【The six most terrifying infectious diseases in popular science】

【Fourth place: Tuberculosis】

【What is the most successful infectious disease in history?】

【The answer may surprise many people, it is tuberculosis】

【Data show that tuberculosis affects 10.4 million people worldwide every year and 1.7 million people die every year.】

【Pulmonary tuberculosis refers to tuberculosis lesions occurring in the lungs, trachea, bronchi, and pleura.】

【tuberculosis also known as tuberculosis】

【The recorded history of the world can be traced back to Italy and Egypt six thousand years ago.】

【The symptoms after infection are as follows:】

【Coughing and sputum for 2 weeks, or blood in the sputum or hemoptysis are suspicious symptoms of tuberculosis.】

【Tuberculosis usually has a slow onset, and some patients may have no obvious symptoms.】

【As the disease progresses, cough, sputum, blood in the sputum, or hemoptysis may occur, and some patients may have recurring upper respiratory tract infection symptoms.】

【Tuberculosis can also cause systemic symptoms, such as night sweats, fatigue, intermittent or persistent low-grade fever in the afternoon, loss of appetite, weight loss, etc.】

【A few patients have a sudden onset of illness, with moderate to high fever, and some are accompanied by varying degrees of dyspnea.】

【Those whose lesions occur in the pleura 31 may have symptoms such as irritating cough, chest pain and dyspnea.】

【Those with lesions that occur in the trachea or bronchi often have irritating coughs that last for a long time. Those with bronchial lymph fistulas forming and breaking into the bronchus or those with bronchial stenosis may experience stridor or dyspnea.】

【A small number of patients may be accompanied by tuberculous hypersensitivity syndrome, including: erythema nodosum, herpetic conjunctivitis/keratitis, etc.】

【Tuberculosis in children can also manifest as developmental delay and often wheezing symptoms】

【When combined with extrapulmonary tuberculosis, symptoms involving corresponding organs may occur.】

【way for spreading:】

【Tuberculosis is mainly spread through the respiratory tract. When patients cough, sneeze, speak loudly or spit, droplets containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis are excreted from the body, forming microscopic droplets floating in the air, which can cause infection when inhaled by others.】

【People who have long-term close contact with tuberculosis patients are at a very high risk of infection】

【One TB patient may infect 10-15 (or more) new patients each year】

【However, not all carriers of Mycobacterium tuberculosis will develop the disease】

【The bodies of some latently infected people can automatically clear the germs, and more people can remain latently infected for years or even a lifetime without getting sick. This is closely related to the body's immune status.】

【In people who are in the incubation period of tuberculosis, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis is in a dormant state in the human body, is not active, and is not contagious.】

【treatment method:】

【1.Drug treatment】

【The main role of drug treatment is to shorten the infectious period, reduce mortality, infection rate and disease rate】

【For each specific patient, rational treatment is the main measure to achieve clinical and biological cure. Rational treatment refers to adhering to the principles of early, combined, appropriate, regular and full use of sensitive drugs for active tuberculosis.】

【(1) Early treatment. Immediately administer treatment once discovered and diagnosed;】

【(2) Combined use. According to the condition and the action characteristics of anti-tuberculosis drugs, combine two or more drugs to enhance and ensure the efficacy;】

【(3) Appropriate amount. Different dosages are prescribed according to different conditions and individuals;】

【(4) Laws. Patients must strictly follow the medication methods specified in the treatment plan and adhere to treatment regularly. They are not allowed to change the plan at will or stop medication without reason, or discontinue medication at will;】

【(5) The whole process. Patients must adhere to the full course of treatment according to the treatment plan. The short course is usually 6 to 9 months.】

【Generally speaking, if initially treated patients are treated according to the above principles, the curative effect is as high as 98%, and the recurrence rate is less than 2%】

【2. Surgical treatment】

【Surgery is less commonly used to treat tuberculosis】


【3. Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment】

【Ge Kejiu of the Yuan Dynasty wrote the first special book on the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis,"The Book of Ten Medicines", which recorded ten kinds of prescriptions for treating fatigue and vomiting blood, laying the foundation for the systematic use of medicine for pulmonary tuberculosis.】

【The ten prescriptions are as follows:】


【During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, doctors realized that the treatment of tuberculosis was closely related to the patient's nutritional conditions. In"Tanhuo Dianxue", they detailed various medicinal and dietary ingredients suitable for tuberculosis patients:】

【Such as otter liver, eel, turtle meat, pork belly, pork liver, mutton, etc.】

【This is consistent with the current idea that"tuberculosis patients should supplement their diet with high-quality protein"】


Unlike the previous influenza, the ancients paid more attention to and feared tuberculosis.

Now that they see the treatment method, they are all very happy

"Great good man! My wife happens to be suffering from tuberculosis, so I will try these ten prescriptions."

"Brother, there are ten prescriptions, can you try them?"

"What are you afraid of? Each prescription is only prescribed for a few days, and it will definitely cure the disease."

"It turns out that eating something good is really helpful when you are sick. I didn’t believe it before."


Qin Dynasty.

The doctors excitedly took pens to write down the prescriptions.

These are priceless treasures.

Medical experience that money can’t buy

"OK! Tuberculosis finally had a cure."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The doctors cried with joy.

In the past, when faced with tuberculosis, they were more powerless and could only prescribe medicines to patients based on their feelings.

The actual effect was very limited.

Now there are enough There are ten prescriptions!

If one of them doesn't work, you can just change it until it works.

Moreover, you can also predict the properties of the medicine based on the prescription and give the patient a prescription that is more suitable for the condition.

Xianyang Palace.

Ying Zheng waved his hand quickly and said:"Quickly , write down all the prescriptions, and then I will prepare a pamphlet on the treatment of infectious diseases and send it to the village chiefs."

Three Kingdoms Period.

Cao Cao's eyes widened and he kept staring at the light curtain.

However, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

"ah! It’s not a cure for headaches!"

Cao Cao was so angry that he overturned the soup in front of him.[]

"Take it away! Gu drank this broken medicine for several years, but it didn't cure Gu's headache."

After getting angry,

Cao Cao continued to stare at the light curtain and murmured:"I want a prescription to cure my head ailment. Give me a prescription to cure my head ailment...."

Looking at the stunned Cao Cao, Xu Chu suddenly turned around.

As he walked, he shouted:"I'm going to capture Mr. Hua Tuo."

Cao Cao exclaimed:"Xu Chu! Stop, you capture him, he will open his head again! Let him stay in the prison."

Song Dynasty.

The emperors of the Song Dynasty, who cherished their lives as much as gold, were all very diligent.

Immediately order someone to write down all the prescriptions one by one.

They may not necessarily study popular science weapons seriously.

But if it’s popular science content that can save lives and prolong life, just learn about life and death!

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di stroked his beard and laughed

"Write it all down. Don’t miss a word."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"The officials in charge of copying wrote vigorously.

They were in pain and happy.

There are not many good things like this when you can get credit for copying books.

【three minutes later】

【Start popular science third place】


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