Romney felt like he had a long dream.

In his dream, he was fighting with a huge Dragon Turtel, but he was attacked and defeated by the sea.

Grace fought bravely to rescue, but like the main force of those fleets, everything was lost to the bottom of the sea.

A huge palm, Lailao touched, brought everyone, all ships, and Dragon Turtel into the Maelstrom.

The vortex is deep.

It looks big, but it can only squeeze into Dragon Turtel.

But for myself, for all people in the magical world, it should be huge.

Yes, if I am not dreaming.


Looking at the size of the ant in front of him, he kept binding his own little little dwarf with ropes.

Romney thought he might have crossed again.

Are all previous experiences dreaming?

Or, I have already died again?

If it wasn't an illusion, I'm not dead yet.

Then why am I powerless, without magic power, without equipment, and naked?


The little dwarf, the size of an ant, made a mosquito-like cry again.

Naked in front of these ants, Romney really wanted someone to come over and make mosaics for himself.

If there is a live broadcast or the like, this must be a picture that cannot be reviewed.

"Cracking chirps"

"Cracking chirps"

Romney, who was still thinking about something, suddenly heard a roar and croak.

Those "people" who were as small as ants used huge hair-like ropes to pull the wooden carts beneath their bodies.

The wooden cart is actually quite small, and it can hold the growing body of yourself.

But for those little "people", this wooden wagon should already be a towering giant.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

Hehe roaring sound continued, and the little "people" pulled Romney on the beach, moving towards a pile of woods at the height of pinky in the distance.

Looking sideways, everything is so miniature.

Only oneself.

It's huge.

This feeling is really strange.

Oh, I shouldn't compare.

Romney retracted his divergent thinking, no longer making a blind contrast.

He tilted his head slightly and asked softly.

"Hey, why are you arresting me?"

This sentence is really light and light, light to the limit of Romney's control.

But for the little "person", Romney's words are like a dragon roar.

The wind blowing gently, like a hurricane, instantly blows away the little "people" who are pulling the rope around.

"Qua la Chi a lot"



The leader of the little "man" who was riding a mount that had been shrunk to the extreme in front of him suddenly roared in anger.

Running around in exclamation, commanding the same small guards around him, shooting arrows that were invisible at all.

Not surprisingly, even Romney's skin couldn't get in.


"I have a little bit of the feeling of Dragon Turtel facing us."

Romney saw the anger of these little "people", a little helpless, and a little understanding.

They shoot those useless arrows, not to mention that they can't see it, or even feel it.

Reminiscent of the feeling of the Griffin Knights shooting and throwing spears before hitting the disaster Dragon Turtel.

Maybe it's the same as this time!


As if he had taught the towering giant, the little "man" whose anger had slowed down, he resumed commanding and pulling the cart.

The wooden cart moved slowly but firmly ahead.

Romney can't figure out the situation, his limbs are weak, he can only move his lips, he can only let these little "people" do things.

He was confused and didn't know what the situation was.

He didn't know about the latter half of the battle.

Therefore, based on the memory before the coma, Romney remembers that he was attacked by the blood-clothed protagonist.

And the memory in the dream, he didn't know whether it was true or not.

If it is true, where are the others at this time?

What is it in?

I hope not to be like myself.

That would be too bad, and it would be a big loss.

"Crack La Chi Chigua!"

With a bang that was so small that it was completely inaudible, Romney was finally taken to a place of Thumb Mountain.

Focusing on his eyesight, Romney saw that there were houses and castles one after another around the Thumb Mountain.

No need to guess, Romney already knows that this is the city of those little "people".

"Cracking croaking!"

"Kicky melon!"

There was a strange noise, and Romney saw a large number of small "people" rushing out of the town.

It was as if to pay homage to the spoils, and as if to see the legendary giant.

The little "people" scrambled and were extremely excited.

Before these ordinary little "people" were excited for long, a huge but strenuous voice sounded, and a king-like figure twice the size of an ant slowly walked down from the castle on Thumb Hill.

"Hey, I didn't expect the king of the country to be a little giant."

Romney compared the size of the ordinary little "person" with the size of the king, and he immediately saw the difference in body shape between the two.

These little "people" also have special individuals!

"Long quack!"

Romney thought about the matter, and the king walked slowly.

Soon the two met face to face.

The king screamed and suddenly pulled out a small gun.

Guns are powerless, but the king associates them with hundreds of barrels that follow.


A thin jet of water shot out.

It hit the tip of Romney's nose.

Half a minute.

Romney watched as the king madly sprayed water jets at own's nose.

He wanted to blow him away.

But he was also curious about what the king was going to do.

So he waited for a while.

Let it be done.

"Seal?! Trophy?!"

"Me! @#*#¥*@#!"

"Too much despise me!"

"Ha! Phoo~~~"

I was curious, but the king used dye to stamp his own nose!

Romney regretted it.

Very angry.

what! !

Disaster Dragon Turtel gives me upper body.

I was actually insulted by these little "people"!

The hurricane blows, Romney's anger blows, and instantly blows away all the villains in front of him.

Especially the king who bears the brunt.

The huge size has not changed the result of being blown away.

Rolling and smashing into the distant town, the king died instantly.

"Gala haw wow!!"

"Gala haw wow!!"

"Gala haw wow!!"

Killing the king this time immediately caused a turmoil in the crowd.

The little "person" who was screaming guala haw wow frantically, as if yelling for revenge for the king, holding aloft an almost invisible weapon, rushed towards Romney.


"Ping Pong Pong"

The little "people" played enthusiastically, venting their anger frantically.

But those ping-pong-pong sounds fell into Romney's ears, like a fly.

Too much trouble, Romney decided even if there was only one mouth left.

I also want to destroy your country!

"Huh! Ha!"

Taking a deep breath, Romney blew out vigorously.

After a bombardment, a huge tornado shot, and the raging little "people" were all blown away again.

Pop, pop.

The little "people" who fell into the distance, broken into little minced meat, died into one piece.

Annihilate this wave.

They are scared.

Looking at those little "people" who are afraid and tremble, and dare not move.

Romney exhaled and stopped his dissatisfaction.


"While changing places, I understand the Dragon Turtel a little bit."

Romney looked at the sky, it was dark and there was no sun.

The lead cloud is thick and foggy, and the surroundings are dark and gray.

Inhaled the air here, a smell of sulfur.

Some are not used to it.

He turned his head to rest.

Closing his eyes, the ocean-going fleet he was in before appeared in his mind, chasing the disaster Dragon Turtel.

Recall the difference in strength.

Romney was slightly aware of his own ability.

Even if the disaster Dragon Turtel is afraid of pain, he and others are really not rivals to the disaster Dragon Turtel.

Fortunately, there is magic and grudge.

When he compared them, he suddenly discovered that these little "people" were different from himself and the fleet.

Little "people" have no magic power.

Only the flesh is mortal.

With a blow, it will be smashed into flesh, and the body will be wiped out.


Is it that the world is different, so the energy and the law change instantly?

Romney thought about things, and suddenly his inspiration flashed.

I noticed the difference here.

Is this another world?

Yes, they fight the Dragon Turtel, and they can also cast magic. Although they can't fight, they can still go back and forth for a few rounds.

But these little "people" are going to be destroyed in one round.

The energy gap here is huge.

If it wasn't for the speciality of the little "person", it would be the speciality of the world!

"Come on!"

"tell me."

"Here, where is it?"

Romney suddenly turned his head, looked at the town where the little "man" was, roared and asked, rushing into the city like thunder.

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