I Made the Myth Template

Chapter 98: Monitor lizards join the hunt


The lizard shook its head, its topaz-like eyes suddenly widened, "Why didn't you think of this just now?"

Su Heng was indeed a little confused by the sun, and fell into a blind spot of thinking.

"If I remember correctly, monitor lizards seem to like to eat eggs and even cubs of the same species."

The thing about treating your siblings as food.

Su Heng didn't feel any guilt in his heart. Anyway, it was impossible for this nest of eggs to hatch, so it would be a waste to put it here.


Su Heng pulled out a small monitor lizard egg with cracks on its surface.

Lightly knocked on the stone.


The fine cracks spread rapidly, and large pieces of eggshells fell.

The golden egg liquid wrapped the transparent egg white and slowly flowed out from the crack, and the fragrant fragrance filled the air.

Tastes great!

The little lizard smacked its mouth and narrowed its eyes.

Impatiently, he pulled at the notch on the eggshell, and licked the clear slurry that flowed out of the eggshell with his pink tender tongue with a forked end.


In less than three minutes, the giant egg, which was almost the same size as the little lizard, was eaten.

Pieces of eggshells were scattered on the ground.

"It's getting better."

Su Heng rubbed his mouth on the big rock next to him, squinted his eyes, and lay down on the ground to rest.

The hunger slowly disappeared. After the nutrients in the monitor lizard eggs were digested, Su Heng opened another one again and sucked the egg liquid out of it.

That's it.

His abdomen was clearly bulging, and a blissful feeling of fullness was reflected in Su Heng's consciousness.

The stomach of a monitor lizard is like a rubber bag with good stretchability, which can store up to 80% of its body weight at one time.

Because of the transformation brought by the radiation talent.

The third template not only has a normal functioning monitor lizard stomach, but also has another preset stomach specially designed to absorb high-energy particles.

This allows the third template to swallow food nearly twice its own body weight in one go.

But to swallow is to swallow.

The third template doesn't have the devouring talent like Kamiya, and can't quickly digest the food in his stomach at a speed that almost evaporates out of thin air.

Of course, as a template creature.

Coupled with the body transformation brought by the radiation talent, the speed of digestion and absorption of the third template is not slow.

In about an hour before and after, the feeling of fullness has disappeared a lot, the stomach is slightly shriveled, and the body shape has increased by a small amount.

at the same time.

Su Heng also vaguely felt some of the high-energy particles described in the Radiation Talent.

There seemed to be something hot in the preset stomach, which flowed down the blood vessels into a storage gland under the throat.

This storage gland is naturally a high-calorie energy bag.

There are densely developed muscle groups near the high-calorie energy bag, and by controlling these muscles, the high-calorie energy stored in the glands can be ejected, but this cannot be done yet.

Su Heng only tried it for a while, an unpleasant black smoke came out of his throat, and he began to cough violently.

It can be seen that there is still a long way to go before becoming a monster like Godzilla.

Not in a hurry.

Survive and walk slowly.

If the high-heat energy bag is filled, the overflowing high-energy particles will also flow through all parts of the body with the blood, continuously strengthening and inducing organs, muscles, blood vessels and even bones.

Two more hours passed.

The sun slanted westward, and the air temperature finally began to slowly cool down.

Su Heng felt a lot more comfortable. The two monitor lizard eggs he just swallowed were almost digested now.

The body length of the little monitor lizard reached fifteen centimeters, and its vitality increased to 0.31.

This growth rate is not slow, but it still cannot satisfy Su Heng.

"If the monitor lizard template's favorability level can reach three, you can use Kamiya's devouring talent to quickly absorb the nutrients in these monitor lizard eggs."

Su Heng looked at the eggs in front of him eagerly, feeling a little worried.

After cultivating two templates in a row, his experience is already quite rich.

The most important task now is to find a way to grow as soon as possible, and to have a certain combat power. Even if it is impossible to reach the extraordinary in a short time, it must be able to easily deal with those ordinary large-scale mutant creatures.

"Time is precious, such a growth rate is too slow."

Su Heng looked up at the dark and dry land around him. After lowering his head, he turned on the system and began to extract talents.

Three regular-level draws.

After spending 150 real points, Su Heng's eyes lit up and he found the talent he wanted.

[Furnace (rare quality): Strengthen the preset stomach and accelerate the absorption of food by increasing the temperature of the organs, which can obtain more high-energy particles from food, and can also absorb inorganic substances to a certain extent. 】


The Furnace is a pretty good talent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not only can it accelerate the growth of the monitor lizard template, but it can also collect more high-energy particles from food.

After having a new talent.

The monitor lizard began to feast on his brothers and sisters.

This time, it eats at a much faster speed. It takes less than half an hour to completely digest an egg, and as its size increases, the digestion speed is getting faster and faster.

After about seven or eight hours.

All twenty monitor lizard eggs were swallowed by Su Heng.

Its size has grown to nearly 50 centimeters, and it is still unable to match those powerful carnivorous beasts, but it can already try to hunt some prey by the river.

From now until late at night.

The environment here is quite good, the stars are bright, the light and mist are transpiring, like a magnificent and splendid long river, winding through the dark sky.

Even in Su Heng's previous life, he had never seen such a magnificent scenery.

There is no annoying red moon, and the temperature has dropped to a comfortable range.

With his excellent olfactory perception system, Su Heng noticed that not far away, there seemed to be creatures moving near the river, quietly drinking water by the river.

In general.

Most of the nocturnal predators are dangerous.

But the current environment is so bad that even herbivores have to take the risk and continue to migrate towards the humid south after coming out to drink at night.

Su Heng is not hungry now.

But if you want to grow rapidly and accumulate high-energy particles, you must devour as much flesh and blood as possible.

So, under the stars.

A monitor lizard, no more than half a meter long, waggled its tail and swayed toward the turbid water flow not far away.

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