Fifty-eight It’s outrageous that so many people are lucky in love! !

Mu Jin just remained silent for a while, subconsciously ignoring someone’s character card, and began to look at the props he had drawn bit by bit.

In fact, the result of the card draw this time is not bad, at least there are some props that look more reliable…probably.

Ignoring some strange props, Mu Jin reluctantly found three or four small props that were quite useful to him from the ten companies just now. As for when to use them, it depends on the situation…

For example, this time I got the collar that Hibiscus used for Lisa before, although she felt that this item should actually be saved for some necessary times, instead of being used by her directly for revenge like last time.. .

There is also a [Purple Quality: Sleeping Black Tea]. Although the name seems somewhat abnormal, in fact, the function of this item can make even gods unconscious!

If there is an accident at that time, Mu Jin can use this prop to forcefully put the bad woman into a coma! As for how to get the other party to drink, that’s not something she can think about now.

The most gratifying thing for Mu Jin is that she has drawn another character avatar card.For whom to use it, but after all, Shilian himself is not at a loss this time.

But the current hibiscus is not the old hibiscus!

Recalling the old memories of her, she is no longer the fool who was held in the palm of her hand by those bad women! ! !

Although she is still a face-controlling person, Mu Jin thinks that she will never be tempted by beauty again…at least for now, she can resist for a while. As for how long, Mu Jin I don’t know either.

She was thinking inconsequentially, and put all the props she had drawn this time in her backpack. Well, as some inconsequential props, she sold them to the point mall and got a lot of points.

Anyway, it’s useless to keep it on her. It’s better to sell it. She can earn a lot of points.

“Next, how should I spend today’s time?” Hibiscus opened the window and looked at the not-so-busy streets of Mond City, and began to think about how to spend today’s time. In fact, it wasn’t her It’s not doing business, but she looks like a lolita, it seems that she really can’t do anything.

Even if the character cards of other characters are used, they all look shrunken, and even cat ears and cat tails will always exist.

“Huh? That’s…Noelle?” Mu Jin thought she wanted to open the window to let in some fresh air to ease her mood.

She showed her small head slightly, and saw that familiar figure appearing on the street. The lady maid of the knight order still looked a little haggard.

Although I found the other party, isn’t it a little too rushed now?

Thinking of Fu Hua’s shrunken appearance, plus the cat ears and cat tail on top of her head, Mu Jin felt a pain in her head. Even if she was going to meet Noelle, how would she explain her appearance to her? If Noelle regards her as Fu Hua’s child, then it will really be… I can’t even explain it.

Even the guy from the system didn’t say when he would be able to change back. There is no more accurate time point at all.

A deceitful system, hmph, if this kind of thing happens again next time, I will definitely complain to you… Even if you take out all your private money by then, I won’t soften my heart!

Mu Jin snorted coldly in her heart, and after not hearing the panicked voice of the system in her mind, she knew that this guy was going somewhere and doing nothing.

“He’s really an unreliable guy.”

How did the cold but unexpectedly reliable system become like this after the upgrade?

Although the current system is full of human feelings, but what can’t be done, the guy who is the number one in doing things… Sure enough, let’s throw it away.

(Cwm’s system has always been so embarrassing, it’s already good if I didn’t give it to you as a wife.)

Mu Jin subconsciously shook her body, and a chill came over her heart. She didn’t know where the feeling came from, and it gave her goose bumps all over her body.

It seems that someone is thinking about some bad things… Could it be related to me?

She murmured in her heart for a while, and retracted the body that had just protruded from the window. Anyway, she still had a lot of time in Mond City, so she wouldn’t be unable to change no matter what.

He looked at the three little guys who were sleeping soundly on the bed.

Poor Ai-chan didn’t know when she was sandwiched between Higokumaru and Sirin, who were not in a good sleeping position. The cabbage head on top of her head was being grabbed by Hiyumaru, and her cheek was even slapped by Sirin. I took a few bites.

It’s really a bit miserable…

Anyway, the expression on Ai Jiang’s face has turned into pain, so I have to help more or less, right?

She directly stretched out her hand and put aside the two little guys, Feiyuwan and Xilin, and let these two little guys with bad sleeping positions hurt each other.

Sure enough, after a while, Xilin and Fei Yuwan, who were sleeping in a very bad position, started fighting each other in their dreams. At least Ai-chan now at least doesn’t have to be tortured by these two little guys.

“It’s really not easy, Ai-chan.” He was obviously the first little guy to accompany me, but he didn’t expect to be bullied like this by Hiyumaru and Xilin.

“Thank you…” She pinched Ai-chan’s cheek, covered her with the quilt, and was about to go out to buy more breakfast.

If Yula didn’t come at this time, she should have gone on a mission elsewhere, and would have returned to Mond City at all.

I don’t know if it’s a good thing..

Thinking of Yula’s pursuit of confession, Mu Jin felt a pain in the head. After all, this kind of thing never happened to her, whether it was before time travel or in the previous era, although there are indeed more “friends” around her ..

But what Mu Jin can be sure of is that after such a long time, there is indeed no scandal around her… So this kind of thing happened… It’s not because Mu Jin didn’t know what to do.

The previous me was really immature, why did I think that I was going to run away without answering anything, oh my, I was really immature, but… if I were me now, what would I do?

“I should run away after refusing.” Hibiscus murmured softly with food in his hand, pretending to be thinking, and didn’t think there was anything wrong with his behavior at all. flowering.

While Mu Jin was thinking about something, on the way home, she saw a familiar figure directlyHe fell at the door of his house.

Isn’t that Mona… Why did this guy fall on the doorstep of my house again? Could it be that he fainted from hunger again?

Why did I faint from hunger the few times I met her? ? ?

A little helpless, Hibiscus carefully moved over with the food in his hand, and then saw the astrologer lying on the ground with a peaceful face.

After dragging this guy back to his home like a thief, someone slept very soundly, only Mu Jin, the poor cat, was exhausted.

After forcing this guy onto the sofa, Mu Jin wiped the sweat that didn’t exist on his face.

After hesitating for a while, she stretched out her finger, and only tentatively poked Mona’s cheek. After receiving no response from the other party, she took the sandwich she just bought again.

Before she could do anything, Mona opened her eyes and frantically sniffed the smell of food in the air: “Eat, eat?! Where is it?!”

“Yes, in my hand…”

Hibiscus, who was frightened by this guy’s violent outburst, blinked blankly, and didn’t know whether to give her the sandwich in her hand.

“Do you want to eat?” Looking at the starving ghost of the other party, Mu Jin subconsciously compared it with the time when she saw the other party. Mona seemed to have been hungry for more than a few days this time.

Although I feel a little sorry for the little ones who are still sleeping, there is no way for Mu Jin to be such a kind person.

Absolutely no selfishness, how could a cute kitty have selfishness? Are you right~

“Eat slowly, no one will grab it from you.”

Seeing that the food in the bag is getting less and less, Mu Jin doesn’t care about these things, at worst, she will buy some more food for Ai Jiang and the others later.

I always feel that after I became like this, my concept of money seems to have… changed? It doesn’t seem to save money as much as before.. I don’t know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

After Mona had almost eaten, she finally had time to see who the person who came to help her was.

But she never expected that the other party was actually a loli with cat ears? For some unknown reason, Mona always felt that the other party looked at her inexplicably… the feeling of maternal love, maybe she misunderstood it?

“Ahem, cough, sorry, I haven’t eaten for almost three or four days..This is…your home?”

That’s why he fainted at the door of my house?

..Really, if this was some kind of strange development, I would have dragged you away long ago, and then I would have done some weird things.

Although there were some out-of-the-ordinary thoughts in her heart, the expression on Mu Jin’s face was still very flat: “Well, this is my home.”

Mona also noticed that the expression on the child’s face seemed a bit too mature, this is not an expression that only children would show at all, right?

Holding a lot of doubts, she wanted to sit up, but Mona, who hadn’t eaten for a long time and didn’t have much strength in her body, finally lay down again under Mu Jin’s half-smile eyes.

“Well, I’ll just rest for a while, do you need to do a divination? Is it your reward for helping me?”

“Okay, then you can help me with my love fortune in a while. It just so happens that someone wants to pursue me recently. I want to know if I can be with that person.”

Mu Jin swore that these words were just nonsense, but she never expected Mona to actually nod her head seriously.

In fact, Hibiscus really wants her to divination about other things, such as love luck, it’s just nonsense.

And the three little guys in the room who didn’t know when they woke up jumped out all of a sudden, the expressions on their faces were more or less panicked, oh, and a little angry, as if their own cabbage was given to someone. Arched expression.

“What! Eldest sister has a suitor!?”

“I disagree!”

“Boss! What’s going on!!? Suitor?!”

Mona blinked blankly, looking at this strange combination. Although it is not unheard of, there are so many little guys who are similar to the emergency food around travelers, it is inevitable that they still look a little novel.

But is their business now a family matter? It’s better not to talk..

Mona shrank her body and observed everything in the house with the idea of ​​eating melons and watching a show.

The layout of the house is very cozy, at least it is much better than the situation in his small house.

When Mona thinks about the situation in the house, her little head hurts. It seems that the commission money made during this period can buy a new prop… It is not unreasonable to save money during this period.

After Mujin had finished dealing with her three little guys, she sighed silently in her heart. Originally, these words were just to tease Mona, and she was curious about her love luck. hear.

In fact, Mu Jin doesn’t think that Mona can divination her love luck. After all, she is a person from another world, if she can divination…it seems very good?

With such a bold idea in mind, Mu Jin glanced at Mona who was watching the show, and smiled helplessly at her.

Mona, who was known by the party concerned to be eating melons and watching a show, shifted her gaze a little guilty for a moment, shrank on the sofa, and pretended not to see anything.

Sirin looked at the one who curled up on the sofa and pretended to be dead.Mona looked at Hibiscus again, the golem looked like a puffer fish about to explode.

How many girls have you hooked up behind my back! ! Can’t those guys satisfy you! !

Of course, Sirin will not tell Mu Jin these words, at least not now.


After waiting for a while, Mona finally regained her strength. Looking at the expectant kitty, she began to think about the child’s suitor.

Is there really no need to report to the Knights?

Although she was a little doubtful in her heart, Mona finally took out the old pan in a very competent manner. Facing Mu Jin who was sitting opposite her, she could only ignore the covetous eyes of the little guys floating around behind her. line of sight.

She closed her eyes, and Mu Jin watched Mona’s skillful movements, waiting patiently for the answer.

“I saw your love luck…huh?! Why are there so many people!? Wow! There are too many, too many!!”

Mona opened her eyes in panic, and looked at someone’s puzzled expression. She never expected that there would be so many people who would be lucky in love with this child!

After she did not believe in evil and tried divination a few more times, the result she got was still exactly the same.

“How about I change to someone who wants to divination?”

“Yes, yes.” Mona stared at the white-haired loli in front of her without saying a word, thinking of the scene she saw just now, she couldn’t believe it.

Anyway, her divination has never been wrong.

Mu Jin thought for a while, and seemed to have thought of something she wanted to confirm.

“Then please do a divination about my past.”


Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1664453505-100278806-109412057.jpg”


Ask for tickets every day! !

Come more, come more! !

It’s a pity that everyone can’t talk.

There will be another update in a while, and the daily sand sculpture map will not be canceled (

Successfully escaped! :

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