I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 21 The Three Thieves of the Tulip

"Second, how long has it been since we ended up in the Tulip Baron Mansion?"

Boss Wana Lisd stood in front of the stand, and slowly poured a glass of brandy for each of the three.

"A year and four months!?"

The third child took the lead and drank the brandy in one gulp.

"It's a year, four months, and three days, I remember it all."

The second child looked at the boss and the third child, and slowly took a sip of brandy.

"It's been so long."

"There were only three of us in the sky drive, now there are nine of us."

"Although Xiao Ba was arrested, the organization is generally intact."

"We are slowly plotting, there will be a day when Xiao Ba Ba is saved, and there will also be a day when we achieve our common goal."

The boss looked at the two righteous brothers, slowly telling the ambitions of the past and the present.


"We have been together!"

The second child and the third child suddenly toasted, clinked glasses with the boss, and drank all the brandy in one gulp.

"Then, the following Battle of Panda Island will be handed over to you."

"On the side of Xiao Ba, I will contact the Evil Spirit Cult. Their headquarters is in Jinshan Town."

"I think I can save Xiao Ba."

The boss took another sip of the brandy himself, slowly telling the decision just made.

"No, you can't contact the Evil Spirit Sect!"

"Evil Spirit Sect requires us to sacrifice five thousand people to make a shot. Boss, how can you cruel innocent people!?"

The second child and the third child objected almost at the same time, the kind of rush, a bit more anxious than the discussion just now.

"For the natives, we are the devil."

"Since you are already the devil, why not be more vicious?"

"I have decided, don't persuade me!"

The boss poured himself another glass of wine, and then Shi Shiran drank empty, then said his own plan.



The second and third continued to persuade them, but in vain.

The pioneer organization here has decided on the future. On the other side, Romney, who is in the town of Shining Gold, is eating one of the few dinners that Wu You can eat carelessly in the day.

Dinner is very hearty, with fifth-level Magical Beasts crocodile dragon meat fried magic bamboo shoots, hand-pulled sixth-level Magical Beasts flying feather snake meat, fourth-level Magical Beasts enoki mushroom pig stewed magic seaweed soup, plus steamed sixth-level Magical Beasts silver Light fish.

A total of three dishes and one soup, full of magic dishes.

I took the lead in taking a bite of crocodile dragon meat, feeling the chewyness.

After Romney swallowed, he drank another mouthful of enoki mushroom and pig stewed magic seaweed soup.

Mellow aroma, rich and sweet.

Before staying, some continued to eat the hand-torn flying feather snake and steamed the fluorescent fish.

It’s a magical meal to eat a full stomach.

Just after eating, Romney hurried back to the bedroom and began to condense his own magic power.

Magicians have studied that after eating magical dishes, it is best to perform Meditation within half an hour.

During Meditation, pay attention to condensing your own magic power to promote your own strength in digesting magical ingredients.

The more you can absorb the magical ingredients, the faster your own magical power will grow, and even the strength of your body will have a slight Ascension.

Romney, who has studied dual cultivation of monsters before, is very concerned about the digestion of magical ingredients.

Not only care, but also to the point where it is precise and demanding.

In addition to refining every time he eats magic dishes, the most important step is the physical training after refining.

This kind of exercise is necessary to increase physical strength, and it is also an auxiliary behavior to further digest magical cooking.

Therefore, after the magic of the Meditation refining ingredients ended, Romney immediately began a year of physical training, as well as the training of combat skills learned from Catello.

Although Romney is afraid that premature cultivation of fighting qi will affect his own magic level promotion, so there is no cultivation fighting qi, but only the training of combat skills, for Romney, is also a lot of benefits.

While practicing combat skills in the courtyard, Romney somehow remembered that the target had previously reported to own.

The newspaper told me that it was the three great Tulips.

That is to say, the core of the three heavenly chasers who have knotted tulips because of the hunting of the hunters.

Speaking of these three, the overall strength is only at a low level, that is, between the quantified levels of 10-29, and they can't even compare to themselves.

But such three low-level existences can escape under the chase of the hunter and the aimer, and at this time they are even more hidden without a trace.

If it hadn't been for this time to catch a member of the organization called Xiao Ah Ba, it might not be until a long time before he could compete with them.

Thinking of this, Romney's strength suddenly First Stage, accidentally cut a pot of tulips in the garden.

Looking at the tulip that was split in half by Sword Ray, Romneto thought that it was the three great Tulips who fell in front of him at this time.

It is a pity that the military battles and forces confrontation, representing the righteous oneself, is indeed difficult to wipe out the roots in a flash.

The road ahead is still long, and I can only keep moving forward, moving forward, and moving forward.

Romney sighed secretly, put away his own sword, returned to the bedroom, washed and fell asleep, ending this slightly turbulent day.

The next morning, Romney went out again.

But this time he did not pretend again, but swaggered. As the prince of the Alec Empire, he visited the city lord of Flash Gold Town, Paparo Flash Gold, a city lord who inherited the title of Flash Gold from generation to generation.

The meeting with Paparo Shinkin was very short, as short as three sentences.

After saying hello, I'm here, and after goodbye, Romney didn't stay much, so he went to join the own guard and left Flash Gold Town.

Paparo Flashkin, who was suddenly visited by Romney and left suddenly confused, didn't pay much attention.

But as one of Paparo Shinjin's many assistants, a beautiful elf girl, Kallithea was paying attention.

After Kallithea finished her day's work, she quietly left the City Lord's Mansion and came to a tavern called "Night Son".

Passing through the tavern, without talking to anyone, Kalijie went straight through the back kitchen and came to a warehouse room.

As soon as he arrived in the room, Carrie Jie looked around vigilantly before closing the door of the storage room, squatting underground, and opening a secret passage buried under the floor tiles.

Walk into the secret passage and cover the bricks.

Kallithel spiraled down a hundred meters and came to an open area.

This open space is an artificially excavated corridor space, about a hundred meters long, and there are magic lights on the walls that are maintained by magic crystals.

Passing through the one-hundred-meter-long corridor, Carrie Jie opened the door at the end of the corridor and entered a wider space.

At this time, hundreds of people in the space were praying, kneeling down and worshiping an evil ghost.

Standing in front of the ghost, a bishop-like person wearing a black death suit and holding an evil spirit book saw Kalijie.

Without stopping to pray, he beckoned slowly, letting Kallithea come closer.

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