I killed the Pirate King

200.Shock The Sea!!

The tremors in the square gradually subsided, but everyone had not yet recovered from the shock.

"Do you think I will save people by myself?!" Luo Yi glanced at Four Emperors' mother with disdain and said calmly.

Four Emperors' aunt was completely frozen at this time and didn't know what to say.

The red-haired man and others all had a smile on their lips.

In fact, Luo had already arrived at Cake Island before the attack by Luo Yi and others began.

It's just that Luo Yi deliberately informed Luo to hide first, dive into the deep sea, and prepare to sneak into the castle from the other side to rescue Momousagi and others.

While the Four Emperors aunt was fighting Kaido of the Beasts, Luo Yi and others, Luo had quietly appeared at the other end of Cake Island, and finally sneaked into the castle.

The earthquake launched by Luo Yi using the Shock Fruit ability was just to attract the attention of the Four Emperors aunt and Kaido, and even the attention of Smoothie and others, so that Luo could take advantage of it.

It was too easy for Luo, who was known as a surgical surgeon, to suddenly kill three executioners.

Looking at the dull Four Emperors aunt and the sullen Kaido of the Beasts, Luo Yi smiled faintly, showing an unabashed mocking look.

"Now, are you ready to die?!" Luo Yi suddenly said calmly.


Everyone on the Totto Land side of the scene backed away in shock, their eyes full of fear.

"I said, leave no one behind." After saying it calmly, Luo Yi unsheathed the First Generation ghost in his hand again and slashed at the Four Emperors aunt and Kaido.

In an instant, the war broke out again, and the sound of fighting resounded through the sky. However, the people on Charlotte's side have no fighting spirit at this time and are desperately looking for opportunities to escape.

In the square, people kept struggling and falling, and blood filled the air again.

"The Cake Island incident is over!? Who will win!?"

A few days later, after the news spread, people all over the world were shocked and couldn't open their mouths for a long time.

The coalition forces of Kaido of the Beasts and Four Emperors were defeated, Cake Island completely sank into the sea, and the water dyed the entire sea area red.

All three major disasters under Kaido of the Beasts were killed in the battle, Charlotte's family was at a loss, Kaido himself and the Four Emperors' aunt fled in a hurry!?

In the night wind, there were faint sounds of laughter coming from the distance, and a few stars in the sky blinked sleepily. Luo Yi and Violet just sat quietly, quiet and beautiful.

"Luffy, those who want to become the Pirate King must not even have the power to protect their partners." At this time, Luo Yi said equally calmly.

Normally, Violet would have turned around and ran away with a blushing face, but not this time. Instead of running, Violet slowly sat down next to Luo Yi.

The next day, when leaving the island, Rayleigh suddenly asked Luffy to follow him for a two-year practice. (Okay)

"I was thinking about how I could deceive you without telling Momousagi." Luo Yi smiled lightly and said.

"Are you saying you want me to practice with you?"

But Violet didn't speak again, she just raised her head and looked at the night sky silently.

It was night, all the ships were anchored on a desert island, the pirates lit bonfires, all the wine was brought out, and everyone laughed heartily.

When these news came out one after another, the whole world was shocked. Many people even thought they were dreaming!

Kaido of the Beasts, Four Emperors Auntie, these are the Four Emperors of the New World, who rule the second half of the Grand Line after One Piece Roger. How many people around the world tremble under their reputation!?

Momousagi stood in front of the bonfire, turned his head slightly, and saw two people sitting quietly on the hillside in the distance, but Momousagi did not go over, and just smiled softly at the corner of his mouth.

The life of a pirate is like this. You may face unknown enemies and terrifying battles at all times. Endless adventures, countless treasures, but also accompanied by endless depression.

However, no matter what the rumors are like, they seem to have nothing to do with Luo Yi and others.

Every pirate goes to sea with incomparable enthusiasm and yearning for freedom, but in the end, a few people truly get freedom, and a few can survive adventure after adventure and battle after battle! ?

An extremely powerful force has risen, and the Grand Line's forces will be reshuffled!

"Well, the choice is still yours!" Faced with Luffy's question, Rayleigh said with a smile: "Are you willing to spend two years training yourself, or are you eager to get together with your friends now!?"

Listening to Rayleigh's words, Luffy's eyes darkened, and the scene of his partners being scattered around the world in the Sabaody Archipelago appeared in front of his eyes.

"What are you thinking about? They all want to have a good drink with you." Suddenly, Violet slowly walked to Luo Yi and asked.

Therefore, as a pirate, the most important thing is to seize every minute of your life and enjoy yourself to the fullest.

After the decline of Kaido of the Beasts and Charlotte Linlin, who will take over the New World!? And what about Marine!? Faced with such changes, what choice will Marine make!?

This era is about to change!

Now, Zhan Ji, Luo Yi and others gathered together and held a grand banquet under the suggestion.

Now, even the lair has been breached, his subordinates died in the battle, and he himself was seriously injured and fled!

Grand Line is about to undergo big changes!

People who gradually recovered from the shock realized this, and everyone had a strong feeling in their hearts.

The war lasted for so long. Although they won in the end, everyone was still depressed by the atmosphere of war. "Song Neng can relax a little by singing and laughing.

Hearing this news, everyone except Luo Yi, who knew the purpose of Rayleigh's visit, was more or less surprised.

Luo Yi didn't stop him, still lying quietly with a smile on his lips.

As for Red Hair, Eagle Eye and others, they were too drunk to remember that Luo Yi had disappeared.

People have realized that the sea may not be calm for a long time!

"I must become the Pirate King! I have to protect every one of my friends!" Luffy looked at Rayleigh with firm eyes and spoke word by word. .

At this time, Luo Yi was lying quietly on the hillside, silently looking at the dark sky. There was faint laughter and laughter not far away, but there was silence around Luo Yi.

Hearing Luo Yi's words, Luffy's eyes gradually became firm. Looking at Rayleigh, Luffy slowly said: "Please teach me! I -"

The three brothers Luo Yi, Hongfa, and Hawkeye teamed up to conquer the Totto Land kingdom, which in itself is telling the world.

"I also want to be the one who stays with you silently." After a moment, Violet also raised a smile on her lips and whispered.

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