I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 618 The frightening geometric civilization

After experiencing the initial worry, Igna quickly adjusted his mentality. After all, the opponent seemed to have a strong army, but in fact they did not dare to attack them at all, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

The surging space-time gate behind him slowly closed, and Linn also began to speed up.

Before, I would rush into the space-time gate too fast and hit something weird, causing the spacecraft to be damaged, so I always drove at the lowest speed. But now I don’t have these worries...

The surrounding space and time, which were originally only slightly concave, became more and more distorted. With the expansion of Lin En's domain, it was not only the spacecraft that was affected, but almost the entire city was affected!

The frigates surrounding the rhombus-shaped spacecraft were also affected. The crew inside were horrified to find that their vision and perception of electromagnetic waves had been severely disrupted. The whole world seemed to be spinning non-stop, and their orientation and time were completely lost at this moment. Meaning...

Fortunately, this situation only lasted for a few seconds, and then the spacecraft changed from extremely slow to extremely fast, and rushed directly out of the siege of thousands of protective ships.

The dozen closest frigates were directly torn to pieces by the surging space-time vortex. As the spacecraft truly entered super-light speed, Linn was completely relieved.

Because the speed of light is the speed of low-dimensional space, at least most of the weapons currently displayed by geometric civilization have lost their deterrence in the face of such speed, and they are truly safe!

Archon Ned obviously knew this, but he had no choice but to watch the other party leave, and dejectedly asked his adjutant to send the images here back to the mother world...

The disk leaders on the other side who received the three-dimensional image looked at the collapsed energy tower and the dozens of frigates that were torn apart from the Raven Star. They were both angry and extremely frightened.

"How dare they? This is clearly declaring war on us!" A round disk leader roared angrily, and red light flashed around him, as dazzling as a fireball.

The other Yuanpan leaders looked dejected. Why wouldn't they dare if the other party had such technology?

Judging from the news transmitted by Raven Star, in addition to ultra-long-distance space jumping technology, the other party actually cracked their communication system.

Before entering through the wormhole, he deliberately gave a 'friendly' notification, but even so, it caused thousands of civilian casualties.

"What is the speed of this spaceship? Has it been measured?" the supreme leader asked solemnly. Judging from its size and the long-distance space jumping technology, this is probably the most advanced main ship in the Magic Empire.

"It's 1.5 times the speed of light..." the messenger replied. After a pause, he continued speaking in horror. "No, the spacecraft continues to improve, and it is now twice the speed of light!"

Twice the speed of light...

Hearing this, all the geometric figures present fell into an unspeakable silence, and only felt a numbness in their scalps, even though they had seen detectors with a speed of 1.5 times the speed of light before in the interstellar war.

But after all, it is just a detector, with a small mass and volume. According to common sense, the speed of the detector will be much faster than the ships used for combat.

However, this common sense has now been overturned!

In other words, in the last interstellar war, the power displayed by the other party was just the tip of the iceberg, but they mistakenly believed that the Magic Empire had done its best.

"Since they have the ability to carry out long-distance projection, why don't they go directly to these three galaxies instead of borrowing a tunnel from here?" Another leader of the oval-shaped disk asked in confusion, and it happened to be that the energy The tower was also destroyed, and he suspected that there should be some restrictions on opening this kind of wormhole.

It’s just that most leaders don’t think so. In their view, this is a warning and a strong counterattack against their tentative attitude. It also represents a frightening fact, that is, for the Magic Empire, distance does not matter. It's not a problem. As long as they want, they can attack the hinterland of geometric civilization at any time!

Consul Tovar is also convinced of this. No wonder the other party was so casual during the negotiations and did not even set a delivery time. Now it seems that they don't care at all and are not worried that they will go back on their word!

"Does the rest of the compensation need to be postponed further?" Tova asked cautiously.

The originally colorful, quarreling and talking disc conference hall fell silent again. They all understood that both the star system and the battleship were just incidental to the compensation. The one that could really interest the other party was probably Element 7.

"Let someone send the first batch of supplies as soon as possible." The Supreme Leader said with a sigh. Although the other party suddenly rushed directly into the hinterland of the geometric civilization this time, the damage caused was limited after all. He even sent a communication in advance. It's not like I completely broke my skin.

But if they continue to be ignorant of current affairs and wait for the opponent's fleet to come and get it themselves, then they probably won't be so polite!

"How is your research on the shapes of those diamond-shaped ships? Are there any new breakthroughs?" The supreme leader looked at the invited cutting-edge scientific researchers.

"Nothing has been gained yet..." The designer who looked like a triangle said in a very embarrassed manner, because the Magic Empire's battleship was so strange. They used an optical brain to analyze it, except that they found that the opponent's curvature engine used U Apart from the curvature space structure, there is no substantial gain.

There is no information at all about the spacecraft's weapon system.

A group of cutting-edge scientific researchers who were puzzled did not know that in order to avoid being detected by analysis, the Council did not install any weapons on the spacecraft. If there was a meteorite rain or disaster, they could only rely on Lin En's god-level combat power. To deal with it, it would be damned if the optical brain could analyze it!

On the other side, at twice the speed of light, a diamond-shaped warship has successfully flown out of Raven Star.

The galaxy under the rule of geometric civilization looks very prosperous, not as empty as their star system. Hundreds of thousands of spaceships shuttle between various planets, probably civilian ships used for trade or transporting supplies. The shining star is surrounded by a huge energy extractor, and the continuously surging fusion energy is absorbed and stored.

"I really don't know when such a grand event will appear on the Eternal Star..." the great wizard Igna said with a sigh.

"I believe it won't be long!" Linn said with confidence.

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