I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 370 The Chessboard of Civilization (7)

It was three days.

Romney’s General Erha and the four unit battalion-level knights of the Temple came to the border of the civilized forces marked as Russia.

He didn't hesitate at all, just let General Erha charge forward, broke through the hidden unknown, and headed towards St. Petersburg.

Destroyed, Romney was preparing to yell in his heart like this.

Suddenly a hero unit rushed out.

He took a huge club and knocked General Erha back with a single hammer.

"Unapsbalank is here, who dares to charge?!"

With the sledgehammer on his shoulders, Unap wore a comb head and topless, standing as mighty as a tribe savage.

Unap, who is three meters tall, is just behind General Erha, and it looks like he can still fight.

"Good fellow, come again!"

After being beaten by Unap, General Erha jumped up without Romney's command, and rushed straight to Unap. The nunchucks flanked him and knocked out half of Unap’s head with one blow. Health bars.

"Knights of the Temple, come on to me!"

Not only did he rush forward without a command, Romney discovered that after the commander of Erha spoke, the Knights of the Temple actually surrounded them on their own, but they beat Unap to death in one round.

At the moment Unap died, Erha looked up at Romney's thoughts, and then smiled silly.

"Did they really come in?"

Romney looked at Erha's wisdom, he felt in a daze that Erha should know that Romney was controlling everything.

But if Erha and the Temple Knights entered the chessboard, why didn't Romney make it?

Is this the magic of this chessboard? The chess player Heavenly Dao is in control, and the chess piece enters the game?

In any case, Romney felt that he had to be more cautious when he was in command of operations in the future.

He was not sure whether the temple knights could continue to resurrect like Erha, if Death could not leave after entering the chess game, then the problem would be serious.

Recalling Han Li and Crayon Shin-chan, who were summoned by the heroes, Romney felt that they might not be what he thought.

There is no clue to all speculations, and he decided to still focus on the destruction of the Russian civilized country before him.

It was a moment of distraction, and Romney saw twelve units of cavalry rush out in the diagonal stab.

The number is twice that of the Two-Kazakh Army, but the combat effectiveness is only one-third.

The combat power of the Romney Battalion-level Knights of the Temple has 36 points, and the general Erha has 76 points. These units called the Russian Cavalry have a combat power of only 16, and they can't win at all.

Without any suspense, the cavalry unit that was four or five times weaker than the previous Unap was completely destroyed within a few rounds.

Just when these cavalrymen were completely wiped out, Russia, which had a total of six cities, actually announced its surrender? !

This is too shameless.

"Do you accept Russia's surrender?"

"Peter the Great offers you a sentence: I can't win, but you don't want to win me, because I will join you soon!"

Romney: "......"

After hearing this sentence, there was a moment of silence.

Then chose to agree.

There is no way, join this if you can't win, you really can't refuse.

Six cities, and new productivity that does not seem to be a threat.

If you don't take over, then the meaning of coming to the North will not exist.

As a result, the number of cities with the strength of the Fire Soul civilization under Romney's hands has increased from 28 to 34.

At the same time, the extremely low map in the north was also brushed out by Romney, which was one hundred miles north of Zargau, the most fringe city in Russia.

There is an exploratory unit called the Hound Soldier standing alone on a piece of polar ice.

"It turns out that the boundary is not nothingness, but like a planet?"

When Romney saw the polar regions, he suddenly realized that the chessboard he was on was not a square map, but probably the same as the complete topography of the planet.

This made Romney suddenly feel a subtle touch.

What if this chessboard uses an entire planet as a chess game?

So how many civilizations does he need to defeat to win?

This kind of problem is too far away. Romney decided that it would be better to go back to produce a few more units of shepherds and build more houses to give citizens a better birth.

Practically speaking, victory comes step by step.

After conquering northern Russia, the surrounding environment of Romney became clear again.

As if there was some kind of blessing, Romney rarely encountered more than one in the face of outside civilization, and generally appeared one by one.

In other words, the environment around Romney is not suitable for the birth of so many civilizations?

Whatever it is, Romney decided to continue to vigorously develop urban construction and start building ships.

Yes, after so long of scientific research and development and urban construction, Romney's first light sailing ship was built.

He did not build a galley, because after building a shipyard, lighthouse, and dock, Romney can directly build a first-level light sailing boat that is stronger than the galley.

At this kind of moment, it is certainly not possible to pick those poor constructions.

Resources are used on the tip of the knife.

So there are only two port cities in total (another sea whale bay was built later), and they are fully engaged in the production of light sailing boats.

"Get the first light sailing boat in the era, get Eureka."

"Horizontal Sail Device, Astronomy, Metal Casting"

These three technologies are all half-lit.

"It looks like we need to get more Eureka."

After building the brisk sailboat, he was rewarded with a half-lighting of three technologies, and Romney suddenly discovered a trace of the rapid development of this board.

So the shepherd, born with his heart, once again opened three seaport cities on the eastern seaboard.

So far. Romney had 37 cities in total. Among them, there are five seaport cities, 31 inland cities, and one mountain and desert city.

Very well, there was a soft cry from the heart.

Romney continues this own production plan.

It was at this time that the classical era passed.

"Into the Middle Ages"

A simple word, Romney felt little changed.

But at the other end of the chessboard, those civilized nations that have fought wildly for hundreds of years (the number of days in a round is ten years) ushered in a new wave of explosions.

Not only have all civilized polities entered the new development polity of the classical era, there have also been leaps in engineering, contract construction, tactics, and apprenticeship education.

The west side of the regime is thriving, while the east side.

Well, productivity is also booming.

The Fire Soul civilization, which produced 37 shepherds on the 12th, ushered in the first wave of urban construction explosions in the Middle Ages at a time when the political civilization of the west was flourishing.

Seventy-four cities are standing in the east, and there is no other civilized power in the five hundred squares. The sea to the east is included in the scope of exploration, and everything is so red and red!

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