I Just Want To Be A Salted Fish Quietly

Chapter 51 Why Don't You Encounter Zombies? [Second Update! 】

It is normal for college students to be hostile.

After all, Qin Shi is a teacher of Jin University, so it's fine if you students from other schools come to take classes, the key is to have other ideas, which makes them very upset.

University student Jin's thinking is very simple, even if Qin Shi finds a boyfriend, it should be someone from University Jin.

When he came to the back row and sat down, Wang Zhen curled his lips and said, "Jin University and the others are so proud, I really want to see what expressions people from other schools will have when they get Mr. Qin!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to Lin Xian and said, "Brother, your hope is relatively high, come on!"

"I'm really here to rub the class!"

Lin Xian was a little dumbfounded.

Seeing that his expression did not seem to be fake, Wang Zhen raised his eyebrows and said, "Really?"

Lin Xian nodded and said, "Really!"

"Brother, you are amazing. With so many beauties in Jincai, you go to Jindachun to take a class, and I will convince you!" Wang Zhen respected~ and stretched out his thumb in praise.

Patting him on the shoulder, Lin Xian said calmly: "When you are good enough, you will find that there are many beautiful women, which is actually a kind of trouble."


Wang Zhen took a deep breath, and said seriously: "You are a bit of a force, you are a little level, I-I am speechless!"

Seeing this, Lin Xian curled his lips and stopped talking.

He doesn't understand these single dogs very well.

Similarly, a single dog like Wang Zhen can't understand his troubles.

Hey, the troubles of the rich are often so plain and boring.

Not long after, Qin Shi stepped on the class bell and walked gracefully into the classroom.

Her steps were not intentional, but her own temperament was so outstanding that it made people feel that every step she took had an elegant demeanor.

Glancing at the classroom, Qin Shi seemed to have spotted Lin Xian, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

This smile shocked the spirits of the boys in the classroom, like a spring breeze.

Qin Shi still maintains a special teaching method, the textbooks are placed on the podium, but they are not turned over.

Today she wore a pair of jeans and a light brown windbreaker. Her temperament was still elegant, but it was a little more fresh and fashionable than usual.

Lin Xian felt that it should be very suitable for her to wear a cheongsam.

With a gentle and elegant temperament coupled with a mature figure, there is nothing more suitable for her than a cheongsam.

Qin Shi clasped her hands in front of her body, leaned slightly on the podium, and said, "I don't know if you have ever experienced such an experience. When you come to a strange environment, you feel that a certain scene is very familiar. You should have been there before." , but in fact, you have never been here at all."

"Or, when a friend around you makes a certain action or a thing, you will have a sense of familiarity, and feel that this action seems to have been repeated."

This question immediately attracted a lot of discussion among the students.


"I have encountered the first situation. It is my first time to go to Shanghai, but I feel that I have been there before."

"It's happened in both cases."

"Me too, I have also encountered a ghost press."

"Damn ghost press, why don't you say that you have encountered zombies?"

Not only them, Lin Xian also encountered this situation before.

That was the first time he learned guitar, and it was obviously the first time he went to the music teacher's house, but he felt very familiar, as if he had been there before.

He has been puzzled by this phenomenon, but he didn't expect Qin Shi to mention it today. It seems that there is a reasonable explanation.

For a while, Lin Xian suddenly became interested.

The whole person sat upright, staring at Qin Shi without blinking.

Qin Shi stretched out her hand and pressed a few times, and waited until the classroom was quiet again, before she said: "This kind of situation will happen to everyone more or less several times in their life. In psychology, this phenomenon is called For memory illusion."

"When this happens to you, then congratulations, this will be the closest you get to your subconscious when you are conscious."

At this time, a student raised his hand and asked, "Mr. Qin, does that mean that the memory illusion is related to the subconscious?"

Qin Shi smiled slightly and said: "You can understand it this way. The energy of the subconscious mind is countless times greater than you imagined. It is like a supercomputer, performing complex calculations all the time. Coincidentally, the results of certain calculations, Similar to the picture you are currently seeing, your brain will produce a short-term misjudgment at this time, thus forming the phenomenon of memory illusion.

"The content of this class is not the memory illusion, let's talk about the subconscious in detail. What is the subconscious, which student knows?"

A long-haired girl raised her hand and said, "Subconsciousness refers to the part of human mental activities that cannot be recognized or recognized."

0…ask for flowers……

"very good!"

Qin Shi nodded and continued: "Plainly speaking, consciousness is the iceberg exposed on the sea, while subconsciousness is the part hidden in the sea. The biggest difference between the two is controllable and uncontrollable.

"Consciousness is controllable and malleable, so it can lie and deceive itself. But the subconscious mind can't. It is the original instinct of human beings, which contains the memory of millions of years of human evolutionary genes. The energy of the subconscious mind is extremely huge. If Someone who can completely master his subconscious mind will be omnipotent!"


Lin Xian frowned, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Qin, is the omnipotence you said a metaphor?"


Qin Shi shook her head, a meaningful light flickered in her eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses, and said softly, "It's literally!"


As soon as the words came out, the whole classroom was in an uproar.

Like Lin Xian, these students thought omnipotence was just a metaphor, but they didn't expect Teacher Qin to give such an answer.

Seeing this, Qin Shi smiled and said, "Just kidding, let's liven up the classroom atmosphere."

The classroom couldn't help being silent. The students first looked at each other in blank dismay, and then they couldn't laugh or cry.

In their impression, Teacher Qin has always been synonymous with elegance and dignity, and they never thought that she has such a lovely side.

Containing her smile, Qin Shi continued: "It was just a joke just now, but the energy contained in the subconscious mind is indeed enormous. You all know that split personality is the second personality formed by consciousness after a person suffers a major blow."

"I once came into contact with a case, a 15-year-old girl, she has three personalities, one of which is a 40-year-old male pianist. I saw with my own eyes, she sat there and played a song for me. Beethoven's pastoral symphony. But her parents told me that she never learned the piano at all, and she never even touched it."

"So, what makes a 15-year-old girl who has never touched the piano, after a split personality, be able to skillfully play the pastoral symphony in an instant?"

Qin Shi paused slightly, pointed to her head, and said with a light smile, "This is the energy gate of the subconscious mind!".

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