The flames swept, and the steam rose.

The huge whirlpool that emerges from the nakedness rotates on its own.

Driven by the centripetal force, the soldiers of the ocean-going fleet that fell into the water were constantly being swept into the whirlpool.

The soldiers who fell into the water yelled, thumped, and swam vigorously towards the ship that was still intact.

But it was in vain.

Before he could compete with the centripetal force of the whirlpool, Dragon Turtel was screaming and rolling in pain.

The hundreds of millions of tons of heavy bodies weighed on the top, and the soldiers who fleeing for their lives were all crushed and destroyed by them, and they became blood foam flowing on the sea.



The mad disaster Dragon Turtel rolled over and overturned waves, surging the ship.

Many soldiers who were still thumping had no time to flee their surroundings, just like the soldiers who had been crushed before, all of them died.

Romney looked so miserable, blood stained the sea.

But when he just released the forbidden curse, his magic power was seriously depleted.

At this time, unlike the battlefield of the canyon plane, there is spring water to replenish magic.

He could only endure what he couldn't bear, and took out the best magic potion at an extremely fast speed, and drank it in one gulp.

This superb magic potion can only take effect once a day, but it can fully replenish the magic power. It is the top magic potion below the level of the magister.



Romney's magical power surged again after the magic potion like a small bucket was swallowed.

Without releasing the Forbidden Mantra, Romney slowly waved his hand gestures, commanding the surrounding water elements, reciting the unfamiliar water sub-forbidden mantra "Ocean Current Command" word by word.

Half a minute.

Hundreds of soldiers were destroyed and hundreds of soldiers were rescued.

Xi Luo, Moni, Oble, Chun Xia Qiu Dong and others guarded their ships, watched Romney, and rescued the soldiers who fell into the water.

"Water from."

"The ocean current commands!"

The grand thunderous spell chants, the surging waves listen to orders.

If there is divine help, command the ocean currents.

The tide, which was still uncontrollable, suddenly turned smoothly and personally rescued the soldiers of the ocean-going fleet.

Disaster Dragon Turtel rolled in pain and screamed in anger.

The ocean currents surging around and covering it.

Separated and separated, military soldiers and Dragon Turtel, like two wave worlds, are divided into different levels and go to a foreign land.

"Get out of here!"

Romney clasped his hands, bruises on his face.

Trying to control the situation, suppress the Dragon Turtel, and rescue the fleet soldiers, Romney has already reached his own limit.



Moni Silamary roared and rose into the air, guiding the surviving ships, taking this opportunity to evacuate from the battlefield.



The fleet released all its power and expelled a huge amount of steam.

Kesdrum took the lead, the Breaking Wave, the Trailblazer, and the Glory followed.

The Shield, Blade, and Wind Rider were broken into several sections, and the wreckage was submerged and there was no trace.

Romney looked at the fleet that was about to withdraw from the battle, letting go of a tight string in his heart.

But before all the fleets left, the hidden protagonist in blood suddenly appeared and slashed Romney's back.



When controlling the demon, back the sword to break the demon.

Romney lost his strength and fell into the water, and was drawn out by a huge vortex in the distance, spiraling from the bottom of the sea and rushing into the vortex.


Grace exclaimed and was about to rush out immediately.

"No, don't go!"

"Spring, summer, autumn and winter, Savior!"

Marguerite grabbed Grace and hugged tightly.

Without stopping, Marguerite called out the four girls in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Before Marguerite called out the name of own, the four women leaped out and rushed to the place where Romney fell into the water.

They were born Romney and were more nervous about his safety than anyone else.




Grace was pulled by Marguerite, and Gao Shuo shouted when Oblo rescued him from the own ship.

He has had many experiences with Romney, and saying an old friend is not enough to explain his relationship with Romney.

At this time Romney fell into the water, and Gao Shu was the second nervous person after Grace.

Oble was not far from Gaoshu, Moni and Shi Luo on their respective ships.

But the high-sounding yells were clearly heard by all three of them.

Without waiting any longer, everyone rushed out and leaped towards the place where Romney fell into the water.

The remaining high-rank combat power of the fleet is all out, the great knight Oble, the wizard Shi Luo, the spring, summer and autumn and winter, and the award-winning archer Moni.

This time the whole army attacked, but in an instant, the blood-clothed protagonist was taken away.

Dragon Turtel is not easy to get rid of. After the anger and pain, he seems to have come to the home court, no longer afraid of the pain.

The disaster Dragon Turtel roared, and attacked several people frantically.

"We stopped, you go!"

Aubule condenses on the frozen sea and rushes towards the Dragon Turtel.

Moni rode a golden-winged white-crowned eagle, surrounding the Dragon Turtel.

Xi Luo summoned thousands of big trees out of thin air, and a sea of ​​trees rose up on the ocean.

The three intercepted the disaster Dragon Turtel and gave the four girls in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and created an opportunity to rescue Romney.

"The Lord is here!"

In the spring of practicing wind magic, he was the first to find Romney.

With a call, before the other three women arrived, they jumped into the sea, blowing the element of wind, and headed straight for Romney.


Romney, who was already half-conscious, rolled in the centripetal force of the whirlpool.

The sea water poured in from the nasal cavity, and the oxygen from the heart and lungs was released, as if she had drowning symptoms.

"Storm Surrounding"

Spring is on the bottom of the sea, silently chanting instant magic, and the third-level storm surrounds.

The storm visible to the naked eye gushes from nowhere, engulfing Romney.

Seeing that he was about to rescue Lord Own soon, Chun's heart a little calmed down.

But at this moment, the blood-clothed protagonist appeared again.

The old trick is actually used again, a knife is drawn, and the magic is broken again.


Chun was controlling the wind. At this time, he broke the magic, and the backlash itself was hit hard by the knife in an instant.

When her consciousness was blurred and completely silent, she sensed the arrival of summer, autumn and winter.



The three women in summer, autumn and winter came in a row, and each released the fire, earth and water three elements of magic.

Before he could hit the protagonist in the blood suit, the one had already retreated again, lurking around, looking for opportunities.

Romney, who was in a coma and drowning, became an important bait for the blood-clothed protagonist to strike against the four women, just like fighting for help.

The four women knew this, but they could only enter the tiger's den.

They need to save their own master and not let it be swept away by the vortex of the waves.

No one knows what is under the Maelstrom, and no one knows how long Romney can stay underwater without defense.


The protagonist in the blood-robed clothes concealed to the side, drinking a long knife with blood in his hand, telling his viciousness.

The magic released by the three daughters of Xia Qiu Dong had no effect.

But the time to start the blood-clothed protagonist still appeared. They circled around, picked up Romney, and immediately rushed forward.

The waves rolled and the disaster Dragon Turtel attacked frantically.

The three of Moni have only supported it for less than four minutes, but they have already faintly lost.

At this time, the three of them knew how difficult it is for Romney to fight alone Dragon Turtel.

Even if the sub-divine beast is afraid of pain, it is the sub-divine beast.

Beyond the sanctuary, the strength second to the god level, not a few of them can resist.

That mountain-like four-legged, huge dragon head like a mountain, spews out, sharp as a knife, and strong ten meters of high-pressure burst of water.

Even with a slight collision, everyone would be seriously injured.

The huge size is both a target and a weapon.

It was so fierce and mighty that several people could not breathe very quickly.


The three daughters of Xia Qiu Dong rushed out from the bottom of the sea holding Romney and Chun.

As soon as he flew out, he yelled to warn the three people of Dragon Turtel to intercept the disaster.


Moni was flying in the air, and when she heard the cry, she gave an exclamation and turned her head first.

Oble stepped on the ice and followed behind.

Xi Luo flew into the sky, released his magic power, and used the sub-forbidden curse "World Stump" that he had been brewing for a long time.

The huge stump of the world was generated from the sky, and it was as heavy as a meteorite weighing ten million tons, slowly falling from the sky and hitting the Dragon Turtel.


Mountains and seas overturned, tree stumps smashed turtles.

A loud noise passed by, and the shock waves visible in the ripples scattered, causing everyone to sway out of control, and all of them fell into the water.

"Don't look back!"

Xi Luo took advantage of this lore and turned and shot.

She almost exhausted her magic power at this time, and she didn't leave again, fearing that she would be buried in Longkou instantly.

"Jie Jie Jie"

Everyone flew away, and the disaster Dragon Turtel was hit by the stump of the world and became dizzy.

A gloomy and evil laughter suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, and a huge blood knife appeared out of thin air, falling from the sky, and slashing across the crowd.




Like a big knife cutting mosquitoes, everyone was cut off by blood knives and smashed into the sea.

"Do not!!"

"Gryphon Knights, save people!!"

Grace broke free from Marguerite's grasp and rushed towards a griffon standing by.

Pushing the knight away, Grace turned on the Griffin, fluttered, and soared up.



Pikapi was surprised that Grace was about to attack, screamed, jumped out a few times, and jumped onto Grace's Griffon.

The little goldfish followed closely, and was able to bite the griffin's tail at the moment when the griffin was off the ground, climbed a few times, and jumped onto the back of the griffin.

"Gryphon Knights!"

"All out!"

"Fight for the empire!"

The griffon knights on standby, seeing the princess of the empire take the lead, all of them were morale upset.

The deputy commander roared, turned over and rode, flying into the air, leading all one hundred and twenty-one gryphon riders, following the princess.

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