I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 727: Yan Minghua. (First one! Please subscribe!)

Above the sky, the wind is strong.

Boom boom boom...

The various techniques were intertwined and collided, and there was an earth-shaking loud noise, and even the blade-like wind was dissipated by the powerful impact. For a time, the number of celestial phenomena changed, and the wind was surging.

The breeze, flowing clouds, huaguang, black mist, blood tide, ghost crying... In the air, all the magic magical powers collided fiercely. The brilliance and the two figures suddenly rushed towards each other, and they fought in an instant. One hundred tricks!

In the end, the two gave out both palms at the same time, and the four palms banged against each other.

boom! ! !

A loud noise like thunder suddenly exploded in the air.

The two of them had equal powers, and they were shocked to fly upside down at the same time. After that, they both stopped in mid-air, stood up in the air, and faced each other far away.

After a few breaths, the whole body of Shaofu Tu was surging vigorously, and behind him appeared like a forest stone tower. The tallest one was like a mountain like a mountain, and the upper part of the sky was soaring, and the upper half of it was covered by clouds and fog. It was not clear at all.

The moment Talin appeared, his strength seemed to rise suddenly. At this moment, he suddenly folded his hands together, and the world seemed to be compressed into a line in an instant, as if to crush Fu Xuanxu directly into powder.

Fu Xuanxu gave a cold snort, let go of Mu Ruyi, letting him levitate in front of him freely, pushing his arms away from both sides, and the mountains appeared leisurely, the peaks gathered, and the mountains and rivers stretched as if they were endless. Break directly.

Seeing this, Shaofutu didn't have the slightest surprise on the pale face hidden in the hood, but calmly said: "Fu Xuanxu, I haven't seen it for more than ten years, and my strength has improved a lot."

"However, under the nine heavens, all creatures, no matter how high or low, no matter how strong or weak, cannot escape the cycle of days."

"The winner of this battle must be this one."

Fu Xuanxu held Mu Ruyi and shouted in a deep voice: "In the name of heaven and earth, to speak of the desire to save the world, but to do the act of destroying the world. There are evils of killing innocents, crippling living beings, and arbitrarily mobilizing soldiers. The tower and the four sects of the Demon Way cannot escape the days of retribution."

"No need to talk nonsense, since ancient times, evil has never conquered righteousness. Today, you must be here to respond to what you say!"

Before the word was finished, the two shot again at the same time.

Boom boom boom...


The land collapsed and the eyes were in a mess.

In the middle of the sky, the black mist was permeated, and the cold air was as strong as the essence, and the figures of Li Lieyue and the many ghost maidservants, like the ink marks being washed, slowly faded away.

She didn't lose, but as soon as Yan Minghua arrived, there was no chance to attack Qiao Ciguang.

It's just a waste of time to keep entangled.

"Yan Mingwei, Qiao Ciguang, come back to take your lives next time."

After leaving this sentence, Li Lieyue's figure disappeared completely.

"Run fast!" Yan Minghua snorted coldly, but didn't mean to pursue it at all.

For her right now, it must be more important to save people.

Moreover, Li Lieyue, the demon girl, after all, has won the top saint inheritance of the Chongmingzong, and coupled with the fact that she has a lot of cards in her hand, even if she is a small level, she will be hard to kill the other party here unless the other party is willing to stay. Come down and fight her hard!

Thinking of this, Yan Minghua took out the pill to help the younger sisters heal their injuries.

After everyone's breathing calmed down, she took out another gorgeous painting boat. After being urged, it turned into a length of several meters, two stories high, with carved beams, painted buildings, and embroidered bead curtains, which was very extravagant.

After boarding with many colleagues, they were arranged to rest in the cabin of Huafang. Immediately, Yan Mingyu controlled Huafang to fly in a certain direction.

After Huafang rose into the high altitude and flew smoothly, she got up and looked around. Seeing that most of the people had fallen asleep, she called Qiao Ciguang to the bow of the ship and said, "How did you meet Li Lieyue?"

Qiao Ciguang took the healing pills and rested for a while. His complexion has improved a lot, but his face is still a little pale, and his eyebrows are frowned. He said, "Senior Sister, Li Lieyue, came here to look for me on purpose."

Yan Mingyu was slightly surprised when he heard this. Li Lieyue was born in the Mingzong, and Zhongmingzong has always made great profits.

In the Zhengmo war, she has seen many disciples of the Chongmingzong who used the excuse to help the Samsara Tower, but they did not work hard. Encountering the massacre of the city and the slaughter of the tribe, she was probably trying to smash the Samsara Tower and the Wushi Villa, but she concentrated on robbery everywhere. Plunder.

But Li Lieyue, the demon girl, just stared at Junior Sister Qiao at this time?

After thinking a little bit, Yan Mingwei said again: "I will tell you the specific process again."

Qiao Ciguang nodded, and soon recounted the general story, including every word Li Lieyue said during the war...

After listening, Yan Mingyu narrowed his eyes slightly. Last time in Wanhuihai, Li Lieyue, the demon girl, also went to save Pei Ling.

This time I came here specifically to shoot against Junior Sister Qiao, again for Pei Ling.

It seems that this demon girl really likes the newly promoted saint son of Zhongmingzong...

Thinking of this, she sneered coldly, and Pei Ling, the sage son of Mingzong, had just been in position, and her strength must be the weakest among all the inheritors of the nine major factions!

Moreover, the opponent is not a member of the three major families of the Chongming Sect, and it is rumored that he was born in a very low level. This also means that Pei Ling will not have too many hole cards in his hand, and it will be better than Li Lieyue to kill a lot.

The opponent will definitely show up in this battle of Zhengmo.

When that happens, she will kill the opponent the first time!

If the demon girl Li Lieyue dared to avenge her, she would kill Li Lieyue!

At this time, Qiao Ciguang looked around and noticed that the direction of Huafang's flight was very unfamiliar, so he asked: "Sister, where are we going now?"

Hearing the words, Yan Minghua came back to his senses and said, "Go to Chezhou Miaocheng, and save the Fourth Highness of the Liuxian Dynasty, and there is also a fifth-rank alchemist."


The next day, the sky was bright.

The students who had been clamoring all night dropped the tinder and other objects in their hands, and dispersed one after another.

Behind them, the fire in the C-character school was still blazing. Afterwards, as the sky light shone, the fire gradually shrank and eventually disappeared completely.

The moment the fire disappeared, the appearance of the C Character Academy returned to its original appearance, as if it had never been in the water.

It's just that in the dim school hall, there is the last group of charcoal-like things, burning with fiery flames, immortal.

It wasn't until the entire school was fully restored that the sky slipped in from the gray window lattice, shone on the podium, and touched the coke, the flame was slowly extinguished, revealing the final figure of Kui Jingyi intact.

Without any hesitation, she immediately pulled out the long hairpin in the starting room, and quickly drew a line of blood in the palm of her hand: "Amnesia is the third rule of this'weird'..."

At this point, she still wants to continue to record, but the trace of clarity in her eyes that has finally recovered, quickly dissipates.

The hairpin was still in the air, and her eyes were completely lost. After a little loss, Kui Jingyi looked at the hairpin in her hand in surprise, and then naturally inserted it back into the bun, as if nothing had happened. go out.

She has completely forgotten everything about last night...

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