I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 58 The Battlefield in the Canyon (5)

I am Xiaobing001.

I don’t know where I come from, and I don’t know why I am here.

But inexplicably, refreshed out of thin air, I appeared.

Walking out of the crystal, I followed the other creeps and rushed towards the enemy camp step by step.

Soon, the soldiers on the opposite side rushed over.

I looked at his ferocious face, and I was scared.

Fear made me wield the long sword in my hand.


I happened to hack to death the opposite soldier.


Before I could understand how I killed the soldier on the opposite side, a voice suddenly rang in my ears.

Accompanied by it, a small car loaded with cannons suddenly appeared in front of me.

It's a mess, I know this cannon car belongs to me.

I climbed up, inexplicably the core of my own small soldier camp.

We rushed all the way, hacked and gunned down all opponents.

Came under a tall tower.

Before he could see the appearance of the tower, he shot down with a shot of magic thunder cannon.


With a bang, Xiaobing 002, who had been protecting me all the way, died unexpectedly.


We are all scared to death.

Desperately want to escape.

But there is a huge resistance that stops us and prevents us from retreating.

Unable to escape, we can only fight to the death.

The battle was fought horribly.

Thousands of soldiers died before and after we knocked down the enemy's first tower.

In the process, I lost two legs.

These two legs are very important, but there is no way.

The cruelty of the war made me realize that I still can only move forward.

Just when I thought I could only crawl and fight with my hands.


The voice that had sounded before sounded again.

Standing out of thin air, not only did my legs grow out, but my body shape changed drastically.

I was only 1.2 meters tall before, but now I grew to 1.5 meters tall.

Strong arms, huge thigh muscles, full biceps.

My goodness, I have never felt this kind of power.

As a result, as soon as I leveled up, I rushed ahead frantically, killing several groups of enemy soldiers in a row.

This burst of rush has earned me the title of my own hero.

I originally thought that becoming my own hero was my destiny.

But when we knocked down the second tower, the sky was spinning, and I disappeared on the front line.

When I opened my eyes again, I found that I was in a valley.

The valley is not big or small, but it just happens to pretend that I am an earth dragon.

Earth dragon?

When did I become such a dragon with scales, tail, and wings?


I was so unwilling to roar, but the sound that came out was no longer my original hu-ha, but dragon roar.

Unacceptable, but unable to change.

I can only stay as a dragon, and keep doing it until one day, a few small soldiers coming in stream bring me new changes.

When they first came, they were lost.

I don't know why, but later he rushed straight towards me and tried to attack me.

I know the power of the little soldiers.

Just two words.


No accident, I wiped them out with a dragon's breath.

I don't know if the creeps have the attributes of a hornet's nest. Just after eliminating a few of them, a few more came.

Breathing all the way, I killed hundreds of small soldiers in a row.

In the end, five heroes with weird costumes were ushered in.

Yes, the appearance of these heroes, I remember.

Before I became a dragon, I looked like them.

There is no communication.

After the heroes came over, there was an attack.

I also yelled and released my best effort.

At the end of the war, they died.

I am dying.

Huang Tian paid the Xinlong, the voice rang again.


The sky is turning around again.

This time, I am no longer a dragon, no longer a hero.

I have become a knighted Baron Nash!

From the day I became a baron, I knew I had many eyes.

I can stab, stab, and flick;

I can spit venom, and I spit venom more often;

Its own attack has a corrosive effect and a burning effect.

I am very happy to acquire these abilities.

But I don't know why, but I can't do it out of thin air.

I later tried countless times to find out.

I need a goal.

The goal came quickly, but also came very slowly.

The target this time is not someone else, but four warriors in strange costumes.

They are different from the heroes I have met before, as if they came from another world.

The leader of the warrior was naked, with copper skin and iron bones, and had a Vajra iron fist.

The second was a short man with iron claws on his hands, sparks from time to time.

The third place is a little lady, who looks pretty good at age, but with a long knife in her hand, it's not easy to mess with at first glance.

The last one is the one I care about most.

He was holding a long sword, with a sword eyebrow and a sword eye. He did nothing but stood there.

But when I was watched by him, I always felt the thorns on my back, as if he would suddenly hit me behind me at any time.

"Thunder come!"

"Nine Heavens God Thunder Sword!"

Sure enough, he yelled and summoned a divine thunder from the sky.

The god Lei Huanghuang brewed on his sword for a while, then he slashed at me.

At the same time, there was the Vajra-like warrior and the short iron claw.

Among the four, only the little lady didn't know where to find the bow and arrow. There was one shot at me remotely, which didn't hurt or itchy.

Good guy, I can finally test my skills.


With a roar, he flicked out.

The dragon's tail flew up from the bottom of the lake and knocked off Vajra in one fell swoop.


When I hit Vajra, I took advantage of the situation and sprayed venom against the iron claws.


At this time, the god thunder sword came and plunged into my chest.


With an angry roar, I spit out several venom in a row.

"Everyone push away, this venom has a corrosive effect!"

Vajra got up and yelled. Seeing that the copper and iron bones on his body were rotten, I knew that the corrosive effect of my venom had come out.

"I come!"

The swordsman used the Thunder Sword again, but this time I am not stupid.

No Baron Nash would wait for you to beat me twice stupidly.

So I flicked back to him.

This time he flew him, and the divine thunder brewing in his hand hit the other side at this moment.

Lei Guang flew, one of my eyes saw it.

The thunder light flew into the front line and hit a beautiful lady.


The screams sounded, and I saw the lady lying on the ground covered in blood.

Although I feel sorry for her, I don't have time and no possibility to save her.

I am still dealing with the four soldiers in front of me.

I think this time, I will still kill them.

And, upgrade again.

If I upgrade again, maybe I will leave here and go to a different world, right?

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