I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 487 This is the temptation of the devil, a questioning of the Lord!

Chapter 487 This is the temptation of the devil, a questioning of the Lord!

"Damn, these damn wizards, minions of demons, they should be sent to hell!"

Badass Collar, on the top of the church, Cardinal Maude looked at the huge fighter plane flying over the city like a show of power, and his heart was full of anger.

All the priests and bishops in the church also looked angry. It was like being slapped on the face, but there was nothing they could do about it.

Because the speed of this thing is really too fast, and its flexibility is unimaginable, any kind of magic they master can't knock it down from a distance of thousands of meters.

Seeing that the fighter plane had already flown out of the city, Moder had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice. "Can you see what it just threw?"

At the moment when Lydia swooped down in the fighter plane, Maude thought the city was going to be over, but to everyone's surprise, the other party didn't seem to be coming to launch an attack.

"It seems to be paper?" A bishop said uncertainly.

Could it be that it was contaminated with some plague or curse spell?

At this moment, several attendants ran in from the outside in a panic, holding dozens of leaflets in their hands, and said in a trembling tone. "Master Cardinal, I think you may need to read this!"

Maude frowned involuntarily, and a bad premonition had already arisen in his heart, so he immediately took a copy and read it.

The rest of the bishops were no exception. After reading the above content clearly, a chill appeared in their minds.

The entire leaflet is divided into two sides.

The front is for the poor, and it promotes various changes in the City of Fire Oil, in order to break the church's rumors about the witches spreading the doomsday.

The reverse side is specially for the local nobles, wealthy businessmen and clergy, explaining in detail the results of several battles between the Magic Kingdom and the Empire.

"How is it possible? Lord Joshua and Lord Gustav were both captured by the wizard..."

"Two saintesses died in battle, and several crusades were wiped out. It's all over, it's all over..."

The whole church suddenly exploded, and the priests and bishops present all had expressions of horror and disbelief.

In order to avoid panic, the church has concealed the losses of several wars to a great extent, especially the information that Joshua and Gustav were captured and the two saints were killed in battle, but now they are covered by these leaflets. It was exposed!

Of course, just a few lines of text are not enough to cause such an uproar, but the writer of the leaflet, Luo Er, thoughtfully added many photos.

A large number of captured priests undergoing transformation, a battlefield full of artillery shell craters, and a close-up close-up of the most critical God's Punishment Army commander Gustav!

The picture was so real, like a portrayal of reality, that it shook the priests and bishops present.

"Enough is enough, this is just a deception elaborately woven by those minions of evil gods!" Maud's loud voice kept echoing in the church, pulling all the priests back from their panic, but his wrist holding the flyer was Trembling slightly.

As a cardinal, Maude naturally knows more than other bishops and pastors, so it is very clear that the above description is likely to be true.

"That's right, it's ridiculous. It also says that magic is also a kind of magic? The great Lord is actually a wizard?" The tall and thin bishop sneered in agreement.

These words were quickly recognized by everyone, and the clergy present came to their senses one after another. They felt more and more that these were all lies fabricated by the wizards to shake their beliefs, and their vicious intentions were evident.

The abuse and reprimands resounded continuously in the church, but some of the bishops did not participate because they found that the method of verification was given in the leaflet, and it was extremely simple!

According to Lynn's deduction, divine energy is a special kind of magic power, and since it is magic power, it means that the priests can also cast magic!

So on the last page of the leaflet, Rolle directly gave the five simplest basic spell models of the first ring, which even apprentice wizards can learn.

For the bishops, it can be said that it is enough to have hands.

In other words, as long as they want to, they can immediately verify whether the magic is magic, and they can give the answer on the spot...

The truth was right in front of us, but the bishops hesitated, and no one dared to try.

Cardinal Maude obviously also saw this, his complexion changed, and he couldn't help but think of the iron rules inside the church.

That is, never touch, look at, or observe wizards' magic notes!

It is said that the knowledge of the devil is recorded on it, and many priests who have studied the notes in depth often become crazy, hysterical, and even betray their belief in the Lord!

Not even a few cardinals escaped.

In the past, Maude couldn't understand why, but felt that the power of the devil was too powerful, and even they, devout believers of the Lord, could not resist its erosion.

But now another thought involuntarily popped up in his mind. Is there a possibility that those people understood the research notes above and then used magic?

This idea was entangled in Maude's heart like a devil. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand, wanting to experiment with the spell model given on the flyer to see if he could use magic, so as to prove that it was all wizards. lie……

Because as a believer of the Lord, it is absolutely impossible for him to use the power of the devil!

Until the last moment, Maude suddenly came to his senses and stopped what he was doing.

No, no, this is the temptation of the devil, it is a questioning of the Lord!

The firm belief in the goddess of the moon made Maude break free from confusion and doubts, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

I almost fell into the trap of the wizards. If these spells were some kind of cursed activation ritual, it would be over.

"Immediately send someone to collect and burn all the leaflets scattered in the city. If anyone dares to hide or discuss the contents of the paper, regardless of their identity, they will be treated as followers of demons!" Mo De said coldly. Scanning everyone present.

"Yes, Lord Maud!"

A group of priests and bishops also suppressed their doubts, hurriedly led people out of the church, and gathered the leaflets. They were not stupid, and they could naturally imagine how much damage would be caused by just letting the pages of paper scattered in the town. Influence.

But on the leaflet written in black and white, the bold and bold headlines seemed to be mocking everyone's powerless actions.

Because it was too late now, thousands of people in the territory of Badas picked up the leaflets on the ground.

Among them, there are poor people who can't read a single word, nobles and rich merchants, and guards guarding the city...

In any case, blocking news has become impossible, and similar scenes are staged in almost every city in the kingdom!

The truth... cannot be killed!


On the other side, in the sky above the border of the empire, Lydia has finished dropping leaflets in three cities, and is rushing to the last place of the trip - the holy city!

The journey was extremely smooth, which made Lynn feel a little relieved.

No one knows better than him the importance of controlling public opinion. Not to mention that what they reveal is the truth, even if it is false, it can shake some people's minds under repeated propaganda bombardment.

I just don't know if the bishops of those churches will try the method he gave...

The corners of Lynn's mouth curled up slightly, but quickly closed again.

Because ahead, the magnificent holy city is already in sight.

"I didn't expect there to be such a big city in the empire!" Lin En's face showed a bit of surprise.

From a distance, the walls of the holy city are 30 meters high, and the area covered is probably more than 100 square kilometers.

Just like the report of the spies before, the whole city was shrouded in the projection of the Kingdom of God, and one could only vaguely see a huge statue standing in the center of the city, with all kinds of strange lines drawn on it, a unique power in the flow on it.

Is it a statue of [Ella]?

Lynn thought so, and then spoke. "Lower the altitude, prepare to dive, and open the protective cover!"

Lydia nodded without asking why, and immediately followed suit.

The fighter plane quickly slanted and rushed downward, and its speed increased to more than 300 kilometers. The extremely strong wind kept blowing on its body, as sharp as a blade.

As the distance got closer, melodious hymns began to resound in my ears...

Lin En took out a copper ball that had been prepared earlier from the fighter plane, aimed it at the huge statue, and prepared to test the protection level of the holy city.

Rays of lightning soon appeared all over his body, and after gaining momentum for about three seconds, the copper ball flew out swiftly and violently driven by the electromagnetic force.

The speed is extremely fast!

The huge sonic boom made the whole fighter plane vibrate. Lydia resisted the buzzing feeling in her head, and held the joystick tightly so as not to cause the fighter plane to overturn.

Under Lynn's gaze, the copper ball, which was more than fifteen times the speed of sound, flew straight to the holy city.

It took only 0.3 seconds to cross the distance of 1,500 meters!

However, at a place about 300 meters away from the holy city, the copper ball galloping past like a red streamer suddenly made an extremely weird obtuse turn without any deceleration.

It is like the refraction phenomenon caused by light being shot into water.

But the difference is that the flight path of the copper ball is actually curved. If there is no interference, it will just fly over the holy city.

Lynn understood that this was not a sudden change in the flight direction of the copper ball, but that the space outside the holy city had been distorted, which was somewhat similar to his deflection force field, which would guide the attack in other directions.

It must be tried again.

Lynn's face remained unchanged, and he spoke slowly. "burst!"

The copper balls that were flying at an extremely fast speed exploded immediately, and countless copper pieces were shot in all directions, but their flying trajectories were extremely strange, even upside down, which made people feel their scalps go numb .

The good news is that this kind of offset is not absolute. If the curvature of space can be calculated, it may not be impossible to successfully strike with sufficient speed.

It's like a skilled fisherman, holding a steel fork, relying on his proficient skills, stabbing the fish in the water from an angle that seems impossible to the outside world...

For example, the few pieces of copper scattered by the explosion successfully passed the force field protection and entered the range of the holy city, but they were all wiped out in less than one tenth of a second. If it weren't for Lynn's good eyesight and concentration Focused enough, I'm afraid you won't notice it at all.

Obviously the deflection force field covering the entire holy city is only the first layer of protection.

If the large nuclear explosion technique is used here, the power will be greatly weakened by the force field magic first, and then the remaining energy and shock waves will also be reduced layer by layer. It is hard to say how much effect it can exert.

It seems that after suffering two nuclear explosions of different levels, [Ayla] also summed up some ways to deal with it.

Lynn was not surprised by this. For wizards, in addition to the real difference in realm, the level of knowledge and the importance of spell information are also particularly important!

For enemies of the same level, often only the new spells launched for the first time can have a surprising effect.

Lynn frowned and thought about the solution.

The first is of course to use force field magic to break through the protection, or to return the distorted space to its original state, but such a large-scale magic is most likely the work of [Ayla] himself, and I only want to reverse it by myself. Extremely difficult.

When Harov and Aurora complete their promotion, they can give it a try with the strength of the four of them.

The second is to perform miracles vigorously, directly bombing with hydrogen explosions equivalent to millions or tens of millions, so that even one-thousandth of the energy that escapes in can cause devastating damage!

I just don’t know if the short-distance 【Final Yan-Atomic Breath】has any effect...

Lynn thought of several plans in an instant, but before he could continue to think about it, an unexplained sense of danger came to his mind, almost subconsciously, Lynn deflected his arm and hit the steering wheel of the fighter hard .

The fighter plane, which was swooping towards the holy city at its maximum speed, immediately lost its balance and turned nearly 90 degrees. As the pilot, Lydia was very frightened, and she wanted to ask questions out of fear.

Before that, an extremely strong light beam shot out from inside the holy city, and the target was the fighter plane in flight!

It was supposed to be facing the cockpit, but due to the deflection of the fighter plane, it hit the tail directly, leaving a deep scratch on the protective layer made of Mithril, and the steel layer below was completely scratched. Gone!

Lydia was so pale with fright that her open mouth didn't even have time to close.

Only then did Lynn understand where the sense of crisis in his heart came from. Someone should be using spotlight magic below.

"Have you even learned the laser technique? It seems that she didn't stay in the city of fire oil for nothing." Lin En murmured to himself, but then realized that it was probably just an imitation, an extreme version of focused reflection.

Otherwise, even with such a long distance, with the power of the fifth-level laser, the tail of the fighter will be cut off instantly, instead of just cutting off the protective layer like this...

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