I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 690 Future Vision and Destiny Review

The moment his head was exploded, Linn's mind also exploded, and a world far beyond his cognition appeared in his perception.

The entire world is being stretched continuously in his eyes. This lengthening is an extremely abstract concept, not a direction that exists in cognition. It is like having an extra dimension.

All the microscopic particles under perception seem to have been dismantled, and in the extending direction, countless copies of identical matter and energy appear. The only difference between them lies in their state.

The state of the microscopic particles at the back is frozen in place, and everything is determined, while the microscopic particles at the front are illusory and fuzzy.

Lin En instantly understood that energy and the information it carries are the foundation of everything in the universe. Those frozen particles are history and the past, those chaotic particles are the future, and the moment when quantum probability is frozen is now!

The moment he saw the river of destiny, the threads of the arcane laws in his body continued to extend and connect together, and a powerful priesthood was gradually condensing.

At the same moment, Lord God Moragos also noticed something was wrong, and his destiny priesthood was constantly trembling!

There are usually only two possibilities for such a situation, either someone is trying to snatch faith, or someone is condensing the priesthood related to destiny.

Now it was obvious that it was the latter, and the source of the priestly tremors was right in front of him!

The Lord God Moragos felt fear for the first time.

Even though the divine realm collapsed and all believers died, Moragos remained calm. After all, mastering the power of destiny means being invincible. Even if he is defeated, it is impossible for the opponent to kill and seal himself. to things.

But once the power of destiny is controlled by the other party, the situation will be reversed 180 degrees!

In panic, the God of the Future took the lead.

Lin En, whose body had been repaired, opened his eyes wide. This time he clearly saw how the God of the Future attacked. Under the urging of the divine power, the collapse of the quantum probability of all chaos along the line was frozen, and this kind of The collapse is spreading here at an extremely fast speed.

‘Is this the cone of destiny? ’ Lin En instantly understood that there is a speed limit to the transmission of force, and time is certainly no exception.

After all, the essence of time is the movement of objects.

Suppose a microparticle is isolated in a void of space, then its time is naturally frozen. If it suddenly vibrates due to force, and there are other particles in the space, then the force of this movement will follow the movement between the particles. The constant collision and the effects of gravity and electromagnetic force spread in all directions.

So in a sense, time also needs to be transferred, and the minimum component of this transfer is Planck time.

Just as he had guessed before, the attack of the God of the Future and the collapse of quantum probability occurred at the same time, and the attack had already arrived at the moment he sensed it.

Therefore, the God of the Future is at the front end of cause and effect, which is the starting point. He is in the ‘future’, and he himself exists in the ‘past’!

The collapse of quantum probability happened simultaneously, and the attack had already arrived at the moment he sensed it.

The God of the Future is at the front end of cause and effect, the starting point, and the consequences arrive at the same time as the transmission of quantum probability collapse, so the other party is in the 'future', while he himself exists in the 'past'!

Lin En instantly understood that after being seen through, the attack of the God of the Future naturally lost its previous magic and was easily dodged.

At the same time, the shackles of the Locks of Judgment were also broken free. Lin En directly modified the rules to stagger the time point where the Locks of Judgment was located and the time point where he was.

How could an attack launched the next second hit an entity the previous second?

Therefore, the Chain of Judgment passed directly through Lin En's body, as if passing through a non-existent shadow.

Moragos' expression was extremely ugly, which undoubtedly proved that the other party had successfully mastered part of the power of destiny.

Linn didn't give Moragos much chance to think. The moment he broke free from the chains of judgment, he already appeared tens of thousands of kilometers away.

This speed is extremely fast, at the same speed as the collapse of quantum probability, and cannot be observed at all.

Fortunately, through the eyes of the God of the Future, Moragos could also see the 'Cone of Destiny' and avoided it the moment he noticed Linn's movement.

However, the next second, a strong warning sign appeared in his mind. Before he could react, a shadow appeared behind him, and the beam of destruction penetrated directly from his chest, beating the entire divine body. scattered into a ball of the most basic particles.

The whole process happened in an instant. After 0.001 seconds, the emerging figure and the beam of destruction disappeared without a trace, as if the attack just now did not exist.

Even the beaten Moragos reappeared, with no injuries on his body, but his position had changed.

There is no doubt that it was the God of the Past who took action, but Future Vision's unpredictable attack just now had nothing to do with him, but was Lin En's handiwork.

After gaining the ability to see the 'Light Cone of Destiny', in addition to being able to influence quantum probability in advance, Linn also gained another ability, which is the observation of the past!

The location and information of every microscopic particle in God's Domain is recorded in the 'Light Cone of Destiny', and he can interfere with it through the newly condensed Destiny Priesthood.

It is impossible to truly go back to the past, but he can do similar things on a small scale, just like he used to use time back to return all the atoms to their original positions according to the recorded path.

After condensing the Destiny Priesthood, this kind of atomic-level 'retrospection' has been strengthened. It can not only affect fermion-level microscopic particles, but also allow the opponent to appear directly at a certain position before, regardless of space.

After all, distance is never a problem for microparticles. Electrons can reach the other side from one side of the three-dimensional universe in one Planck time at the moment of probability collapse.

Of course, the paths he can record are very limited. Even if the opponent's divine domain has been completely suppressed, he can only barely perceive the quantum information from half a minute ago, and every use is accompanied by huge consumption.

The only pity is that the first sneak attack failed to achieve the desired results. Previously, Linn thought that as long as Moragos, the main body, was eliminated, the other two gods would naturally be killed, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

The main god Moragos suffered a big loss and was almost killed. He was so frightened that he immediately summoned the gods of the past and the future. The three gods reunited into one body and faced separate attacks from beings who also control destiny. It can no longer work. If we separate, we will only be defeated by each one!

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