I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 61-The Battlefield in the Canyon (End)

"Army attack!"

The system prompt sounded.

Mozi fish listened to it, watching the scene in front of him, silently.

"Strange, why are they staying at home and not coming out?"

Lu Niang was surprised by the behavior of Romney and others, completely unable to understand why the situation was so good, but she wanted to stay at home.

"I'm thinking."

"This may be an opportunity."

"Want to fight for Baron Nash?"

Iron Claw looked at the scene in God's eyes in front of him, and suddenly felt that this was a good time to besiege Baron Nash.

"No, this may be the opposite strategy."

"They might guess that we have props for panoramic views."

"The head of the hunter is not that simple to deal with."

Mozi fish was thinking about this just now.

But he always felt that he could become the pioneer of the hunter. Now the immediate boss of the Imperial Secret Service, Romney could not be so stupid, giving up great opportunities and not attacking himself.

The only possibility is to lead the snake out of the hole.

Let yourself think that the other side will not attack, and then suddenly attacked at the most critical moment, recreating the situation of the last time.

"I think so."

The cheek nodded, echoing the squid.

"Then we are still following the original plan?"

Lu Niang nodded, and also agreed with this statement.

"Yes, we hit the road."

"If they don't come out after a tower burst, we will continue to push."

"Don't fight against them, only guerrilla push towers."

Mozi fish affirmed the previous plan again and chose the top road as his own push tower route.

It’s the closest to Baron Nash. If you think it’s the Mozi fish, you should try Baron Nash’s hunting if you have a chance.

"Have you taken the trebuchet with you?"

Mozi fish continued to talk and asked about the key tool of pushing the tower.

"Take it."

"The trebuchet was brought with the canyon order."

"I brought three of them."

He nodded and patted own wrist.

There was a bracelet that was obviously storage equipment.


Mozi fish called out coldly and took the lead in leaping out.


The others responded and rushed out of the base together.





Romney sat by the spring water, while casting fireball on the billions of magic books floating in front of him.

While drinking a straw made of bamboo tubes, he kept drinking spring water.

The bamboo tube was cut down beside the spring water.

Everyone watched Romney frantically cast fireball, the speed of three per second was stored in hundreds of millions of magic books.

Forget the time, it seems that ten minutes have passed.

One minute and sixty seconds, ten minutes and six hundred seconds.

Three per second, six hundred seconds is one thousand eight hundred.

To store 10,000 fireball spells, it would take one hundred minutes, or six thousand seconds.

The time is neither short nor long.

Just enough for everyone to rest.

"Your own turret was destroyed."

Just when everyone thought that time was about to pass in this kind of waiting, the system suddenly prompted a sentence, which shocked everyone's mind.

"They went to push the tower!"

Grace pointed to the road and turned to look at Romney.

"His Royal Highness, let us defend, shall we?"

Alan Sid knelt on his knees, begging to fight.


Romney was still casting spells, unable to separate, and unwilling to stop.

This kind of continuous casting will have a speed bonus, if it can be continued, then the final fireball storage time will be shortened.

But in order to reassure everyone, Romney didn't say anything.

It means stay safe and not restless.

"Do not worry."

"Little Brother is absolutely sure of getting the Forbidden Curse."

"Even if they push to the door."

"Let's come to a decisive battle again, and then we will be able to culminate in an all-round way."

Big sis knelt on the ground, just now praying to the cross in his hand.

Hearing the words of everyone at this time, he stood up and spoke softly.

The words are very reasonable, but no one will lose heart when seeing the enemy's crazy attack.

"But, what if we find out that we are not going out to fight Baron Nash?"

Grace wanted to stay still, but thought of the opposite's previous intention to kill Baron Nash.

They were not dead, so they were not prompted by the system.

Therefore, I don't know that the hunt of Baron Nash can bring the resurrection of the team members.

But regardless of whether the news is known or not, what the enemy desires to do must be a little strange.

Need to care.


Romney heard Grice's questioning and didn't say again.

On the one hand, he can still drink the spring water non-stop.

This way of filling his stomach with water made Marguerite a little full next to him.

She didn't expect that Romney's belly was so big that she could continue to drink the spring water after drinking it for so long.

"Really just waiting?"

Grace heard Romney's words and asked again.


Romney is no longer um this time, but um.

Everyone was patient, but the other side was at a loss.

"They really don't come out?"

"It's impossible to disconnect here!?"

Iron Claw couldn't figure out why a tower burst without coming out.

Is this showing the enemy's weakness?

"I see!"

"They definitely want us to hit the second tower before they come out and grab us!"

Lu Niang suddenly realized that she thought of a possibility.

"Let's hit a tower in the middle."

"Regardless of whether they can get out or not, take down the ones closest to us first."

Mozi fish thought for a while and decided to use the safest method to advance the battle.


Everyone set off again, and went to the middle road and the bottom road one after another.

Twenty minutes later.

"You can't come out yet?"


Luo Chi can't figure it out.

Why are the turtles staying at home?

"Baron Nash!"

Mozi fish hit here and decided to take a risk.


Everyone has been waiting for this decision.

At this time, Mozi fish gave an order, and several people tried their best to arrive in front of Baron Nash in less than three minutes.

Seeing the eyes of this behemoth aiming at himself and others.

The mozi fish did not rush to war.

"Use the second eye of God!"

Mozi fish signaled Lu Niang to investigate the enemy's situation.


Lu Niang expanded God's eyes again.

The picture presented is still Romney and others nesting in the spring water.


"Seize the opportunity!"

Mozi fish no longer hesitated now, and immediately went to war.

Whether it is a trap or not.

The opportunity now is great. If you don't try this time, you will finally find out what's wrong with you before you take the risk.

It's too late.


Baron Nash shouted.

The battle began.

This time, no one will bother the Qiyun Club.

Very smooth, but not simple, Baron Nash was killed.

A golden light flashed, and the spear suddenly appeared at the place where Baron Nash died.

"One resurrected team member!"

"An enemy resurrected one team member."

The system prompt sounded, awakening all the soldiers in the audience.

"Long spear!"

Everyone was overjoyed, looking at the long spears looking around blankly, and excitedly stepped forward to embrace.

"I'm not dead?"

The spear was at a loss, some of which couldn't figure out the situation.

"We resurrected you!"

The crowd surrounded the spears, a little fortunate.

Fortunately, the enemy did not come to sneak attack!

Fortunately, the enemy actually left a good situation aside and stayed at home!

This is really great.

The Qiyun Club is still the Qiyun Club after all.

"Now our strength is back to its peak!"

"Next, decisive battle!"

Mozi fish was very pleased to see how the spear was resurrected.

Without saying much, he led everyone back to the spring water and returned to a state of heyday.


All members of the Qiyun Club were dispatched to kill Romney and others.

"They resurrected their team members!"

Grace exclaimed and turned to look at Romney, who was still storing fireball.

"This time the strength is back again!"

Grace said anxiously again.


"I'm done storing."

Romney responded positively to this question.

He has completed the storage of 10,000 fireballs and reactivated the forbidden curse of billions of fireballs.

"I think they will definitely kill them all in the next step."

"We recharge our batteries and hit them head-on!"

Romney's spirit seemed to be ascending to the extreme in the storage just now.

A burst of magic exploded suddenly, sweeping around as Romney spoke.

Everyone covered the surging of magic power. When the magic power ceased, Romney looked at Romney, only to find that his whole body was agitated by magic power, and the whole body was condensed with real magic aura, which made people feel that this person was powerful at first sight.

"You breakthrough?!"

Carlysie suddenly exclaimed, sensing the leap of Romney's strength.


"Unexpectedly, the rapid digestion and reunion of magic power helped me temper a game."

"Sorcerer rank, I'm considered to have arrived."

Romney is still adapting to the new rise in strength, and the fluctuating magic power makes everyone more confident in winning.

"Your own turret was destroyed."

Once again, Romney’s turret was destroyed.

"Go to war!"

Romney walked out of the spring.

The magic is wild.

Condensed all the way into a line, surging forward.

Grace and others looked at Romney aggressively.

All the anxiety just now disappeared.

"Heroic spirit."

When everyone watched Romney walk out slowly, such a word suddenly appeared in their hearts.

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