philip, but the basic action was still no problem. 】

[“The ability of that memory is to freely control the weather, air pressure, and moisture, which are all within his ability, and there is no doubt that that person has developed the power of this memory to the limit, and even has extra energy to infiltrate other memories, what a terrible person. “】

[Philip found that relying on all the power in his hand there is no way to defeat the weather, and judging from the performance in the previous battle, Conan’s last blow is very powerful, but it is definitely not the power to destroy the weather with one blow, at most it is to cause a small injury to the other party, which indicates that the weather may appear in front of them soon after. ] 】

[“Young Master Lin Mu, am I causing you trouble? “】

Sakura Aoi grabbed Lin Mu’s hand very uneasily, she didn’t understand what Gaia’s memory was at all, but the two people who fell with serious injuries still made Sakura Aoi clearly realize that she seemed to bring danger to Lin Mu and them. 】

“It’s not your fault. It should be said that you are just a victim involved, and that is the enemy we will have to deal with sooner or later. “】

Lin Mu also knew that the other party was a doper who abused Gaia’s memory, the culprit who made the new one smaller, or the enemy of the Silver Imperial Line, Lin Mu and they and that doped body would have a battle sooner or later…”

[But even if Lin Mu comforted him like this, Sakura Aoi was still worried about the danger he brought to others, but Philip now has one thing that he cares about very much, that is, the memory in Sakura’s body, everyone includes Fili. ]

Pu thought that the memory in Sakura Aoi’s body was a Gaia memory called stealth. 】

[But the ability of the weather can completely manipulate the thickness and density of clouds to change the emission of light, in theory optical stealth can be achieved, and as far as Philip knows, Gin Jiu does not look like a person who will rely on stealth ability, it feels more like the kind of person who crosses the road unscrupulously, stealth is completely meaningless to him. ] 】

[Either Gin Jiu is a person who does not refuse as long as Gaia’s memory comes, as long as it is a memory that can be absorbed, all are absorbed. ] However, Gin Shu even appeared in front of Aoi Sakura when she sold the memory, watching her use that memory, which shows that Gin Shu is a serious person and is unlikely to absorb memory at will. 】

[In this case, there is also a possibility that the memory in Sakura Aoi’s body is not stealth memory, or not only stealth, and now the most important thing is to take this memory out of the body first, Philip does not know if the Gaia memory exists for a long time in the human body, whether it will have any effect on the human body. ] 】

[“Retrieval, Gaia memory, overadaptor, take out memory. Philip entered keywords in the Earth Library according to his own cognition, and Aoi Sakura, a physique that cannot take out memory with its own consciousness, is called an overadaptor, and such a physique can make the memory evolve in the shortest time, which is why Gin Jiu set his sights on Aoi Sakura. 】

[The bookshelf in front of Philip moved quickly after entering the keyword, and soon there was a book left in front of Philip, dead. ] Philip finished reading the book with a stiff expression, it was very simple to take out Aoi Sakura’s memory, only after Aoi Sakura’s death, Gaia’s memory would automatically jump out of her body. 】。

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