I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 570 Curvature engine, the idea of ​​a faster-than-light spaceship!


The wizards present were stunned for a moment, and then they thought about what this so-called curvature engine was.

Lin En didn't explain directly, but looked at the two people who spoke just now, and spoke. "Master Dennis, and Chairman Anthony, your ideas are very insightful, and there is indeed a possibility of implementation, but there are also many problems..."

The first is Anthony's electromagnetic acceleration method!

I have to say that this is indeed a very interesting idea. The Coulomb force of the strong magnetic field is used to continuously power the spacecraft, just like the strong magnetic field tunnel of the particle collider. Every time the spacecraft circles around, the speed will increase by one. Grade...

But the closer to the speed of light, the more terrifying the energy consumed. Even if he personally made a super-large electromagnetic accelerator using the sun as a magnet, it would accelerate the spacecraft to about one-tenth of the speed of light at most.

Although this is already very fast, it still does not meet the needs of interstellar navigation.

The most important thing is that the acceleration and deceleration of the spaceship will be very problematic. They can't wait for the spaceship to circle around the sun for hundreds of times every time they sail.

And Dennis's method is even simpler, the same as the previous explosive thruster. What stands out is a powerful brick flying. In theory, using the energy waves generated by nuclear explosions or even antimatter explosions can indeed increase the speed of the spacecraft to a terrifying level.

It’s just that where to find materials that can withstand hundreds of millions of degrees of high temperature and ultra-high pressure is currently a difficult problem to solve. You must know that even the spacecraft shell materials they intercepted cannot last long under the cutting of the [Antimatter Sword].

Under Lynn's explanation and analysis, Harov and others, who were about to agree with the two plans, immediately became hesitant. Dennis and Anthony also frowned. Of course, they also knew about these shortcomings, but they were already The most reliable method they can think of.

"Then I don't know what your curvature engine uses as a driving force?" Dennis asked in a deep voice.

Curvature... This is a noun for an Olympic number, usually indicating the degree to which a curve deviates from a straight line, which is very common in differential equations.

Harov and Vittorio vaguely thought of something.

"Do you still remember how the opponent achieved ultra-high-speed movement when we were fighting with Ayla?" Lynn asked with a smile.

Ayla's speed is actually not much faster than them. The reason why they feel "unbelievably fast" is because the other party has changed the curvature of the space and shortened the distance!

Being able to directly manipulate time and space through magic and spiritual power is their biggest technological advantage over traditional technological civilizations!

Lynn still has the right to speak about this point. The technological level of the Federation in the previous life has actually reached the minimum requirements of the interstellar civilization. The technology is at least several levels higher than theirs. They are still struggling to find a truly stable and controllable gravitational force. Worry about the source, not to mention controlling the space on a subtle level like a wizard!

If you use it well, there may not be no possibility of overtaking on the curve!

"In addition, I think the upper line of the curvature engine is very high, and it is the only way I can think of that can exceed the speed of light!" Lynn said firmly.

Since we want to build a spacecraft, of course we must choose the most potential propulsion device!

Moreover, the council's resources are limited, and they don't have much time, only enough to specialize in one direction!

"But, I remember you said that the speed of light is the upper limit of the speed of the universe..." a great wizard said eagerly.

At the beginning, he felt that this theory was not very reliable, especially the faster the speed, the slower the flow of time, and even the concept of time stopping after reaching the speed of light can only be described as outrageous, so when he heard Lynn mention superluminal speed, he immediately went excited.

Either quantum theory is wrong, or this curvature engine is not reliable!

"The so-called unsurpassable speed of light is based on the nature of the three-dimensional space itself. Any object with mass can only stop at the sub-light speed, but the curvature engine is different..." Lynn replied with a smile.

In order for everyone present to understand the meaning clearly, Lin En stretched out his hand and tapped lightly on the circular tabletop. The next moment, the wooden tabletop immediately became as soft as plasticine.

"We assume it's a spaceship..." Lynn used elements to assemble a ten-centimeter-sized spaceship model, and then let it advance at a speed of one centimeter per second.

When the spaceship model sailed halfway, Lynn tapped his index finger again, and the speed of the spaceship increased by more than ten times!

Those present were all great wizards, and they could naturally see that the speed of the spaceship itself hadn't changed in the slightest, only the tabletop had changed.

The front space is drawn closer, while the rear space is stretched, one in front of the other, pushing the spaceship forward at an extremely fast speed.

"Wonderful!" Dennis immediately applauded. The curvature engine does not directly increase the speed, but directly shortens the sailing distance, and its real speed still does not exceed the speed of light!

In other words, it is the space that moves, not the spaceship itself!

This is where the curvature engine is the most unreasonable!

After Lynn talked about the design principles of the curvature engine, the focus of the next discussion quickly focused on how to realize the curvature drive.

As the saying goes, one person counts the short, and everyone counts the long. This is why Lynn brought it up for discussion. In many cases, inspiration comes from the brain suddenly.

For example, Harov suggested that maybe they don't need to make any engines at all, and they can directly use the wizard's domain to achieve this, which is convenient and fast...

It's just that if you want to create such a powerful gravitational field, you need at least a few legendary wizards to do it.

"Let's go with a two-handed plan. It's best to use alchemy to achieve it. Otherwise, it's difficult to provide long-distance navigation with the magic power of a wizard." Lynn reminded.

Vittorio nodded. After listening to Lynn's idea of ​​the curvature engine, he already had a rough plan in his mind, and Dang even started to discuss it with everyone.

This discussion lasted for a full week, and the drawings of the curvature engine that Lynn brought out had been changed beyond recognition, and then the modification of the entire spaceship began.

This is undoubtedly another big project. Even if a hundred great wizards work together, it will take more than half a year to complete.

Lynn didn't spend all his energy here, because he still needs to study the second topic, which is the establishment of the time-space gate!

Whether it is Diana, the god of the moon, or the lord of the dead, they have mastered this extremely high-end ability in the eyes of technological civilization, which can jump long distances in time and space.

After this period of research, Lynn has some clues. First, the positioning of the two space-time gates is based on the entanglement of microscopic particles at a high-dimensional level, which is an extension of quantum communication technology.

Then there is the most important question, how to open the space-time tunnel.

The Lord of the Necromancer opened a door in front of him once, and it may also be a time-space node across different universes, using all the energy released by the soul of a legendary wizard with nine rings!

But they obviously don't have so many legendary wizards to sacrifice, not to mention that the Nine Rings Legend currently doesn't have any in the council, so it may not be enough to open the door if they sacrifice all of Harov.

Lynn then focused his attention on the annihilation of antimatter. In this universe, what can affect time and space on a large scale is nothing more than extremely fast speed, enormous mass, and extremely strong energy!

Of course, these three can also be said to be the same thing!

When he was fighting against the Lord of the Necrons before, the last antimatter cannon even broke the vacuum and triggered the quantum tide.

Using the quantum entanglement effect as a positioning method, let two supermassive particles of matter and antimatter collide, whether it is possible to distort space-time to connect to a high-dimensional level in an instant.

And magic power is also very important, because the annihilation of large-mass particles cannot continue, so it is necessary to use magic power that can directly affect time and space to stabilize this channel.


In the next few months, the first phase of the large-scale construction of the entire kingdom has basically been completed, and the second and third phases of construction have also been put on the agenda. Fortunately, after three years of preliminary study, the students of the Civilian College have already After graduation, there were 30,000 more wizards through the link of the magic net, which greatly alleviated the problem of labor shortage.

For the common people in the kingdom, life is changing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Every commoner is full of enthusiasm, various novel creations emerge in endlessly, and trade is extremely active.

As for the threat from the universe and the world outside the gate of time and space, only the councilors who are great wizards can understand the inside story.

The promotion ceremony of the legendary wizard has also restarted. Lin En personally asked a thousand questions about quantum mechanics, and those who can pass are eligible for promotion.

In this way, even if the promotion fails, it will not end up in the end.

Harov, Vittorio and others frequently use the magic net to experience high-dimensional time and space, and they are not far away from breaking through the eight-ring legendary wizard.

Aurora also made a magic projection device based on the analysis of the display instruments on the spacecraft, which can record the movement of mimic elements in a certain area, and store this information in a special container, as long as the container is activated, it can be reset. show up.

After Lin En got the report on this technique, he was also very interested. Isn't this the magic version of the video recorder?

The magic [Time Regression] he developed is much more advanced than this, but not everyone can use it, but the magic developed by Aurora has the possibility of popularization.

In this way, they may be able to create a magic version of the movie, which is a sharp weapon for publicity...

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